



Feature #10917


Add GC.stat[:total_time] when GC profiling enabled

Added by jasonrclark (Jason Clark) about 10 years ago. Updated over 3 years ago.

Target version:


This patch includes a :total_time value in GC.stat as a Fixnum of microseconds equivalent to GC::Profiler.total_time. A non-zero value is only provided if GC profiling is enabled.

This avoids problems with GC::Profiler's API in the presence of multiple callers. Well-behaved clients of GC::Profiler are expected to call clear periodically to constrain memory usage of the profiling structures. However, this causes problems when multiple callers--unaware of each other--rely on the value of GC::Profiler.total_time being unaltered since their last clear.

Using a single value in GC.stat avoids this by providing a monotonically increasing count with every GC, not influenced by clear.

Considerations and Questions

  • Because the individual GC times are potentially small, I tracked the total as a double and only convert to Fixnum when constructing GC.stat's return. Is there something better I should be doing there, in light of GC.stat's insistence that the stats returned be if type size_t?

  • What should I do (if anything) to cope with potential overflows? If Ruby is on a platform where size_t is 32 bits, we'd hit an overflow after 1.2 hours worth of cumulative GC time.

Future Directions

Is there any possibility of moving the GC timing (not the deeper profiling data) outside GC::Profiler.enable's gating? I would love avoid clients needing to make code changes to track their GC time with my gem (newrelic_rpm).

As it stands invocation start times are held on the GC profiling structures, so it felt like a much bigger change to alter that, and I thought I'd pitch this simpler change first.

Any advice on whether that would be possible? Is timing too slow to do by default, or is the gating just an artifact of how it was implemented with GC::Profiler?


gc-total-time.patch (3.43 KB) gc-total-time.patch jasonrclark (Jason Clark), 02/27/2015 11:14 PM

Updated by ko1 (Koichi Sasada) about 10 years ago

With incremental GC (incremental marking and lazy sweep) consume very short time for each step.
I'm not sure we should measure such short time. At least, there are several BAD effect (especially on virtual machine environment).

If you want to measure only marking time, I can accept. But I'm not sure is it enough.

Updated by jasonrclark (Jason Clark) about 10 years ago

That makes sense, Koichi. I wondered if timing the small steps by default would be too heavy.

By only measuring mark time, do you mean For my own curiosity, I'll probably see how those timings look. Even if they're not complete, they might be useful.

Also, I apologize for mixing a patch and a separate question into one issue. The patch doesn't actually add any timings--it's just a new GC.stat counter, still gated by GC::Profiler.enable. Does that seem reasonable as it avoids issues with multiple clients calling GC::Profiler#clear?

Updated by jasonrclark (Jason Clark) almost 10 years ago

Any thoughts on this patch Koichi? It just adds a GC.stat counter, and doesn't move anything outside the current GC::Profiler gating.

Updated by byroot (Jean Boussier) over 3 years ago

I'd like to restart the discussion on this as I recently hit the same issue.

With incremental GC (incremental marking and lazy sweep) consume very short time for each step.

Indeed. However when running a web service, even if individual pauses are short, it's not uncommon for the GC to represent a very substantial slice of the total request time (up to 30%), as such it is a very valuable information to collect and log as part of the request metrics.

At least, there are several BAD effect (especially on virtual machine environment).

Could you clarify what bad effects you have in mind? Is it a substantial overhead? If so I suppose it could have its own toggle.

Also right now the way to collect this information is to enable GC::Profiler, which as explained in the issue description really isn't very practical, and incur a more substantial overhead.

Updated by Eregon (Benoit Daloze) over 3 years ago

FWIW TruffleRuby and JRuby both have a :time value in GC.stat and it represents the total GC time, in milliseconds (GarbageCollectorMXBean#getCollectionTime provides this data on the JVM)
(No GC::Profiler needed to query it)
If this is added to CRuby I would suggest to match that for improved compatibility.

Updated by byroot (Jean Boussier) over 3 years ago

FWIW TruffleRuby and JRuby both have a :time value in GC.stat and it represents the total GC time, in milliseconds

Ah that's good to know. Thank you!

In this case I think the patch could look like this:

Ideally we'd return a float, but as noted by @jasonrclark, it's not easy to return anything else than size_t without breaking the size_t rb_gc_stat(VALUE) C API.

Updated by Eregon (Benoit Daloze) over 3 years ago

byroot (Jean Boussier) wrote in #note-6:

Ideally we'd return a float, but as noted by @jasonrclark, it's not easy to return anything else than size_t without breaking the size_t rb_gc_stat(VALUE) C API.

If that precision is needed (unsure), one possibility would be to add GC.total_time or so and return float seconds (or in nanoseconds, Floats have their own precision issues).

Updated by nobu (Nobuyoshi Nakada) over 3 years ago

That patch contains too many unrelated changes.

And my concern is if :time is clear enough. Can you tell its unit by that name?

Updated by byroot (Jean Boussier) over 3 years ago

That patch contains too many unrelated changes.

You mean mine? Or the original one?

If mine, most of the diff is because I renamed a bunch of gc_prof_* in just gc_* as they are no longer GC::Profiler specific. Also the link I posted was just a rough first try, I improved it in

And my concern is if :time is clear enough. Can you tell its unit by that name?

That's unfortunately the case with most time metrics. Some people tend to append _ms to the name to make it clearer, not sure if it's worth not being compatible with JRuby/TruffleRuby over this.

Updated by matz (Yukihiro Matsumoto) over 3 years ago

I agree. Need to consider performance cost.


Updated by ko1 (Koichi Sasada) over 3 years ago

GC::Profiler is not maintained well and it doesn't calculate all of GC time now.

I rework it using clock_gettime (so it only works on some platforms).

pooled ={ [] }
N = 50_000_000
h1 = h2 = nil
require 'benchmark'{|x|{
    h1 = GC.count
      a = "str".upcase
    h2 = GC.count
pp GC.stat

This script introduces lazy sweeping and each sweep consumes only a small time. So it is worst case.

[RUBY_DEBUG_COUNTER]    gc_enter_start                           1,778
[RUBY_DEBUG_COUNTER]    gc_enter_mark_continue                       6
[RUBY_DEBUG_COUNTER]    gc_enter_sweep_continue                 49,547
[RUBY_DEBUG_COUNTER]    gc_enter_rest                                1
[RUBY_DEBUG_COUNTER]    gc_enter_finalizer                           1

It causes 1,778 GCs and 49,547 lazy sweeping. My patch counts the time about 50,000 times:

       user     system      total        real
   3.332477   0.000425   3.332902 (  3.332915)

with time:
       user     system      total        real
   3.436177   0.000084   3.436261 (  3.436298)

and it slows down about 3%. Maybe it shows worst case.

pooled ={ [] }
N = 50_000_000
h1 = h2 = nil
require 'benchmark'{|x|{
    h1 = GC.count
      a = "str".upcase
    h2 = GC.count
pp GC.stat

On the other hands, if the program contains meaningful task (in this case, String#upcase), the impact will be small.

       user     system      total        real
   5.026109   0.003133   5.029242 (  5.029301)

with time:
       user     system      total        real
   4.995175   0.000336   4.995511 (  4.995567)  ## FASTER!!


  • It can affect performance on some cases.
  • Most of case I think the penalty is enough small.


  • It adds small times so it introduces errors.
  • Adding flag like GC.measure_time = true/false (default: false) is one idea.

Updated by byroot (Jean Boussier) over 3 years ago

It can affect performance on some cases.

But less than GC::Profiler, so for users of this feature it would be a performance win.

It adds small times so it introduces errors.

I don't think it's a big problem if it isn't perfectly accurate.

Adding flag like GC.measure_time = true/false (default: false) is one idea.

That's acceptable I think. Application needing it can flip it up.

Updated by ko1 (Koichi Sasada) over 3 years ago

I cleanup the patch:

GC measurement feature

* `GC.measure_total_time = true` enables total time measurement (default: true)
* `GC.measure_total_time` returns current flag.
* `GC.total_time` returns measured total time in nano seconds.
* `GC.stat(:time)` (and Hash) returns measured total time in milli seconds.

The overhead may be enough small so I decide to enable on default.

Updated by ko1 (Koichi Sasada) over 3 years ago

  • GC.total_time returns measured total time in nano seconds.
  • GC.stat(:time) (and Hash) returns measured total time in milli seconds.

ns and ms can be confusion but there are some reasons:

  • As request GC.stat(:time) should return milliseconds (
  • Implementation counts it in nanoseconds. Now no way to return nanoseconds (GC.stat(:time_ns) is one idea, but it's too much)
  • Now GC::Profiler.total_time returns Float value in seconds. It is different from GC.stat(:time) so it is already confusing and documentation will help. This feature is not for many people, but for experts who want to tuning the GC performance. So I think the difference (ns, ms in Integer and sec in Float) it is no problem.

Updated by byroot (Jean Boussier) over 3 years ago

for experts who want to tuning the GC performance. So I think the difference (ns, ms in Integer and sec in Float) it is no problem.

Agreed. As long it's clearly stated in the method documentation, it's fine.

Updated by ko1 (Koichi Sasada) over 3 years ago

Matz said okay, so I'll merge it.

Updated by byroot (Jean Boussier) over 3 years ago

  • Status changed from Open to Closed

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