Bug #12666
closedFatal error: glibc detected an invalid stdio handle
During build of Ruby for Fedora on PPC64, there is reported following error:
Fiddle::TestImport#test_io = Fatal error: glibc detected an invalid stdio handle
uncommon.mk:612: recipe for target 'yes-test-almost' failed
make: *** [yes-test-almost] Aborted (core dumped)
and this is the analysis of one of glibc maintainers:
libio vtable verification fails because there are two copies of libc.so.6 in the process:
0x00003fffb79413a8 - 0x00003fffb7941f78 is __libc_IO_vtables in /lib64/power8/libc.so.6
0x00003fffb74213c0 - 0x00003fffb7421f90 is __libc_IO_vtables in /lib64/libc.so.6
IO.pipe refers to a vtable from a the first copy, but the fprintf called via libffi comes from the second copy.
The root cause is the Fiddle module loading libc.so.6 with an absolute path:
#0 __dlopen (file=0x20728280 "/lib64/libc.so.6", mode=257) at dlopen.c:75
#1 0x00003fffb748782c in rb_fiddle_handle_initialize (argc=<optimized out>, argv=<optimized out>, self=544821280) at handle.c:179
This comes from test/fiddle/helper.rb:
when /x86_64-linux/
libc_so = "/lib64/libc.so.6"
libm_so = "/lib64/libm.so.6"
when /linux/
libdir = '/lib'
case [0].pack('L!').size
when 4
# 32-bit ruby
libdir = '/lib32' if File.directory? '/lib32'
when 8
# 64-bit ruby
libdir = '/lib64' if File.directory? '/lib64'
libc_so = File.join(libdir, "libc.so.6")
libm_so = File.join(libdir, "libm.so.6")
So the good news is that it's just a path. I expect the fix looks like this:
when /linux/
libc_so = "libc.so.6"
libm_so = "libm.so.6"
(This replaces tehe x86_64-linux branch, too.)
Please also note that:
libio vtable verification is a new security hardening feature in Fedora 25.
To workaround this error, I am going to apply following patch to Fedora:
From 346e147ba6480839b87046e9a9efab0bf6ed3660 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: =?UTF-8?q?V=C3=ADt=20Ondruch?= <vondruch@redhat.com>
Date: Wed, 10 Aug 2016 17:35:48 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] Rely on ldd to detect glibc.
This is just workaround, since we know we are quite sure this will be successful
on Red Hat platforms.
This workaround rhbz#1361037
test/fiddle/helper.rb | 92 ---------------------------------------------------
1 file changed, 92 deletions(-)
diff --git a/test/fiddle/helper.rb b/test/fiddle/helper.rb
index 1da3d93..65148a1 100644
--- a/test/fiddle/helper.rb
+++ b/test/fiddle/helper.rb
@@ -6,98 +6,6 @@
libc_so = libm_so = nil
-when /cygwin/
- libc_so = "cygwin1.dll"
- libm_so = "cygwin1.dll"
-when /x86_64-linux/
- libc_so = "/lib64/libc.so.6"
- libm_so = "/lib64/libm.so.6"
-when /linux/
- libdir = '/lib'
- case [0].pack('L!').size
- when 4
- # 32-bit ruby
- libdir = '/lib32' if File.directory? '/lib32'
- when 8
- # 64-bit ruby
- libdir = '/lib64' if File.directory? '/lib64'
- end
- libc_so = File.join(libdir, "libc.so.6")
- libm_so = File.join(libdir, "libm.so.6")
-when /mingw/, /mswin/
- require "rbconfig"
- crtname = RbConfig::CONFIG["RUBY_SO_NAME"][/msvc\w+/] || 'ucrtbase'
- libc_so = libm_so = "#{crtname}.dll"
-when /darwin/
- libc_so = "/usr/lib/libc.dylib"
- libm_so = "/usr/lib/libm.dylib"
-when /kfreebsd/
- libc_so = "/lib/libc.so.0.1"
- libm_so = "/lib/libm.so.1"
-when /gnu/ #GNU/Hurd
- libc_so = "/lib/libc.so.0.3"
- libm_so = "/lib/libm.so.6"
-when /mirbsd/
- libc_so = "/usr/lib/libc.so.41.10"
- libm_so = "/usr/lib/libm.so.7.0"
-when /freebsd/
- libc_so = "/lib/libc.so.7"
- libm_so = "/lib/libm.so.5"
-when /bsd|dragonfly/
- libc_so = "/usr/lib/libc.so"
- libm_so = "/usr/lib/libm.so"
-when /solaris/
- libdir = '/lib'
- case [0].pack('L!').size
- when 4
- # 32-bit ruby
- libdir = '/lib' if File.directory? '/lib'
- when 8
- # 64-bit ruby
- libdir = '/lib/64' if File.directory? '/lib/64'
- end
- libc_so = File.join(libdir, "libc.so")
- libm_so = File.join(libdir, "libm.so")
-when /aix/
- pwd=Dir.pwd
- libc_so = libm_so = "#{pwd}/libaixdltest.so"
- unless File.exist? libc_so
- cobjs=%w!strcpy.o!
- mobjs=%w!floats.o sin.o!
- funcs=%w!sin sinf strcpy strncpy!
- expfile='dltest.exp'
- require 'tmpdir'
- Dir.mktmpdir do |dir|
- begin
- Dir.chdir dir
- %x!/usr/bin/ar x /usr/lib/libc.a #{cobjs.join(' ')}!
- %x!/usr/bin/ar x /usr/lib/libm.a #{mobjs.join(' ')}!
- %x!echo "#{funcs.join("\n")}\n" > #{expfile}!
- require 'rbconfig'
- if RbConfig::CONFIG["GCC"] = 'yes'
- lflag='-Wl,'
- else
- lflag=''
- end
- flags="#{lflag}-bE:#{expfile} #{lflag}-bnoentry -lm"
- %x!#{RbConfig::CONFIG["LDSHARED"]} -o #{libc_so} #{(cobjs+mobjs).join(' ')} #{flags}!
- ensure
- Dir.chdir pwd
- end
- end
- end
- libc_so = ARGV[0] if ARGV[0] && ARGV[0][0] == ?/
- libm_so = ARGV[1] if ARGV[1] && ARGV[1][0] == ?/
- if( !(libc_so && libm_so) )
- $stderr.puts("libc and libm not found: #{$0} <libc> <libm>")
- end
-libc_so = nil if !libc_so || (libc_so[0] == ?/ && !File.file?(libc_so))
-libm_so = nil if !libm_so || (libm_so[0] == ?/ && !File.file?(libm_so))
if !libc_so || !libm_so
ruby = EnvUtil.rubybin
ldd = `ldd #{ruby}`
i.e. I am going to disable the custom code for detecting glibc on various platfors and rely just on ldd. My question is what should be the proper fix? Shouldn't be the ldd way the default behavior for Linux?
This issue was originally reported at:
Updated by shyouhei (Shyouhei Urabe) over 8 years ago
For Fedora the patch seems OK. But I doubt if it could break on other systems like mswin. The fix proposed by the glibc maintainers seems much moderate to me.
Updated by naruse (Yui NARUSE) over 8 years ago
Shyouhei Urabe wrote:
For Fedora the patch seems OK. But I doubt if it could break on other systems like mswin. The fix proposed by the glibc maintainers seems much moderate to me.
Use ldd instead of hard coded list sounds reasonable while ldd exists.
At least OS X doesn't have ldd(1). (it has otool -L
Updated by vo.x (Vit Ondruch) over 8 years ago
Actually, in the RHBZ, there are two comments from two glibc maintainers and both suggest to load glibc without specifying path, e.g.:
when /linux/
libc_so = "libc.so.6"
libm_so = "libm.so.6"
But this should apply probably also to x86_64-linux.
What I still don't understand, why there is currently so complex logic how to determine the path, when it could be so easy?
Updated by vo.x (Vit Ondruch) over 8 years ago
Ping ... any chance to get this fixed? PPC was recently added into primary Fedora builder, so this is troublesome :/ Also, it will make issues to Fedora PPC users as soon as Fedora 25 is release, which should be next Tuesday if I am not mistaken ...
Updated by kernigh (George Koehler) over 8 years ago
- File fiddle-path.diff fiddle-path.diff added
For both BSD and Linux, I want to suggest
when /bsd|dragonfly|linux/
libc_so = "libc.so"
libm_so = "libm.so"
Works for me on OpenBSD:
$ make test-all TESTS=fiddle
# Running tests:
Finished tests in 0.598796s, 232.1328 tests/s, 517.7061 assertions/s.
139 tests, 310 assertions, 0 failures, 0 errors, 0 skips
ruby -v: ruby 2.4.0dev (2016-11-02 trunk 56542) [x86_64-openbsd6.0]
It's bad to guess the path (like "/usr/lib") or the version number (like "6" in "libc.so.6"). It will break when someone has libc with different path or version number.
I'm attaching patch.
Updated by naruse (Yui NARUSE) over 8 years ago
George Koehler wrote:
For both BSD and Linux, I want to suggest
when /bsd|dragonfly|linux/ libc_so = "libc.so" libm_so = "libm.so"
It breaks FreeBSD.
irb(main):001:0> require"fiddle"
=> true
irb(main):002:0> Fiddle.dlopen("libc.so")
Fiddle::DLError: /usr/lib/libc.so: invalid file format
from /home/naruse/local/ruby/lib/ruby/2.4.0/fiddle.rb:47:in `initialize'
from /home/naruse/local/ruby/lib/ruby/2.4.0/fiddle.rb:47:in `new'
from /home/naruse/local/ruby/lib/ruby/2.4.0/fiddle.rb:47:in `dlopen'
from (irb):2
from /home/naruse/local/ruby/bin/irb:11:in `<main>'
irb(main):003:0> Fiddle.dlopen("/lib/libc.so.7")
=> #<Fiddle::Handle:0x000008031a0300>
Why you guys breaks other platforms without checking.
Updated by shyouhei (Shyouhei Urabe) over 8 years ago
- Status changed from Open to Assigned
- Assignee set to tenderlovemaking (Aaron Patterson)
Updated by shyouhei (Shyouhei Urabe) about 5 years ago
- Status changed from Assigned to Feedback
Sorry for a late reply, but I think we have touched this area since you reported. Does this still happen?
Updated by vo.x (Vit Ondruch) almost 5 years ago
Well, we don't have PPC64 just PPC64LE on Fedora. I have run 5 builds and all passed just fine. Nevertheless, this is what glibc maintainers said about the issue 1:
(In reply to Florian Weimer from comment #17)
libio vtable verification fails because there are two copies of libc.so.6 in
the process:0x00003fffb79413a8 - 0x00003fffb7941f78 is __libc_IO_vtables in
0x00003fffb74213c0 - 0x00003fffb7421f90 is __libc_IO_vtables in
/lib64/libc.so.6IO.pipe refers to a vtable from a the first copy, but the fprintf called via
libffi comes from the second copy.The root cause is the Fiddle module loading libc.so.6 with an absolute path:
#0 __dlopen (file=0x20728280 "/lib64/libc.so.6", mode=257) at dlopen.c:75
#1 0x00003fffb748782c in rb_fiddle_handle_initialize (argc=,
argv=, self=544821280) at handle.c:179This is an application defect.
If you're using a path it's expected you know what you're loading.
One should be using '#include <gnu/lib-names.h>' to get LIBC_SO and then dlopen that, it's the only supported solution, particularly consider distributions >that might have /usr/lib64, or multi-arched lib dirs. You could be loading libc.so.6 from an incompatible ABI.
Loding by SONAME is the only safe option.
IOW, I don't think there should be the path magic.
Updated by shyouhei (Shyouhei Urabe) almost 5 years ago
- Status changed from Feedback to Closed
Thank you for confirmation.
vo.x (Vit Ondruch) wrote in #note-9:
Well, we don't have PPC64 just PPC64LE on Fedora. I have run 5 builds and all passed just fine.
OK then, let me close this. Don't hesitate to reopen when something happens again.
Nevertheless, this is what glibc maintainers said about the issue [1]:
(...snip...)This is an application defect.
Yes. However,
If you're using a path it's expected you know what you're loading.
One should be using '#include <gnu/lib-names.h>' to get LIBC_SO and then dlopen that, it's the only supported solution, particularly consider distributions
that might have /usr/lib64, or multi-arched lib dirs. You could be loading libc.so.6 from an incompatible ABI.
This doesn't work for non-glibc situations including *BSD, musl, etc.
Loding by SONAME is the only safe option.
IOW, I don't think there should be the path magic.
If the world is built on top of glibc, then yes. We can omit the entire libc detection routine. But the reality is not.
Updated by vo.x (Vit Ondruch) almost 5 years ago
- File 0001-Do-not-use-full-path-to-load-glibc.patch 0001-Do-not-use-full-path-to-load-glibc.patch added
- Status changed from Closed to Open
shyouhei (Shyouhei Urabe) wrote in #note-10:
Loding by SONAME is the only safe option.
IOW, I don't think there should be the path magic.
If the world is built on top of glibc, then yes. We can omit the entire libc detection routine. But the reality is not.
This issue is specifically about glibc branches and they should be modified. There should not be provided any path when glibc is detected. That is the problem, not detection and support of other libc implementations.
What glibc maintainers say is that there should never be loaded "/lib64/libc.so.6", it should be "libc.so.6" instead., otherwise there might end up two (different) instances of glibc loaded in memory. This, according to the glibc maintainers, is fault of Ruby and should be fixed.
IOW these two lines are wrong:
And they should be just:
libc_so = "libc.so.6"
libm_so = "libm.so.6"
Updated by vo.x (Vit Ondruch) almost 5 years ago
Just FTR, this is from the original description:
0x00003fffb79413a8 - 0x00003fffb7941f78 is __libc_IO_vtables in /lib64/power8/libc.so.6
0x00003fffb74213c0 - 0x00003fffb7421f90 is __libc_IO_vtables in /lib64/libc.so.6
You can see that two instance of glic are loaded at the same time.
Updated by jeremyevans0 (Jeremy Evans) about 4 years ago
- Status changed from Open to Assigned
I've added a pull request for this: https://github.com/ruby/fiddle/pull/70
Updated by jeremyevans0 (Jeremy Evans) about 4 years ago
- Status changed from Assigned to Closed
Updated by vo.x (Vit Ondruch) about 3 years ago
- Backport changed from 2.1: UNKNOWN, 2.2: UNKNOWN, 2.3: UNKNOWN to 2.6: REQUIRED, 2.7: REQUIRED, 3.0: REQUIRED
Just FTR, we are hitting this issue on RHEL8 PPC once again, although we were using quite reduced version of this logic.
Updated by jaruga (Jun Aruga) about 3 years ago
Let me explain more context about this backport requests.
Here is current test/fiddle/helper.rb
file on ruby/ruby ruby_2_6 branch.
We have been using the file's 2nd logic to parse the libc_so, libm_so file paths from the output of ldd /path/to/ruby
in RHEL 8 Ruby RPM (downstream) packages. However recently we found a ppc64le Power 9 build environment has the following ldd result.
The actually file paths are /lib64/glibc-hwcaps/power9/libc-2.28.so
and /lib64/glibc-hwcaps/power9/libm-2.28.so
. The logic by the regular expression failed to parse the paths. The paths are intentional, and due to an optimized version of the libraries.
$ uname -m
$ lscpu | grep -i model
Model: 2.2 (pvr 004e 1202)
Model name: POWER9, altivec supported
$ ldd /usr/bin/ruby
linux-vdso64.so.1 (0x00007fff8c650000)
libruby.so.2.6 => /lib64/libruby.so.2.6 (0x00007fff8c220000)
libpthread.so.0 => /lib64/glibc-hwcaps/power9/libpthread-2.28.so (0x00007fff8c1d0000)
librt.so.1 => /lib64/glibc-hwcaps/power9/librt-2.28.so (0x00007fff8c1a0000)
libgmp.so.10 => /lib64/libgmp.so.10 (0x00007fff8c0f0000)
libdl.so.2 => /lib64/libdl.so.2 (0x00007fff8c0c0000)
libcrypt.so.1 => /lib64/libcrypt.so.1 (0x00007fff8c070000)
libm.so.6 => /lib64/glibc-hwcaps/power9/libm-2.28.so (0x00007fff8bf40000)
libc.so.6 => /lib64/glibc-hwcaps/power9/libc-2.28.so (0x00007fff8bd20000)
/lib64/ld64.so.2 (0x00007fff8c670000)
And I confirmed the latest change on the master branch works on this environment. While we apply the patch to our downstream Rubies, I would just like to see the patch is applied to Rubies.
Updated by jaruga (Jun Aruga) about 3 years ago
- Backport changed from 2.6: REQUIRED, 2.7: REQUIRED, 3.0: REQUIRED to 2.6: REQUIRED, 2.7: REQUIRED, 3.0: DONE
I can see the patch https://github.com/ruby/fiddle/commit/a267a40be7844224c5f000530bd3e8e906f1acea is applied into the Ruby 3.0 stable branch ruby_3_0 and Ruby 3.0.3 as a part of upgrading the fiddle to 1.0.8 by the following commit.