



Feature #15236


add support for hash shorthand

Added by ignatiusreza (Ignatius Reza Lesmana) over 6 years ago. Updated over 4 years ago.

Target version:


PR in github:

inspired by javascript support for object literal shorthand notation { a }, which will be expanded into { a: a }..

to avoid ambiguity, this shorthand is only supported when hash is defined with { } notation.. in other situation where the brackets is optional, e.g. function call, we still need to write it in full (m(a : a) instead of m(a), or m(a, b, c: c) instead of m(a, b, c)..

Related issues 2 (0 open2 closed)

Related to Ruby master - Feature #15286: Proposal: Add Kernel.#expand(*args)RejectedActions
Is duplicate of Ruby master - Feature #11105: ES6-like hash literalsRejectedActions
Actions #1

Updated by nobu (Nobuyoshi Nakada) over 6 years ago

Updated by shevegen (Robert A. Heiler) over 6 years ago

Hmm. It's hard for me to say whether I am in favour of this suggestion or
whether I am not.

I think this link may help a bit in regards to JavaScript, even though
JavaScript is not Ruby; neither is the syntax:

Old JavaScript variant:

var o = {};
var o = {a: 'foo', b: 42, c: {}};

versus New JavaScript variant:

var a = 'foo', b = 42, c = {};
var o = {a, b, c};

I understand the second part being more convenient and more concise. I am not
really sure whether it makes sense for ruby to adopt this, though.

The part where "omission means something more", is sometimes confusing.

I myself got used to be able to omit {} in a method definition, such as
your example:

m(a, b, c: c)

which I think would be this:

m(a, b, { c: c })

I also use the somewhat new Hash syntax in ruby a lot, like:

foo: :bar

versus the old variant (but still the "real" variant)

:foo => :bar

I am not entirely sure about the new omission-meaning-infinity
in ranges ( 1 .. ) either, or { a } meaning { a: a } like in the
proposal here, where a is a variable that must exist already,
if { a } is to work. This also reminds me a bit about the
shortcut suggestion for initializing instance variables within
the method-argument, rather than the body of the method at
hand (usually "def initialize").

I don't really have a definite pro or con view but I think it
should be thought through for some time either way. While experienced
ruby developers have it easy learning new syntax parts, newcomers may
have to gradually learn more and more syntax parts, which may not be
ideal for them, even if the new syntax may be shorter. Or where the
syntax allows us to do more with {}, rather than with - that
should also be considered to evaluate all trade-offs and

If you would like to, you could add your suggestion to any upcoming
developer meeting where you could get some opinions from the ruby core
team and of course matz (which would be at for the next one in November
2018; or perhaps for a later one in January 2019 since I assume
most energy of the team may go into the upcoming x-mas release of
ruby :) ).

Updated by shevegen (Robert A. Heiler) over 6 years ago

Ah, Nobu found it and was faster. :)

So it was indeed a duplicate.

Updated by shevegen (Robert A. Heiler) over 6 years ago

Matz wrote in the other thread the following:

"I am not positive about this syntax mostly because it appears to be set syntax, or old style hash in 1.8.
Once ES6 syntax become more popular, there will be chance for this change in the future.


So I guess it could be discussed at another developer meeting in the future.

Updated by Ksec (E C) over 6 years ago

shevegen (Robert A. Heiler) wrote:

Matz wrote in the other thread the following:

"I am not positive about this syntax mostly because it appears to be set syntax, or old style hash in 1.8.
Once ES6 syntax become more popular, there will be chance for this change in the future.


So I guess it could be discussed at another developer meeting in the future.

But that comment was made three years ago. Time to do another review?

Updated by matz (Yukihiro Matsumoto) over 6 years ago

As a conservative old timer who does not use JavaScript at all, I still feel negative. It seems to work best with destructuring (left-hand side of assignments) which is nearly impossible in current Ruby syntax.

But at the same time, I admit many of Ruby users use Rails and JavaScript, so I am open to hearing your opinion.


Updated by ignatiusreza (Ignatius Reza Lesmana) over 6 years ago

Hi guys,

Thanks for the discussions! Sorry I didn't noticed that it was proposed (multiple times) before.. I tried to search, but couldn't find a hit..

The ES6 syntax that this gets inspired from is strongly becoming the standard now, partly thanks to it being enabled by default in

I found a strong the desire for this syntax especially when working on API server alongside JavaScript heavy front end, where one would need to work a lot with building hashes to be transformed into JSON string.. hence, the primary use case where i'm interested in is in building hashes as return value of method call, e.g.

def respond_with(resource, options)
  meta = extract_meta(resource, options)
  etc = extract_etc(resource, options)

  { resource, meta, etc }


{ resource, meta, etc }

is much more concise and cleaner compared to

{ resource: resource, meta: meta, etc: etc }

within this context, { } is already non-optional, and the new syntax increase readability and save a lot of typing..

To address the concern in .. I think, I agree that this shorthand syntax should only be allowed for a, but not for @a, @@a, or $a to avoid ambiguity in what key should be generated for everything else other than a..

It seems to work best with destructuring (left-hand side of assignments)

I agree that this syntax { a, b, c } and destructuring { a, b, c } = rhs does goes hand in hand.. though, the former can be supported just by updating parser, while the later need update in parser and some run time check, since there's no guarantee during compile time as to what rhs will return.. I'll be interested in exploring on ways to make destructuring works if this request gets accepted..

Updated by janfri (Jan Friedrich) over 6 years ago

matz (Yukihiro Matsumoto) wrote:

As a conservative old timer who does not use JavaScript at all, I still feel negative. It seems to work best with destructuring (left-hand side of assignments) which is nearly impossible in current Ruby syntax.

But at the same time, I admit many of Ruby users use Rails and JavaScript, so I am open to hearing your opinion.


I also don't use JavaScript. I think the use of destructuring for this is much more Rubyish than the ES6 syntax.

Updated by ignatiusreza (Ignatius Reza Lesmana) over 6 years ago

janfri (Jan Friedrich) wrote:

I think the use of destructuring for this is much more Rubyish than the ES6 syntax.

Agreed that destructuring hash is very much ruby, since destructuring array is already supported.. but, I think supporting that does not mean that we can't support this one too.. in fact, I think supporting both would be best, since I would expect that if I can do one, I should also be able to do the other..

Updated by blakewest (Blake West) over 6 years ago

Hi all,
I've really wanted a feature like this for a long time. I find myself often using named arguments, which I love for the clarity. But then the callers often have variables of the same name as the parameter name, making it more verbose. eg. foo(bar: bar, baz: baz). If one concern here is that {a, b, c} looks like set syntax, then I'd be curious to get opinions on a different syntax I had thought about for a while. The general idea is to extend the %w idea for hashes. For example, we could do %h{foo bar baz} which would expand into {foo: foo, bar: bar, baz: baz}. In both the "%w" and "%h" cases, we're allowing for a more concise version of an often used pattern.
I think the downside is using a %h syntax feels "separated" from the typical hash syntax. Using a straight {a,b,c} is "cleaner" as there are fewer characters, and may be more intuitive to some.
But similarly, I think that actually the upside of this syntax is it's more "separated". As Matz points out, the {a,b,c} syntax could look like set syntax, and as shevegen points out, it could be confusing for beginners. Neither of these problems would exist using %h, as it would pretty clearly be a "special" syntax, used by people who know what it's doing. Also, using %h{} would enable not having to use commas, which could make it even more compact

I'll leave with a few more examples of what I'd be suggesting.

def foo(param1:, param2:)
  param + param2

param1 = 7
param2 = 42

foo(%h{param1 param2})

def respond_with(resource, options)
  meta = extract_meta(resource, options)
  etc = extract_etc(resource, options)

  %h{ resource meta etc }

# destructuring could obviously be left for later.
%h{data meta etc} = {data: [1,2,3], meta: {mobile: true}, etc: "more info"}


Updated by osyo (manga osyo) over 6 years ago

hi, blakewest.
I proposaled it.
I need to consider an implementation that does not use #eval.

Updated by osyo (manga osyo) over 6 years ago

I would like to use Hash shorthand in the following cases.

describe User do
	let(:id) { ... }
	let(:name) { ... }
	let(:age)  { ... }
	let(:registered_at) { ... }

	# I want to hash shorthand!
	let(:user) { id, age: age, name: name, registered_at: registered_at) }
	context '`name` is nil' do
		let(:name) { nil }
		it { ... }
	context '`age` is nil' do
		let(:age) { nil }
		it { ... }

Updated by ignatiusreza (Ignatius Reza Lesmana) over 6 years ago

blakewest (Blake West) wrote:

Hi all,
I've really wanted a feature like this for a long time. I find myself often using named arguments, which I love for the clarity. But then the callers often have variables of the same name as the parameter name, making it more verbose. eg. foo(bar: bar, baz: baz). If one concern here is that {a, b, c} looks like set syntax, then I'd be curious to get opinions on a different syntax I had thought about for a while. The general idea is to extend the %w idea for hashes. For example, we could do %h{foo bar baz} which would expand into {foo: foo, bar: bar, baz: baz}. In both the "%w" and "%h" cases, we're allowing for a more concise version of an often used pattern.
I think the downside is using a %h syntax feels "separated" from the typical hash syntax. Using a straight {a,b,c} is "cleaner" as there are fewer characters, and may be more intuitive to some.
But similarly, I think that actually the upside of this syntax is it's more "separated". As Matz points out, the {a,b,c} syntax could look like set syntax, and as shevegen points out, it could be confusing for beginners. Neither of these problems would exist using %h, as it would pretty clearly be a "special" syntax, used by people who know what it's doing. Also, using %h{} would enable not having to use commas, which could make it even more compact

I'll leave with a few more examples of what I'd be suggesting.

def foo(param1:, param2:)
  param + param2

param1 = 7
param2 = 42

foo(%h{param1 param2})

def respond_with(resource, options)
  meta = extract_meta(resource, options)
  etc = extract_etc(resource, options)

  %h{ resource meta etc }

# destructuring could obviously be left for later.
%h{data meta etc} = {data: [1,2,3], meta: {mobile: true}, etc: "more info"}


osyo (manga osyo) wrote:

hi, blakewest.
I proposaled it.
I need to consider an implementation that does not use #eval.

I like this :+1:

{ a, b, c } looks a bit cleaner to me, probably because of my familiarity with es6 syntax, so it require less context switching.. and it is more versatile, since it allow us to mix and match with other way hash key can be defined, e.g. { a, b: 2, :c => 3 }.. but if it is considered confusing to some, %h{a b c} also works for me..

Actions #14

Updated by matz (Yukihiro Matsumoto) over 6 years ago

  • Related to Feature #15286: Proposal: Add Kernel.#expand(*args) added

Updated by tleish (Tony Fenleish) almost 6 years ago


I also vote for this option for both hashes and named params. After using Es6 and going back to Ruby, the ruby way felt clunky to me.

There are multiple reasons why this would be advantageous.


I like the named params that was added to Ruby. It allows flexibility in the order of the params. but often struggle in convincing myself to use them because of readability. Code examples often show the following:

my_hash = {name: 'joe', age: 8}

# or

my_method(name: 'Joe', age: 8)

But in the real world, the values are usually stored in other variables and 95% of the time the code looks like this:

my_hash = {name: name, age: age}

# or

my_method(name: name, age: age)

The above code does not ready well with it's redundant words. With the change suggested, it reads so much better:

my_hash = {name, age}

# or

my_method(name, age)

If the variable is different than the param name, then it easily communicates that:

my_hash = {name, age: calculate_age}

# or

my_method(name, age: calculate_age)


If a method is implemented without keyword arguments:

def my_method(name, age); end

my_method(name, age)

And then later it is decided to refactor using ruby keywords

def my_method(name:, age:, address: nil); end

This of course is a breaking change. All locations which use this method now need to be updated to use the new convention.

my_method(name: name, age: age)

However, for instances where the method was was implemented using variables of the same as the parameters (which often they are), then the change is non-breaking.

my_method(name, age) # no change required

Updated by ignatiusreza (Ignatius Reza Lesmana) over 5 years ago

I was reading the presentation slide for the experimental feature for syntax matching.. in which, there's support for "shorthand" matching with hash, in the form of { a: }.. or, following the examples presented above:

def foo(param1:, param2:)
  param + param2

param1 = 7
param2 = 42

foo(param1:, param2:)

def respond_with(resource, options)
  meta = extract_meta(resource, options)
  etc = extract_etc(resource, options)

  { resource:, meta:, etc: }

# destructuring
{data:, meta:, etc:} = {data: [1,2,3], meta: {mobile: true}, etc: "more info"}

I think, this answers the concern mentioned above regarding { a } being confused with a Set instead of Hash.. wydt?


Updated by ko1 (Koichi Sasada) over 5 years ago

  • Status changed from Open to Rejected

Please reopen (re-create) new proposal which can persuade Matz.

Updated by D1mon (Dim F) over 5 years ago

Well, if the syntax is misleading or intersects with an existing design. Make another syntax to work, why cancel (reject) a very cool thing which will make the code smaller (write less) and it will be nice to read the code. ? Please do not reject the request, redo it and add it to the "ruby core". People have been asking for this opportunity for several years now, please do not refuse them. Thank.

Updated by joallard (Jonathan Allard) about 5 years ago

I support this proposal in its simplest form. I do not think changing method argument syntax is a good idea.

@osyo above makes a good point, if your variables are well named: id, age: age, name: name, registered_at: registered_at)

It is rewarding to have a shorter, clear syntax:{id, age, name, registered_at})

I do not see a reason to reject this. I would strongly encourage re-opening.

Updated by nobu (Nobuyoshi Nakada) about 5 years ago

joallard (Jonathan Allard) wrote in #note-20:{id, age, name, registered_at})

Note that you will have to put ** between the parenthesis and brace now.**{id, age, name, registered_at})

Updated by palkan (Vladimir Dementyev) over 4 years ago

For all interested in this feature, I've added support for it in the latest Ruby Next (Ruby transpiler) release (, so it should be easier to give it a try and share opinions.


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