



Feature #15277



Added by marcandre (Marc-Andre Lafortune) over 5 years ago. Updated 4 months ago.

Target version:


There's currently no easy way to have code executed before a subsequent call to exec. One has to monkey-patch the builtin method.

I'd like to propose a new method at_exec that would be very similar to at_exit, except that the callbacks are triggered before the current process is replaced by the external command.

# This would output "Hello", "Bye", and "Foo"
at_exec { puts "Bye!" }
puts "Hello"
exec "echo Foo"

Use case: we roll our own in DeepCover. Some test suites will call exec, and we need to store our counters before that happens.

Updated by normalperson (Eric Wong) over 5 years ago


Would this work for subprocesses? (system, spawn, ``, popen, ...)
(if so, it would defeat vfork optimization we do under Linux)

There's currently no easy way to have code executed before a subsequent call
to exec. One has to monkey-patch the builtin method.

Use case: we roll our own in DeepCover. Some test suites will call exec,
and we need to store our counters before that happens.

As described above, Ruby already has a mechanism for hooking
existing method calls. I tend to avoid monkey patching because
it leads to surprising behavior. However, at_exec would have
the SAME surprises as monkey-patching.

Updated by marcandre (Marc-Andre Lafortune) over 5 years ago

normalperson (Eric Wong) wrote:

Would this work for subprocesses? (system, spawn, ``, popen, ...)

I'm not sure I understand the question. exec effectively terminates the Ruby process although the at_exit callbacks are not called. system, spawn, etc... don't do such a thing and would thus would not call the at_exec callbacks.

Ruby already has a mechanism for hooking existing method calls

Right. I believe that monkey-patching builtin method calls is something that should be highly discouraged though.

However, at_exec would have the SAME surprises as monkey-patching.

Maybe so. If (god forbid!) there are multiple such monkey-patches, each with their own callback queues and potentially slightly different implementations, than there would be more surprises.

I imagine that the need of calling at_exec is rare though, and my goal is not really to minimize surprises. My goal is to make it easier & nicer to get that result, and avoid having monkey patching as the "official solution" to this issue. We can't even prepend a module to intercept the call to exec, so we have to do the alias_method chaining.

Updated by normalperson (Eric Wong) over 5 years ago


normalperson (Eric Wong) wrote:

Would this work for subprocesses? (system, spawn, ``,
popen, ...)

I'm not sure I understand the question. exec effectively
terminates the Ruby process although the at_exit callbacks
are not called. system, spawn, etc... don't do such a
thing and would thus would not call the at_exec callbacks.

system, spawn, etc. implicitly call exec, but only after fork/vfork
in a child.

Anyways, I'm still against this proposal because there is an
existing and generic way to support such behavior.

Updated by shevegen (Robert A. Heiler) over 5 years ago

I imagine that the need of calling at_exec is rare though

I think something similar could be said about at_exit. While I
think it is fine that it exists, I found that in larger projects
it can be quite annoying if some other project uses at_exit.

For example, this old project makes use of at_exit:

It prints exceptions that a .cgi script has onto the web-page,
a bit similar as to how .php files work.

I copy/paste the code so that it is easier to read:

## when process exit, print exception if exception raised
  at_exit do
    if $!
      ex = $!$_header_printed).handle(ex)
      if defined?(EditorKicker)
        EditorKicker.handle(ex) #if ENV['EDITOR_KICKER']

The display of where an error line occurs is nice, but I found
that at_exit events can be difficult to control and lead to
some more complexity. It may not always be easy to find out
which at_exit is triggered first and where. This is largely
a reason why I avoid at_exit, even if it may be useful.

While I am neutral on the proposal here, thus not having a pro
or con opinion, I think we can generalize this a bit by looking
not only at at_exit, but also autoload. Autoload is similar in
some ways in that it "says": "if a constant is first used and
unknown, load these files". So it also is a bit like an at-"event"
or a hook. There are other hooks/events in ruby; catch-sigint
or the included, inherited etc...

Perhaps it may be useful to easily specific "at" events.

So for example, rather than a pre-defined at_exec method,
there could be a simpler "build" API that allows such events
to happen. Like the various attr APIs like attr_reader,
attr_writer and so on.

Perhaps like this way:

define_at :exec { puts "Bye!" }
at_exec { puts "Bye!" }

(I guess the first line needs (), but I only wanted to demonstrate
the idea here. This would generate at_* methods, without having
them pre-defined.)

Of course I don't know if Marc-Andre agrees to any of this - I only
wanted to give this as a rough idea what I mean. :)

You could then think of at_exit as being similarly defined. And any
other methods that a ruby hacker may want to use, via an "at_" prefix.

But anyway, I do not want to distract from the suggestion. Marc-Andre
also gave a use case and I think even if one may not like the special
case of at_exec, I think the usefulness of the described use case is
still a possibility.

Ultimately the hook/events/conditional_code execution outside of
more "classical" if/else checks is something that matz may have to
think about. (On an unimportant side note, the old programming
language LPC, used for some old text-MUDs, also had certain events
and hooks that could be "attached" onto mobs/monsters/npcs, to
enable certain additional ad-hoc functionality or behaviour, without
this having to necessarily be written into the files that would be
used to create the initial object at hand. Of course ruby is a lot
more flexible than LPC, but I wanted to mention this since such
conditional hooks also existed in older languages, at the least
to some extent.)

Updated by vihai (Daniele Orlandi) about 4 years ago

I would like to add a use-case that I'm encountering right now.

I would like to call prctl(PR_SET_PDEATHSIG, ...) in order to ensure that a spawned process is always killed regardless of how cleanly the parent process exits. I couldn't do this in the parent because fork(2) clears such setting so I must be able to invoke prctl between fork and exec.

An alternative solution would be to add a callback to spawn's options to be called before exec.

Actions #6

Updated by hsbt (Hiroshi SHIBATA) 4 months ago

  • Status changed from Open to Assigned

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