



Feature #16806


Struct#initialize accepts keyword arguments too by default

Added by k0kubun (Takashi Kokubun) almost 5 years ago. Updated about 2 years ago.

Target version:



Post =, :name)

# In addition to this,, "hello") #=> #<struct Post id=1, name="hello">

# Let the following initialization also work 1, name: "hello") #=> #<struct Post id=1, name="hello">

Known incompatibility

  • 1, name: "hello") will be #<struct Post id=1, name="hello"> instead of #<struct Post id={:id=>1, :name=>"hello"}, name=nil>
    • Struct initialization only using keyword arguments should be warned in Ruby 3.0. This feature should be introduced in Ruby 3.1 or later.

Edge cases

  • When keyword arguments and positional arguments are mixed:, name: "hello")
    • This should continue to work like Ruby 2: #<struct Post id=1, name={:name="hello"}>
  • Only keywords are given but they include an invalid member: "bar")
    • ArgumentError (unknown keywords: foo)
  • When keyword_init is used
    • nil: default behavior. Positional arguments given use positional init. Keyword arguments without positional arguments treated as positional in 3.0 with warning, and treated as keyword init in Ruby 3.1.
    • true: Require keyword init, disallow positional init.
    • false: Treat keywords as positional hash.

Use cases

Related issues 1 (0 open1 closed)

Related to Ruby - Feature #11925: Struct construction with kwargsClosedActions
Actions #1

Updated by k0kubun (Takashi Kokubun) almost 5 years ago

Actions #2

Updated by k0kubun (Takashi Kokubun) almost 5 years ago

  • Description updated (diff)

Updated by jeremyevans0 (Jeremy Evans) almost 5 years ago

I'm OK with the basic idea of allowing keyword init for Structs by default. However, because this changes behavior, I think we should keep existing behavior and warn in Ruby 3.0 and not make this change until Ruby 3.1. I think this change should only affect cases where keywords are passed without positional arguments during Struct initialization.

For "bar"), this should still be treated as keyword init, even though foo is not a member of Post. In Ruby 3.0, that would warn and use {:foo=>"bar"} as the first member of Post. In Ruby 3.1, that would raise ArgumentError, since foo is not a member of Post and the keywords will be treated as named members.

For, foo: "bar"),, name: "hello"),, id: 1): I think these should be treated the same as Ruby 2. Any non-keyword argument should treat keywords as a positional hash argument. I think allowing mixing of the arguments would result in confusion, brings up additional edge cases, and there is no practical use case for it.

Do we want to support Post =, :name, keyword_init: false) to disallow keyword initialization and always treat keywords as a positional hash? I think we should as that is the intent of the code. Basically, keyword_init would allow 3 values:

  • nil: default behavior. Positional arguments given use positional init. Keyword arguments without positional arguments treated as positional in 3.0 with warning, and treated as keyword init in Ruby 3.1.
  • true: Require keyword init, disallow positional init.
  • false: Treat keywords as positional hash.

Updated by k0kubun (Takashi Kokubun) almost 5 years ago

  • Description updated (diff)

I agreed with your ideas and reflected them to the description.

Updated by matz (Yukihiro Matsumoto) about 4 years ago

I am OK with 3.1 to warn, 3.2 to change.


Actions #6

Updated by k0kubun (Takashi Kokubun) about 4 years ago

  • Status changed from Open to Closed

Applied in changeset git|8d099aa040427aede04e42c3ec9380afd431ffe3.

Warn Struct#initialize with only keyword args (#4070)

  • Warn Struct#initialize with only keyword args

A part of [Feature #16806]

  • Do not warn if keyword_init: false

is explicitly specified

  • Add a NEWS entry

  • s/in/from/

  • Make sure all fields are initialized

Updated by k0kubun (Takashi Kokubun) about 4 years ago

  • Status changed from Closed to Assigned
  • Assignee set to k0kubun (Takashi Kokubun)

Updated by k0kubun (Takashi Kokubun) about 3 years ago

  • Status changed from Assigned to Closed

@nobu (Nobuyoshi Nakada) already committed the last step at c956f979e5d05900315d2753d5c3b1389af8dae4. Closing.

Actions #9

Updated by Eregon (Benoit Daloze) about 2 years ago

  • Target version set to 3.2

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