



Feature #17312


New methods in Enumerable and Enumerator::Lazy: flatten, product, compact

Added by zverok (Victor Shepelev) over 4 years ago. Updated about 4 years ago.

Target version:


(The offspring of #16987, which was too vague/philosophical)

I propose to add to Enumerable and Enumerator::Lazy the following methods:

  • compact
  • product
  • flatten

All of them can be performed with a one-way enumerator. All of them make sense for situations other than "just an array". All of them can be used for processing large sequences, and therefore meaningful to add to Lazy.

Related issues 1 (0 open1 closed)

Related to Ruby - Feature #16987: Enumerator::Lazy vs Array methodsClosedActions

Updated by Dan0042 (Daniel DeLorme) over 4 years ago

What would be the interaction between Array#flatten and Enumerable#flatten ?
It's a big compatibility problem if flatten recursively applies to any Enumerable object within an array.

x =  #=> #<struct a=1>
[[[x]]].flatten            #=> [x] currently
Enumerable === x           #=> true
x.to_a                     #=> [1]
[[[x]]].flatten            #=> [1] would be a problem

Updated by mame (Yusuke Endoh) over 4 years ago

I think Enumerable#compact is trivial and maybe useful.

In regard to Enumrable#flatten, I agree with @Dan0042's concern. I think that it should flatten only Array elements, but it might look unnatural.

I'm unsure if Enumerable#product is useful. Its arguments are repeatedly iterated, so the arguments should be Arrays?

It would be good to separate tickets for each method, and a draft patch would be helpful for discussion.

Updated by zverok (Victor Shepelev) over 4 years ago

@mame (Yusuke Endoh) @Dan0042 Oh, you are right, starting to think from Enumerable::Lazy perspective I've missed a huge incompatibility introduced by flatten.

@mame (Yusuke Endoh) I'll split into several proposals+patches: Enumerable#compact, and, I am starting to think now, maybe Enumerator#flatten would make some sense. As for #product, I just added it for completeness (as a method which also can work with unidirectional enumeration), I can't from the top of my head remember if I needed it some time in the past.

Updated by Dan0042 (Daniel DeLorme) over 4 years ago

I understand the thinking behind #flatten; if ary.flatten is possible then why not ary.to_enum.flatten? It should be isomorphic. But even with Enumerator the recursive aspect still represents a compatibility problem. So as long as the behavior of Array#flatten is not modified I think all this is trivial to implement:

module Enumerable
  def compact(...); to_a.compact(...); end
  def product(...); to_a.product(...); end
  def flatten(...); to_a.flatten(...); end

edit: oops sorry, forgot the point was that Enumerator::Lazy#flatten should return a Enumerator::Lazy

Updated by zverok (Victor Shepelev) over 4 years ago

But even with Enumerator the recursive aspect still represents a compatibility problem.

I am not sure about its severity, though. I mean, Universe is big and sure somewhere in it there should be a code which has an array of enumerators and then does flatten on them... But I am not sure there is much of this code in the wild.

I believe that this situation has the similar rarity class as the situation with code which does unless obj.respond_to?(:except) and will be broken by newly introduced Hash#except method... Like, every change is incompatibility for somebody, as points, but Enumerator#flatten seems quite innocent.

So as long as the behavior of Array#flatten is not modified I think all this is trivial to implement:

def flatten(...); to_a.flatten(...); end

Note that this ticket is a follow-up of #16987. What I interested in, is more usages for .lazy, and eager implementation of Enumerator::Lazy#flatten is definitely a no-go.

So, I actually could propose just Enumerator::Lazy#flatten, but it seems quite weird that lazy enumerator can be flattened, while regular one can't.

Updated by p8 (Petrik de Heus) over 4 years ago

I was really suprised that #last isn't implemented in Enumerable while #first is.

Updated by zverok (Victor Shepelev) over 4 years ago


I was really suprised that #last isn't implemented in Enumerable while #first is.

It is natural.

That's because Enumerable is "uni-directional" (it is not guaranteed that you can iterate through it more than once, and there is no way to go back). Imagine this:

lines = File.each_line('foo.txt')
lines.last # -- if it worked, ALL the file is already read here, and you can't do anything reasonable with it

Also, last is "intuitively" cheap ("just give me last element, what's the problem?"), but as Enumerable relies on each, and each only, Enumerable#last would mean "go through entire each till it would be exhausted, and give the last value", which might be very pricey.

All the methods I am trying to propose are compatible with uni-directional #each

Updated by p8 (Petrik de Heus) over 4 years ago

@zverok (Victor Shepelev) Thanks for the explanation. That makes a lot of sense!

Actions #9

Updated by matz (Yukihiro Matsumoto) over 4 years ago

Updated by matz (Yukihiro Matsumoto) over 4 years ago

My opinion for each proposed method.

  • compact - OK, I can imagine use-cases too
  • product - Negative; I concern about arguments (array or enumerable)
  • flatten - Negative; I concern about types of elements (array of enumerable)

If you want product and flatten in Enumerable, submit separate issues to persuade me.


Actions #12

Updated by nobu (Nobuyoshi Nakada) about 4 years ago

  • Status changed from Open to Closed

Applied in changeset git|68ea7720b367fe84da601cdbc61cb0d651c3221b.

NEWS: [Feature #17312] [ci skip]


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