Feature #17323
closedRactor::LVar to provide ractor-local storage
Ruby supports thread and fiber local storage:
provides Fiber local storage Thread#thread_variable_get(sym)
These APIs can access other threads/fibers like that:
th = Thread.new{
Thread.current.thread_variable_set(:a, 10)
# access from main thread to child thread
p th.thread_variable_get(:a)
To make Ractor local storage, this kind of feature should not be allowed to protect isolation.
This ticket propose alternative API Ractor::LVar
that allows to provide Ractor local variable.
LV1 = Ractor::LVar.new
p LV1.value #=> nil # default value
LV1.value = 'hello' # can set unshareable objects because LVar is ractor local.
Ractor.new do
LV1.value = 'world' # set Ractor local variable
p LV1.value #=> 'hello'
# Lvar.new can accept default_proc which should be isolated Proc.
LV2 = Ractor::LVar.new{ "x" * 4 }
p LV2.value #=> "xxxx"
LV2.value = 'yyy'
Ractor.new do
p LV2.value #=> 'xxx'
p LV2.value #=> 'yyy'
This API doesn't support accessing from other ractors.
is from Ractor::TVar
, but I have no strong opinion about it.
For example, Ractor::LocalVariable
is longer and clearer.
Implementation: https://github.com/ruby/ruby/pull/3762
Updated by ko1 (Koichi Sasada) over 4 years ago
Another advantages compare with current API is,
- we don't need to care about variable name.
- we can make ractor-local constants and instance variables like that:
class Fib
attr_reader :cache
def initialize
@cache = Ractor::LVar.new{ {} }
private def _fib n
if n < 2
fib(n-1) + fib(n-2)
def fib n
if v = @cache.value[n]
ans = _fib(n)
@cache.value[n] = ans
fiboner = Fib.new
p fiboner.fib(10) #=> 89
pp fiboner.cache.value
#=> {1=>1, 0=>1, 2=>2, 3=>3, 4=>5, 5=>8, 6=>13, 7=>21, 8=>34, 9=>55, 10=>89}
Ractor.new fiboner do |f2|
p f2.fib(5) #=> 8
p f2.cache.value #=> {1=>1, 0=>1, 2=>2, 3=>3, 4=>5, 5=>8}
Updated by marcandre (Marc-Andre Lafortune) over 4 years ago
I'm curious for better use cases.
The above example is not very convincing:
- there's no much use in sending this object to a Ractor to start with
- deep-copying the cache is probably faster than having to recalculate part of it
- more importantly, this would probably be the wrong solution if we had
class SharedHash
def initialize(initial = {})
@ractor = Ractor.new(initial) do |hash|
loop do
case Ractor.receive
in [:read, key, default, ractor] then
ractor << hash.fetch(key, default)
in [:write, key, value] then
hash[key] = value
in [:inspect | :to_s | :to_h => cmd, ractor] then
ractor << hash.send(cmd)
else raise ArgumentError
def [](key)
@ractor << [:read, key, nil, Ractor.current]
def []=(key, value)
@ractor << [:write, key, value]
def inspect
@ractor << [:inspect, Ractor.current]
class Fib
attr_reader :cache
def initialize
@cache = SharedHash.new
private def _fib n
if n < 2
fib(n-1) + fib(n-2)
def fib n
@cache[n] ||= _fib(n)
fiboner = Fib.new
p fiboner.fib(10) #=> 89
pp fiboner.cache
#=> {1=>1, 0=>1, 2=>2, 3=>3, 4=>5, 5=>8, 6=>13, 7=>21, 8=>34, 9=>55, 10=>89}
Ractor.new fiboner do |f2|
p f2.fib(5) #=> 8 already cached!gi
p f2.cache #=> {1=>1, 0=>1, 2=>2, 3=>3, 4=>5, 5=>8, 6=>13, 7=>21, 8=>34, 9=>55, 10=>89}
If the "start from a clear cache" is actually the right idea, than a solution could look like:
class Fib
attr_reader :cache
def initialize
@cache = {}
def initialize_copy(_)
@cache = {}
private def _fib n
if n < 2
fib(n-1) + fib(n-2)
def fib n
@cache[n] ||= _fib(n)
fiboner = Fib.new
p fiboner.fib(10) #=> 89
pp fiboner.cache
#=> {1=>1, 0=>1, 2=>2, 3=>3, 4=>5, 5=>8, 6=>13, 7=>21, 8=>34, 9=>55, 10=>89}
Ractor.new fiboner.dup, move: true do |f2|
p f2.fib(5) #=> 8
p f2.cache.value #=> {1=>1, 0=>1, 2=>2, 3=>3, 4=>5, 5=>8}
Above does not work yet, depends on #17286...
It seems to me that having a way to define how to deep-copy an object might be important.
Updated by ko1 (Koichi Sasada) over 4 years ago
marcandre (Marc-Andre Lafortune) wrote in #note-2:
- deep-copying the cache is probably faster than having to recalculate part of it
- more importantly, this would probably be the wrong solution if we had
it depends on the problem. per-ractor cache is faster to access because there are no synchronization overhead.
Anyway, cache is not a good example.
I wrote it in GH thread https://github.com/ruby/ruby/pull/3762#issuecomment-726227262
I'm not sure it is a feasible example, but we can set separate configuration between ractors.
Another idea is to provide unshareable, but similar to global variables, such as Random::DEFAULT which is discussed on https://bugs.ruby-lang.org/issues/17322.
We can use LVar to implement Ractor::default.
Maybe we can study with the usage of Thread#thread_variable_get(sym)
but not so many https://gist.github.com/ko1/c00020a2c06dceaf9fd5d930e721651e
Updated by Dan0042 (Daniel DeLorme) over 4 years ago
Would it be possible to somehow have ractor-local variables that are automatically dereferenced instead of having to append .value
I'm thinking of cases like this where a class-level mutable constant (or classvar) makes it hard to make this code compatible with ractors.
class X
# original, not compatible with Ractor, so how do we fix?
CACHE = {}
# like this, except now we need to append .value to every CACHE access
CACHE = Ractor::LVar.new{ {} }
def initialize(value)
@value = value
def analyzed
# here, lookup of CACHE constant could automatically return the
# ractor-local Hash inside the LVar instead of the LVar itself
CACHE[@value] ||= analyze(@value)
The problem with the example above is that it's too magical to have a variable or constant return an object different from what was assigned. So what I'm saying is that I'd like something like this, that achieves the same effect.
I have the feeling that a different syntax would be needed, to differentiate it from assignment. Maybe CONST: expr
could be used to lazily evaluate expr
once per ractor; then it would make sense for CONST
to return this value rather than the LVar used behind the scenes. The example above would become CACHE: {}
. But of course introducing new syntax is not something to be done lightly.
Updated by ko1 (Koichi Sasada) over 4 years ago
Dan0042 (Daniel DeLorme) wrote in #note-4:
The problem with the example above is that it's too magical to have a variable or constant return an object different from what was assigned.
Absolutely. By ractor's design, there is a possibility to provide "fork" model, which dup all constants at ractor creation. But we didn't choose (at least now).
So what I'm saying is that I'd like something like this, that achieves the same effect.
I understand the motivation. But not sure it is easy to use.
Adding .value
is, it is clear that it is not access constants.
But not so clear it is ractor-local value.
It is disadvantage compare with traditional Ractor.current[:sym]
(and I agree adding .value
for each access is not easy)
Updated by marcandre (Marc-Andre Lafortune) over 4 years ago
I'm having difficulties because we don't have Ractor-local storage...
I'd like to implement a Ractor compatible SharedQueue
I'd like to do it without going through a bridge Ractor, so I'm trying to refine Ractor
to add channel
s as in #17365.
To do that, I need a Ractor-local "saved messages queue", but there is currently no API for that.
I guess I'll have to roll my own using Thread.main.thread_variable_get
and wrap the set
inside a global Mutex...
Updated by marcandre (Marc-Andre Lafortune) over 4 years ago
In the meantime, I create the gem ractor-local_variable
Code here: https://github.com/ractor-tools/ractor-local_variable/
Of course, Mutex
is Ractor local... I used a Ractor
as a basic mutex, there's no other way, right?
Updated by matz (Yukihiro Matsumoto) over 4 years ago
I prefer Thread-like Ractor local storage, e.g. Ractor.current[key]
Updated by marcandre (Marc-Andre Lafortune) over 4 years ago
Will there be a thread-safe way to initialize this storage (other then from the Ractor block)?
Because we can't use a Mutex
to synchronize as there is no way to initialize the Mutex
safely either...
Example: A gem needs Ractor-local storage to function. How can they initialize it in a thread-safe manner (other than by asking users of the gem to call MyLib.initialize_ractor
from the ractor creation block)?
Updated by Eregon (Benoit Daloze) over 4 years ago
marcandre (Marc-Andre Lafortune) wrote in #note-10:
Will there be a thread-safe way to initialize this storage (other then from the Ractor block)?
One possibility, when using Ractor::LVar.new
would be:
LV1 = Ractor::LVar.new do
initial value
(not unlike Java's ThreadLocal.withInitial(() -> { ... })
For a library, the Ractor.current[key]
form seems inconvenient as it would need to generate some key, instead of referencing an Ractor::LVar.new object.
Updated by marcandre (Marc-Andre Lafortune) over 4 years ago
Eregon (Benoit Daloze) wrote in #note-11:
For a library, the
form seems inconvenient as it would need to generate some key, instead of referencing an Ractor::LVar.new object.
I agree using a key does not sound that convenient, but it is a well known API. It's also not too hard to find a key. Instead of storing a LVar
in MyGem::Something::REGISTRY
, one can use :'MyGem::Something::REGISTRY'
as key, there's not much of a difference except it needs to be fully scoped. I don't see other uses than globals for ractor-local storage, right?
The thread-safefy is imo a bigger issue: if there's an easy way (here use ||=
and ignore thread safety) that is almost safe, and a really hard way that is safe, I fear that the easy way will be taken most of the time.
Updated by ko1 (Koichi Sasada) over 4 years ago
- Status changed from Open to Closed
Traditional style Ractor#[]/#[]=
are introduced.
Updated by dsisnero (Dominic Sisneros) about 4 years ago
I don't like the name because it shadows - implies MVAR, TVAR which are known in the functional programming world.
Updated by chrisseaton (Chris Seaton) about 4 years ago
it shadows - implies MVAR, TVAR
I think that's the point isn't it? We have TVar (transactional), MVar (mutable), LVar (local), and matches ivar (instance.)
LVar is a bit overloaded that's true - left-value in terms of assignment - but most short names are.
Updated by dsisnero (Dominic Sisneros) about 4 years ago
LVAR is not used much but it is used. http://lambda-the-ultimate.org/node/4823, http://composition.al/blog/2013/09/22/some-example-mvar-ivar-and-lvar-programs-in-haskell/ and it is not
local variable it is a lattice based monotomic container
Updated by chrisseaton (Chris Seaton) about 4 years ago
I don't think there's a massive overlap there, and there's no many letters we could use.
Updated by ko1 (Koichi Sasada) about 4 years ago
Updated by Eregon (Benoit Daloze) about 4 years ago
I was thinking Ractor::Local.new
would be fine too, (e.g., Java has new ThreadLocal()