



Feature #19755


Module#class_eval and Binding#eval use caller location by default

Added by byroot (Jean Boussier) 12 months ago. Updated 11 months ago.

Target version:



In Ruby we're very reliant on Method#source_location as well as caller_locations to locate source code.

However, code generated via Binding#eval, Module#class_eval etc defeat this if called without a location:

Foo.class_eval <<~RUBY
  def bar

p Foo.instance_method(:bar).source_location # => ["(eval)", 1]

The overwhelming majority of open source code properly pass a filename and lineno, however a small minority doesn't and make locating the code much harder than it needs to be.

Here's some example of anonymous eval uses I fixed in the past:


I suggest that instead of defaulting to "(eval)", the optional filename argument of the eval family of methods should instead default to: "(eval in #{caller_locations(1, 1).first.path})" and lineno to caller_locations(1, 1).first.lineno.

Which can pretty much be monkey patched as this:

module ModuleEval
  def class_eval(code, location = "(eval in #{caller_locations(1, 1).first.path})", lineno = caller_locations(1, 1).first.lineno)


module Foo
  class_eval <<~RUBY
    def foo

p Foo.instance_method(:foo)


#<UnboundMethod: Foo#foo() (eval):1>


#<UnboundMethod: Foo#foo() (eval in /tmp/foo.rb):10> 

Of course the lineno part is likely to not be fully correct, but the reasoning is that it's better than defaulting to 0 or 1.

Another possiblity would be to include the caller lineo inside the filename part, and leave the actual lineo default to 1:

#<UnboundMethod: Foo#foo() (eval at /tmp/foo.rb:10):1> 

Updated by Eregon (Benoit Daloze) 12 months ago

#<UnboundMethod: Foo#foo() (eval in /tmp/foo.rb):10> sounds great to me, +1.
The (eval makes it clear it's an eval in that file and so the line of an exception inside might not be exact.

Updated by Dan0042 (Daniel DeLorme) 12 months ago

Just be careful about the implementation, because that monkey patch doesn't work if another module is in the call chain

module DebugEval
  def class_eval(code, ...)
    p debug: code
    super   # <= source_location will report the eval comes from here
  prepend_features Module

Actually this is a problem I tend to have whenever I want to use caller_locations. Thread.each_caller_location has made it easier but it would be nice to have something like #first_caller_location_which_is_not_self_or_super

Updated by byroot (Jean Boussier) 12 months ago

doesn't work if another module is in the call chain

I'm not sure we can / should handle this. Decorating class_eval / eval should be quite rare anyways.

Updated by Eregon (Benoit Daloze) 12 months ago

byroot (Jean Boussier) wrote in #note-3:

Decorating class_eval / eval should be quite rare anyways.

Indeed, and class_eval/eval is broken if decorated e.g. for a = 3; class_eval "a".
The direct caller of Module#class_eval should always be the code around it.
Full example:

# works as-is, breaks with DebugEval
module M
  a = 3
  class_eval "p a"

Updated by Dan0042 (Daniel DeLorme) 12 months ago

Indeed, and class_eval/eval is broken if decorated e.g. for a = 3; class_eval "a".

Oh yeah, good point, that one slipped my mind.

Updated by nobu (Nobuyoshi Nakada) 12 months ago

Foo.class_eval <<~RUBY
  def bar

This code equals Foo.class_eval "def bar\n""end\n".
Which do you expect 1 or 2 as __LINE__ at the def line?

Updated by byroot (Jean Boussier) 12 months ago

Which do you expect 1 or 2 as __LINE__ at the def line?

I don't feel strongly about either, as it is assumed that the line number can't always be correct anyway.

I think 1 seem more logical to me, as it would be weird to assume a heredoc was used.

Updated by Dan0042 (Daniel DeLorme) 12 months ago

I think 1 seem more logical to me, as it would be weird to assume a heredoc was used.

Ah, but with #19458 it would be possible to know that a heredoc was used, and use 2 for the def line. :-D

Updated by matz (Yukihiro Matsumoto) 12 months ago

Accepted. I prefer the last format #<UnboundMethod: Foo#foo() (eval at /tmp/foo.rb:10):1>.


Updated by nobu (Nobuyoshi Nakada) 12 months ago

matz (Yukihiro Matsumoto) wrote in #note-9:

Accepted. I prefer the last format #<UnboundMethod: Foo#foo() (eval at /tmp/foo.rb:10):1>.

In that case, what should __FILE__ and __dir__ be?
"(eval at /tmp/foo.rb:10)" as __FILE__ may be ok, but "(eval at /tmp" as __dir__?

Updated by byroot (Jean Boussier) 12 months ago

Oh, __dir__ is a good point, I haven't thought of it.

Currently, it's nil:

>> eval("__dir__")
=> nil

I suppose we should just keep that?

Updated by byroot (Jean Boussier) 12 months ago

I just finished a PR for it, but I agree we need to handle __dir__:

Updated by byroot (Jean Boussier) 12 months ago

we need to handle __dir__

So the way it was handled until now was simply:

if (path == eval_default_path) {
  return Qnil;

So how I'm handling it right now is basically path.start_with?("(eval at ") && path.end_with?(")"). It doesn't feel great, but I can't think of another solution, and I think it's good enough.

The last blocker is that this change breaks syntax_suggest test suite, so I need merged first. Other than that I think the PR is good to go.

Updated by schneems (Richard Schneeman) 12 months ago

I've merged the PR. Thanks for your work here!

Actions #15

Updated by byroot (Jean Boussier) 11 months ago

  • Status changed from Open to Closed

Applied in changeset git|43a5c191358699fe8b19314763998cb8ca77ed90.

Use the caller location as default filename for eval family of methods

[Feature #19755]

Before (in /tmp/test.rb):

Object.class_eval("p __FILE__") # => "(eval)"


Object.class_eval("p __FILE__") # => "(eval at /tmp/test.rb:1)"

This makes it much easier to track down generated code in case
the author forgot to provide a filename argument.


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