



Bug #4283


Timeout.timeout may cause application exit unintetionally

Added by kosaki (Motohiro KOSAKI) about 14 years ago. Updated over 12 years ago.

Target version:
ruby -v:
ruby 1.9.3dev (2010-12-22 trunk 30291) [x86_64-linux]


This issue was discovered during [Bug#4266] discussion.
Current timeout is racy.

Now, timeout module has following code.

def timeout()
x = Thread.current
y = Thread.start {
sleep sec
rescue => e
x.raise e
x.raise exception, "execution expired" if x.alive?
return yield(sec)
rescue exception => e
raise Error, e.message, e.backtrace
if y and y.alive?
// (1)
y.join # make sure y is dead.

Then, A following race can occur.

CPU0(thread x) CPU1(thread y) remark

sleep sec
evaluate [user-defined-block]
y.alive? return true
wakeup from sleep

Now, x is running at (1). Then ExitException which y raised can't be handled
above rescue block. Then eventually, ExitException leak to caller and makes
application exit.


timeout-race-fix.patch (2.94 KB) timeout-race-fix.patch kosaki (Motohiro KOSAKI), 01/17/2011 01:53 PM

Related issues 1 (0 open1 closed)

Related to Ruby - Bug #4285: Ruby don't have asynchrounous exception safe syntax and It should have.Closedko1 (Koichi Sasada)01/17/2011Actions
Actions #1

Updated by kosaki (Motohiro KOSAKI) about 14 years ago

  • Assignee set to matz (Yukihiro Matsumoto)

Module maintainers list( says

Yukihiro Matsumoto (matz)

Is this still correct?

Actions #2

Updated by matz (Yukihiro Matsumoto) about 14 years ago


In message "Re: [ruby-core:34535] [Ruby 1.9-Bug#4283] Timeout.timeout may cause application exit unintetionally"
on Mon, 17 Jan 2011 13:57:43 +0900, Motohiro KOSAKI writes:

|Module maintainers list( says
| Yukihiro Matsumoto (matz)

|Is this still correct?

Yes, just because no one was willing to take over.



Actions #3

Updated by kosaki (Motohiro KOSAKI) about 14 years ago


|Is this still correct?

Yes, just because no one was willing to take over.

Oh, sad. Unfortunately I can't take it over too because my skill is not enough.
However, I plan to watch thread and timeout related bug report and try to fix it awhile.

I'm feeling current ruby has too many pending concurrent issue.



Actions #4

Updated by headius (Charles Nutter) about 14 years ago

I tried to patch this many times, and it's very difficult. The problem here is that kill is inherently broken in the presence of an ensure block. I've discussed this on ruby-core emails in the past and on my blog here:

You can improve the situation slightly by unconditionally killing the child thread once the user-defined block has completed, ignoring any errors. It is not, however, perfect: the child thread may still wake up between the end of the user-defined block and the call to kill (depending on green/GIL-threaded context switch boundaries and granularity).

This affected JRuby even more, since we have threads actually running concurrently and could not guarantee that only one thread would reach "kill" first or in what order they would reach it when run time and timeout time are very close.

Our solution was to move timeout.rb entirely into Java code, using java.util.concurrent's timed thread-pooled executor. In this model, we set the child thread (the killer) as a job for the executor to run after the specified amount of time. If that time expires, it does a normal Ruby kill in the running code. If the running code completes, we attempt to cancel the kill job; that will either succeed, if the job has not been submitted, or fail, if it has already begun to execute. In the latter case, we simply raise the timeout error.

The implementation is here:

In this way, only one thread will successfully "kill" the other. I think the only way to ensure timeout behaves properly is to make it native, so it's in full control of the context-switching at a VM level.

Actions #5

Updated by headius (Charles Nutter) about 14 years ago

We also have a "load test" for Timeout here:

This should run to completion,only ever printing "ok" or "timeout". Instead, all versions of MRI I tested will eventually let a timeout error "escape". The failure can be accelerated by adjusting the timeout and sleep times closer together.

Actions #6

Updated by mame (Yusuke Endoh) about 14 years ago


2011/1/19 Charles Nutter :

I tried to patch this many times, and it's very difficult. The problem here is that kill is inherently broken in the presence of an ensure block. I've discussed this on ruby-core emails in the past and on my blog here:

This is not just a problem of Thread#raise. Asynchronous signals
(such as Interrupt caused by Ctrl+C) have the same problem.
Of course, we cannot remove Ctrl+C.

Thus, to address this problem faithfully, we should provide a
mechanism to safely handle asynchronous exceptions. Lobbying to
eliminate only Thread#raise (and #kill) is not facing the reality.

Fortunately, there are some ancient wisdoms:

These two are based on a very similar idea: providing a feature
to control whether asynchronous exceptions may be raised or may
not. In fact, the latter is referred in comments of your blog
article. But it was rejected as:

there are a lot of additional problems when implementing it in an environment that isn't as functionally pure as Haskell

I guess that this is misinterpretation. It is very similar to the
former (cancellation points), and can be implemented even in
imperative programming language, as pthread does. I don't know
that they are compatible with Java (and/or JRuby) threads, though.

On a separate note, I'm not against deprecating Thread#raise.
It is indeed too difficult to use correctly. Just eliminating it,
however, is not enough.

the child thread may still wake up between the end of the user-defined block and the call to kill

Yes, it may occur. But does it cause any actual problem in the
case of timeout.rb? Kosaki's patch seems to me good.

Yusuke Endoh


Actions #7

Updated by headius (Charles Nutter) about 14 years ago

On Tue, Jan 18, 2011 at 10:00 PM, Yusuke ENDOH wrote:

This is not just a problem of Thread#raise.  Asynchronous signals
(such as Interrupt caused by Ctrl+C) have the same problem.
Of course, we cannot remove Ctrl+C.

The JVM approach may be of interest here. JVMs spin up a
signal-handling thread independent of the main thread. Signal-handlers
are then triggered on this thread rather than on whatever thread
happens to be running at any given time. Registering a signal handler
gives it to that thread to be run when the signal fires (only via
unofficial APIs, but the JVMs all work pretty similarly).

Ctrl+C is, by default, handled as a VM-level shutdown hook. All
threads are terminated immediately, without any code continuing to
run. Contrast this with MRI, where Ctrl+C triggers an Interrupt
exception to be raised:

~/projects/jruby ➔ ruby -e 'begin; sleep; ensure; puts "I should be dead!"; end'
^CI should be dead!
-e:1:in `sleep': Interrupt
from -e:1

This decision means that Ctrl+C triggers finally blocks to run, which
can then continue to block:

~/projects/jruby ➔ ruby -e 'begin; sleep; rescue Interrupt; puts "I do
not want to die!"; begin; sleep; ensure; puts "Ok fine, I will die.";
end; end'
^CI do not want to die!
^COk fine, I will die.
-e:1:in `sleep': Interrupt
from -e:1

This of course has identical problems to raising in another thread
that might be running ensure logic, but Ctrl+C is a special case; it's
probably valid to do almost anything, including a hard shutdown
without running ensures at all.

I'm not familiar with how userland signal-handlers fire, but if they
were guaranteed to run on a separate thread, the problems of
interrupting a thread in an ensure would not be a problem.

Thus, to address this problem faithfully, we should provide a
mechanism to safely handle asynchronous exceptions.  Lobbying to
eliminate only Thread#raise (and #kill) is not facing the reality.

Eliminating them (and fixing signal handling) eliminates the problem
:) But I recognize that they're never going to go away. I've tried for
years to make it happen.

Fortunately, there are some ancient wisdoms:

 - "cancellation points" of pthread

 - Asynchronous Exceptions in Haskell

These two are based on a very similar idea: providing a feature
to control whether asynchronous exceptions may be raised or may
not.  In fact, the latter is referred in comments of your blog
article.  But it was rejected as:

there are a lot of additional problems when implementing it in an environment that isn't as functionally pure as Haskell

I guess that this is misinterpretation.  It is very similar to the
former (cancellation points), and can be implemented even in
imperative programming language, as pthread does.  I don't know
that they are compatible with Java (and/or JRuby) threads, though.

JRuby implements Thread#raise and #kill using exactly this mechanism.
On boundaries roughly equivalent to MRI 1.8's thread context switches,
we ping thread state to see if a kill or raise event has been sent to
the thread. If so, we propagate that event. I documented these on a
now-shutdown wiki, but you can figure them out by looking for places
1.8 checked "thread variables" to see if it should attempt a context
switch. They are places like literal nil, newlines, every 256 calls
(we do it every 1024, I believe), and so on.

In this way, we're able to implement #raise and #kill without using
unsafe JVM thread operations like java.lang.Thread.stop and

I don't see that other concurrent-threaded Ruby implementations will
have any choice but to do it the same way.

The reason we still have the problems of asynchronous raising and
killing is because the cancellation points are poorly defined. Since
we based ours on MRI thread context-switch boundaries, there's simply
too many of them (which is why we've removed a few and increased the
call-count event ping). They also do not reflect the criticality of
certain sections of code, like ensure bodies and code downstream from

As I said in my previous's not possible to make
asynchronous exceptions safe with the above semantics (the semantics
of Ruby thread context-switching, currently) intact. It may be
possible to make asynchronous exceptions safer if we more clearly
define these cancellation points and disable cancellation within
certain contexts.

I must reiterate, however, that this is only a band-aid. Because Ruby
is not "functionally pure", a top-level method might wrap everything
in an ensure block. Should the entire application disable kill/raise?
This would make many applications' threads totally immune to
cancellation. Should leaving an ensure block by making a call
re-enable cancellation? This hardly seems practical, since nearly
everything in Ruby is a call...including the code the user wanted to
"ensure" would run.

I don't want to be difficult. I would very much like to see a more
formal thread event model put in place to "help" this issue, since it
would make our job on JRuby (with concurrent threads) much easier.

On a separate note, I'm not against deprecating Thread#raise.
It is indeed too difficult to use correctly.  Just eliminating it,
however, is not enough.

But it would be so nice for those of us implementing Ruby with real
concurrent threads :) I've spent a lot of time thinking about these
issues, and they're really hard to solve.

I do hope that any ideas going forward will keep concurrent-threaded
implementations like JRuby in mind. We have worked very hard to
emulate Ruby, and it would be very unfortunate if this work went in a
direction impossible to implement safely or efficiently with
concurrent threads.

the child thread may still wake up between the end of the user-defined block and the call to kill

Yes, it may occur.  But does it cause any actual problem in the
case of timeout.rb?  Kosaki's patch seems to me good.

Yes, it should fix this particular problem. And it works because in
this case, we actually want the asynchronous raise to interrupt the
ensure block. My comments about the difficulty of fixing it were more
appropriate for your other bug on fixing asynchronous exceptions.

This is also similar to what we do internally in JRuby, but we disable
Ruby's normal #raise cancellation points entirely for one of the two
threads. The patch would not guarantee safety on JRuby because thread
context switches can occur at any time, which means the two threads
could attempt to kill each other at exactly the same time. But it
should work on non-concurrent implementations, I think.

  • Charlie


Actions #8

Updated by mame (Yusuke Endoh) about 14 years ago


2011/1/19 Charles Oliver Nutter :

JRuby implements Thread#raise and #kill using exactly this mechanism.
On boundaries roughly equivalent to MRI 1.8's thread context switches,
we ping thread state to see if a kill or raise event has been sent to
the thread.

I guess that you misunderstand cancellation points. They do not mean
context-switch boundaries.

Usually, an operation that may suspend the execution is defined as
cancellation points, such as blocking I/O, synchronization and sleep.
In terms of Ruby, they roughly mean any operation that may change
Thread#status to "sleep", such as IO#read, Mutex#lock, and sleep.

It is important for a programmer to be able to control whether his
own program contains cancellation points or not.

I must reiterate, however, that this is only a band-aid. Because Ruby
is not "functionally pure", a top-level method might wrap everything
in an ensure block. Should the entire application disable kill/raise?

No, not at all.
According to that mechanism, asynchronous exceptions are raised when
you run any calcellation point operation, even when asynchronous
exceptions are prohibited.

ensure # an Interrupt may not be raised
         # (unless these methods do not contain cancellation points)

 sleep 1 # cancellation point; an Interrupt may be raised here

 baz.qux # an Interrupt may not be raised


Yusuke Endoh


Actions #9

Updated by headius (Charles Nutter) about 14 years ago

On Wed, Jan 19, 2011 at 4:32 AM, Yusuke ENDOH wrote:

I guess that you misunderstand cancellation points.  They do not mean
context-switch boundaries.

I think you misunderstood me. I know what cancellation points are. I
just meant that in JRuby the cancellation points are roughly the same
places in code where MRI has context switches. We designed it this way
because MRI hands off async thread events by context-switching. This
seemed like the closest analog.

For example, MRI 1.8 will check for a context switch when evaluating a
literal "false". In JRuby, evaluating a literal "false" will ping for
a raise or kill event on the current thread; in essence, literal
"false" is a cancellation point in JRuby.

There are numerous other places during code evaluation and method
invocation where we ping for thread events: IO operations, every N
calls, after thread-related operations, and so on.

So I repeat: JRuby implements kill and raise using a mechanism similar
to cancellation points, and those points occur at roughly the same
places during execution that MRI 1.8 would context switch between

Usually, an operation that may suspend the execution is defined as
cancellation points, such as blocking I/O, synchronization and sleep.
In terms of Ruby, they roughly mean any operation that may change
Thread#status to "sleep", such as IO#read, Mutex#lock, and sleep.

These are all places where we check thread events for kill and raise.
One such example:

RubyKernel.sleep calls RubyThread.sleep:

RubyThread.sleep polls for thread events before and after the actual
sleep operation:

pollThreadEvents checks thread "mail":

checkMail looks for KILL or RAISE events and responds accordingly:

Unless a JRuby thread reaches a point that calls pollThreadEvents,
asynchronous KILL and RAISE will not be triggered. I feel this is very
similar to cancellation points.

It is important for a programmer to be able to control whether his
own program contains cancellation points or not.

That would be wonderful. Currently, as I mentioned in previous email,
there need to be too many cancellation points, since MRI will respond
to asynchronous kill and raise in many places. If we could reduce
the number of those places and make it more explicit, it would be
easier to control when asynchronous thread events should be handled
and when they should be ignored.

I must reiterate, however, that this is only a band-aid. Because Ruby
is not "functionally pure", a top-level method might wrap everything
in an ensure block. Should the entire application disable kill/raise?

No, not at all.
According to that mechanism, asynchronous exceptions are raised when
you run any calcellation point operation, even when asynchronous
exceptions are prohibited.

 ensure # an Interrupt may not be raised
           # (unless these methods do not contain cancellation points)

   sleep 1 # cancellation point; an Interrupt may be raised here

   baz.qux # an Interrupt may not be raised


And it's certainly possible that calls within an ensure can trigger
other exceptions, so once the ensure starts to run you obviously can't
assume it will complete in all cases. Currently, Ruby responds to
those asynchronous events on too fine-grained of boundaries (even
responding to them as a result of making N calls!). In order for
asynch thread events to be made "safe", we need to coarsen these
boundaries and potentially allow users to opt out of them.

  • Charlie


Actions #10

Updated by mame (Yusuke Endoh) about 14 years ago


2011/1/20 Charles Oliver Nutter :

So I repeat: JRuby implements kill and raise using a mechanism similar
to cancellation points, and those points occur at roughly the same
places during execution that MRI 1.8 would context switch between

Ah, I misunderstood you. Excuse me.
Indeed, a context switch is considered as cancellation point in the
current MRI.

And it's certainly possible that calls within an ensure can trigger
other exceptions, so once the ensure starts to run you obviously can't
assume it will complete in all cases. Currently, Ruby responds to
those asynchronous events on too fine-grained of boundaries (even
responding to them as a result of making N calls!). In order for
asynch thread events to be made "safe", we need to coarsen these
boundaries and potentially allow users to opt out of them.


Yusuke Endoh


Actions #11

Updated by usa (Usaku NAKAMURA) about 14 years ago

  • Status changed from Open to Assigned



Actions #12

Updated by kosaki (Motohiro KOSAKI) almost 14 years ago

  • Status changed from Assigned to Closed
  • % Done changed from 0 to 100

This issue was solved with changeset r31623.
Motohiro, thank you for reporting this issue.
Your contribution to Ruby is greatly appreciated.
May Ruby be with you.

Updated by kosaki (Motohiro KOSAKI) almost 14 years ago

I've committed timeout-race-fix.patch as r31623 and I confirmed it fixes Charles's load test (ie I know it doesn't fix Ctrl-C issue. However I think we can discuss it separately.


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