Bug #4457
closedTime#strftime で %z 指定子などに大きな幅を指定した際の不具合
$ ruby -e "p Time.now.strftime('%100000z')"
$ ruby -e "p Time.now.strftime('%10z')"
Updated by naruse (Yui NARUSE) almost 14 years ago
- Status changed from Open to Assigned
- Assignee set to akr (Akira Tanaka)
- Target version set to 1.9.3
Updated by nobu (Nobuyoshi Nakada) over 13 years ago
- ruby -v changed from ruby 1.9.3dev (2011-03-02) [i686-linux] to -
At Thu, 21 Jul 2011 13:57:30 +0900,
Motohiro KOSAKI wrote in [ruby-dev:44176]:
diff --git a/test/ruby/test_time.rb b/test/ruby/test_time.rb
index 38e567a..1f07a82 100644
--- a/test/ruby/test_time.rb
+++ b/test/ruby/test_time.rb
@@ -650,6 +650,9 @@ class TestTime < Test::Unit::TestCase
# [ruby-core:33985]
assert_equal("3000000000", Time.at(3000000000).strftime('%s'))
- bug4457 = '[ruby-dev:43285]'
- assert_raise(Errno::ERANGE, bug4457) {Time.now.strftime('%8192z')}
def test_delegate
Modified time.c
diff --git a/time.c b/time.c
index dd846a6..6817c75 100644
--- a/time.c
+++ b/time.c
@@ -4325,8 +4325,12 @@ rb_strftime_alloc(char **buf, const char *format,
* if the buffer is 1024 times bigger than the length of the
* format string, it's not failing for lack of room.
- if (len > 0 || size >= 1024 * flen) break;
- if (len > 0) break;
xfree(*buf); - if (size >= 1024 * flen) {
- }
return len;
--- 僕の前にBugはない。
--- 僕の後ろにBugはできる。
中田 伸悦
Updated by kosaki (Motohiro KOSAKI) over 13 years ago
Updated by akr (Akira Tanaka) over 13 years ago
しかし、考えてみると strftime の API が腐っているという問題があるわけで、
そして、Ruby 1.9 では OS の strftime を使っていないのだから、
その API につきあう必要はないわけです。
まともな API を用意して使うのがいい気がしますね。
Updated by kosaki (Motohiro KOSAKI) over 13 years ago
- Status changed from Assigned to Closed
- % Done changed from 0 to 100
This issue was solved with changeset r32885.
tadayoshi, thank you for reporting this issue.
Your contribution to Ruby is greatly appreciated.
May Ruby be with you.
time.c (rb_strftime_alloc): raise ERANGE if width is too large.
Patch by Nobuyoshi Nakada. [Bug #4457] [ruby-dev:43285] -
test/ruby/test_time.rb (class TestTime): add a test for the
above change.