Feature #7444
I'd like to propose Array#product_set
to return the product set of arrays (aka cartesian product)
deck = [1..13, %i(spades hearts diamond clubs)].product_set
# => <#Enumerator ...>
deck.first(2) # => [[1, :spades], [2, :spades]]
would return an enumerator if no block is given. It should raise an error if an element of the array is not an Enumerable, like Array#transpose or #zip do.
Although Array.product
would be acceptable too, I feel that an instance method of array is best in the case, in the same way that transpose
is an instance method and not a class method.
The name "product_set" is a correct mathematical term. Although the synonym "cartesian_product" would also be acceptable, I propose "product_set" because it is shorter and cute too. I feel it is even clearer than product
; the first time I head of product
I was convinced that [2,3,7].product # => 42
Addressing objections raised in #6499:
- This is not for the sake of symmetry, but because often we have an array of the arrays we want a product of.
It is cumbersome to write arrays.first.product(*arrays[1..-1])
or similar and it hides what is going on.
Writing arrays.product_set
is much nicer.
The goal is not mainly to get a lazy version, but more to make the API better. The fact that it returns an Enumerator if no block is given is just a bonus :-)
[].product_set.to_a # => [[]]
This can be seen from a cardinality argument, or for example because array.repeated_permutation(n) == Array.new(n, array).product_set.to_a
and array.repeated_permutation(0) == [[]]
Updated by trans (Thomas Sawyer) over 12 years ago
I'd prefer Array.product
, all things being the same.
But you have given me a neat idea. In Ruby Facets there is a method Enumerable#every. It works like so:
[1,2,3].every + 2 #=> [3,4,5]
[1,2,3].every * 2 #=> [2,4,6]
#every is a HOM (a higher-order method). You made me realize another good form of this would be one that applies to each new result. I am not sure what a good name for it would be, but for the moment lets just call it #apply. Then in your case of #product.
deck.apply.product #=> [[1, :spades], [2, :spades], ...]
Only problem is I haven't had any success it getting the Ruby gods to come around on HOMs :(
Updated by Anonymous over 12 years ago
IF this feature will not be considered feature creep by others, with respect to
eg. Array#repeated_combination etc. (I do not possess 100% knowledge of Array /
Enumerable / Enumerator features),
THEN +1 to your variant syntax Array.product( ... )
As for HOMs, they are beautiful, but their place is in the private libraries
of connoisseurs. Beginners have hard enough time understanding Enumerator already.
Updated by trans (Thomas Sawyer) over 12 years ago
As for HOMs, they are beautiful, but their place is in the private libraries
of connoisseurs.
Man, I couldn't disagree with that more. It's delegation man, delegation!
Updated by alexeymuranov (Alexey Muranov) over 12 years ago
@marcandre (Marc-Andre Lafortune), here are just some things that first came to my mind:
I do not think that an "Array instance method" is a good place for this function: otherwise every time a new function of multiple arguments is wanted, a new instance method would be added to
(like the product of an array of numbers that you mentioned). It seems that what is needed here is some advanced multiple dispatch.Enumerator::product(*enums)
would also look reasonable to me. -
The name
seems to suggest that the result is aSet
, but it is anEnumerator
. -
[(1..13).to_a, %w(spades hearts diamond clubs)].inject(:product)
does a very similar thing to what the proposed method would do.
Updated by marcandre (Marc-Andre Lafortune) over 12 years ago
alexeymuranov (Alexey Muranov) wrote:
@marcandre (Marc-Andre Lafortune), here are just some things that first came to my mind:
- I do not think that an "Array instance method" is a good place for this function: otherwise every time a new function of multiple arguments is wanted, a new instance method would be added to
(like the product of an array of numbers that you mentioned). It seems that what is needed here is some advanced multiple dispatch.Enumerator::product(*enums)
would also look reasonable to me.
I'm not suggesting that functions of multiple (generic) arguments be instance methods of Array. I'm proposing that this function of multiple array arguments (or array-like) be an instance of Array, like Array#transpose is.
- The name
seems to suggest that the result is aSet
, but it is anEnumerator
A google search on "product set" confirms its meaning.
[(1..13).to_a, %w(spades hearts diamond clubs)].inject(:product)
does a very similar thing to what the proposed method would do.
Not really. arrays.product_set.to_a
and arrays.inject(:product)
give only the same result if arrays.size == 2
. If < or > 2, results are different. Finally, the inject isn't lazy.
Updated by stomar (Marcus Stollsteimer) over 12 years ago
[(1..13).to_a, %w(spades hearts diamond clubs)].inject(:product)
does a very similar thing to what the proposed method would do.
Not really.
give only the same result ifarrays.size == 2
. If < or > 2, results are different.
Please elaborate.
Updated by marcandre (Marc-Andre Lafortune) over 12 years ago
stomar (Marcus Stollsteimer) wrote:
Not really.
give only the same result ifarrays.size == 2
. If < or > 2, results are different.Please elaborate.
I'm not sure how I was not clear, but in concrete examples:
[].inject(:product) # => nil
[].product_set.to_a # => [[]]
[[1,2]].inject(:product) # => [1,2]
[[1,2]].product_set.to_a # => [[1], [2]]
[[1,2], [3,4], [5,6]].inject(:product) # => [[[1, 3], 5], [[1, 3], 6], [[1, 4], 5], [[1, 4], 6], [[2, 3], 5], [[2, 3], 6], [[2, 4], 5], [[2, 4], 6]]
[[1,2], [3,4], [5,6]].product_set.to_a # => [[1, 3, 5], [1, 3, 6], [1, 4, 5], [1, 4, 6], [2, 3, 5], [2, 3, 6], [2, 4, 5], [2, 4, 6]]
# etc...
As noted, I also have to call to_a
on product_set
to compare.
Updated by stomar (Marcus Stollsteimer) over 12 years ago
Thanks and sorry for being unclear.
It seemed to me that you did not specify the expected behavior for the proposed method in the case of e.g. 3 arrays.
Updated by alexeymuranov (Alexey Muranov) over 12 years ago
marcandre (Marc-Andre Lafortune) wrote:
alexeymuranov (Alexey Muranov) wrote:
- I do not think that an "Array instance method" is a good place for this function: otherwise every time a new function of multiple arguments is wanted, a new instance method would be added to
(like the product of an array of numbers that you mentioned). It seems that what is needed here is some advanced multiple dispatch.Enumerator::product(*enums)
would also look reasonable to me.I'm not suggesting that functions of multiple (generic) arguments be instance methods of Array. I'm proposing that this function of multiple array arguments (or array-like) be an instance of Array, like Array#transpose is.
In your example the first element was not an Array but a Range. The method is called on the outer array, and constructs a certain product of its elements. I would see no reason to forbid such "collecting" operations for other element types (Set, Integer, etc.).
is special because it treats the array and its contents as a whole as a matrix.
- The name
seems to suggest that the result is aSet
, but it is anEnumerator
.A google search on "product set" confirms its meaning.
Exactly, and this is not what the method returns (enumerator) :).
In usual terminology, the Cartesian product of sets is a product set, the Cartesian product of categories is a product category, the product of enumerators would be a product enumerator, the product of arrays would be a product array, etc. (The product of enumerators and the product of arrays are not defined, but can be defined of course.)
[(1..13).to_a, %w(spades hearts diamond clubs)].inject(:product)
does a very similar thing to what the proposed method would do.Not really.
give only the same result ifarrays.size == 2
. If < or > 2, results are different. Finally, the inject isn't lazy.
Yes, but i wanted to point out that this operation would look more natural to me if defined in terms of a binary operation on enumerators:
[(1..13), %i(spades hearts diamond clubs), [:deck_1, :deck_2]].inject([[]], :smartly_collecting_product)
where smartly_collecting_product
is to be defined lazy and with other desired properties.
Edited 2012-12-05.
Updated by alexeymuranov (Alexey Muranov) over 12 years ago
Ok, is think i understand why it can be defined as an instance methods of (({Array})): it is called on an array and produces a sequence of arrays of the same length. Then maybe (({Array#each_combination}))?
How about this:
class Enumerator
def collecting_product(enum)
# ...
def collecting_product!(enum)
# ...
class Array
def each_combination(&block)
result = [[]].to_enum
each do |element|
result.collecting_product! element.to_enum
block_given? ? result.each(&block) : result
Updated by marcandre (Marc-Andre Lafortune) about 11 years ago
- Has duplicate Feature #8970: Array.zip and Array.product added
Updated by marcandre (Marc-Andre Lafortune) over 2 years ago
- Has duplicate Feature #18685: Enumerator.product: Cartesian product of enumerables added
Updated by hsbt (Hiroshi SHIBATA) 12 months ago
- Status changed from Open to Assigned