



Feature #12624


!== (other)

Added by eike.rb (Eike Dierks) almost 8 years ago. Updated over 4 years ago.

Target version:


I'd like to suggest a new syntactic feature.

There should be an operator !==
which should just return the negation of the === operator


def !==(other)
     ! (self === other)


The === operator is well established.
The !== operator would just return the negated truth value of ===
That syntax would mimick the duality of == vs !=


To my best knowledge, !== is currently rejected by the parser,
so there should be no exsiting code be affected by this change.

Do we really need that?

obviously (! (a === b)) does the job,
while, (a !== b) looks a bit more terse to me.

What's the use case?

I personally got a habit of using === in type checking arguments:

raise TypeError() unless (SomeClass === arg)

You might argue that I should write instead:

raise TypeError() unless arg.kind_of?(SomeClass)

(you are obviously right in that)

But the === operator is there for a reason,
and it is actually a strong point of ruby,
that we do not only have identity or equivalence,
but this third kind of object defined equality.

I believe, that in some cases
the intention of a boolean clause
would be easier to understand if we had that !== operator
instead of writing !(a===b)

I agree, syntax ahould not change.
But I believe that would add to the orthogonality.

Please see also:
my request on reserving the UTF operator plane for operators

Updated by duerst (Martin Dürst) almost 8 years ago

Eike Dierks wrote:

I believe, that in some cases
the intention of a boolean clause
would be easier to understand if we had that !== operator
instead of writing !(a===b)

We usually don't add new features to Ruby just based on 'belief'. If you think there are such use cases, please find them, in actual existing code.

Updated by nobu (Nobuyoshi Nakada) almost 8 years ago

  • Description updated (diff)

I'm sometimes wanting it, too.

And can find some lines in standard libraries.

ext/psych/lib/psych/visitors/yaml_tree.rb:334:        elsif not String === @ss.tokenize(o) or /\A0[0-7]*[89]/ =~ o
lib/irb.rb:500:                !(SyntaxError === exc)
lib/optparse.rb:1353:      if (!(String === o || Symbol === o)) and o.respond_to?(:match)
lib/rdoc/class_module.rb:777:      !(String === mod) && @store.modules_hash[mod.full_name].nil?
lib/rdoc/class_module.rb:793:      !(String === mod) && @store.modules_hash[mod.full_name].nil?
lib/rdoc/parser/ruby.rb:244:        break if first_comment_tk_class and not first_comment_tk_class === tk
lib/resolv.rb:534:            if == 1 and not Requester::TCP === requester
lib/resolv.rb:1028:                  !(Array === ns_port) ||
lib/resolv.rb:1030:                  !(String === ns_port[0]) ||
lib/resolv.rb:1031:                  !(Integer === ns_port[1])
lib/rubygems/security/signer.rb:51:      @key and not OpenSSL::PKey::RSA === @key
test/objspace/test_objspace.rb:76:    assert_empty( {|k, v| !(Symbol === k && Integer === v)}, bug8014)
test/rinda/test_rinda.rb:212:    assert(!(tmpl === ro))
test/rinda/test_rinda.rb:218:    assert(!(tmpl === ro))
test/rinda/test_rinda.rb:221:    assert(!(tmpl === ro))
test/rinda/test_rinda.rb:230:    assert(!(tmpl === ro))
test/ruby/test_m17n_comb.rb:1131:      if [s, *args].all? {|o| !(String === o) || o.valid_encoding? }!==

Updated by shevegen (Robert A. Heiler) almost 8 years ago

I don't have any particular strong pro or con opinion here, but I should like to note that my bad eyes have it not so easy to distinguish between = == != =! !== ==!.

I actually think that !(String === mod) may be easier to read than (String !== mod) - the amount of characters saved is very negligible.

But it is just an opinion, as said, I have neither strong pro or con opinion on it really.

Updated by matz (Yukihiro Matsumoto) almost 8 years ago

  • Status changed from Open to Rejected

The explicit use of === for type checking is against duck typing principle.
I don't accept syntax enhancement proposal to encourage something against duck typing in Ruby.


Updated by jonathanhefner (Jonathan Hefner) over 4 years ago

Recently, I had a use case for this. I was writing an assertion helper method which accepts a comparison operator (e.g. :==, :!=, :===, etc) to send to the expected value. For my use case, having !== would be nice for a few reasons:

  • Can express "assert not expected === actual" without the need for a "refute" method
  • If defining a "refute" method, can implement it in terms of "assert" using operator inversion lookup table, i.e. { :== => :!=, :=== => :!==, :< => :>=, ... }
  • Error messages can be expressed without special casing, i.e. "Expected: #{expected.inspect} #{op} #{actual.inspect}"

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