Bug #14968
closed[PATCH] io.c: make all pipes nonblocking by default
Crap, I always planned to have something like this for [Feature #13618]
(auto-Fiber); but introducing a race condition for Timer-thread
elimination in [Misc #14937] forced me to introduce this early.
Anyways, I might have to revert and reintroduce timer-thread if this
change is unnacceptable :< (I HATE timer thread)
io.c: make all pipes nonblocking by default
All normal Ruby IO methods (IO#read, IO#gets, IO#write, ...) are
all capable of appearing to be "blocking" when presented with a
file description with the O_NONBLOCK flag set; so there is
little risk of incompatibility within Ruby-using programs.
The biggest compatibility risk is when spawning external
programs. As a result, stdin, stdout, and stderr are now always
made blocking before exec-family calls.
Timer-thread elimination in https://bugs.ruby-lang.org/issues/14937
introduced a race condition in signal handling. It is possible
to receive a signal inside BLOCKING_REGION right before read/write
syscalls. If this patch cannot be accepted, I will have to revert
to reintroduce timer-thread and increase resource use (which
led to other failures in the past). The race condition
introduced for [Misc #14937] led to rare CI failures on a few
- test/ruby/test_thread.rb (test_thread_timer_and_interrupt):
- test/ruby/test_io.rb (test_race_gets_and_close):
This change is ALSO necessary to take advantage of (proposed
lightweight concurrency (aka "auto-Fiber") or any similar
proposal: https://bugs.ruby-lang.org/issues/13618
TODO: all sockets and FIFOs non-blocking by default, too
Updated by normalperson (Eric Wong) over 6 years ago
Bug #14968: [PATCH] io.c: make all pipes nonblocking by default
Updated patch on top of r64203 since I restored timer-thread :<
Updated by normalperson (Eric Wong) over 6 years ago
Updated patch on top of r64203 since I restored timer-thread :<
Greg, btw, does the above patch work on Windows? In fact, it
seems possible to implement io/nonblock for Windows if
the non-blocking flag can be cleared successfully on sockets and
pipes. I don't know why nobody did it before, though.
Updated by MSP-Greg (Greg L) over 6 years ago
The patch was fine, but the Appveyor build stopped.
Earlier, r64206 built fine, and I added the patch, which also built on that.
The build log is at
I can attach it if that would be helpful. Thanks, Greg
Updated by normalperson (Eric Wong) over 6 years ago
Greg.mpls@gmail.com wrote:
The build log is at
https://ci.appveyor.com/api/buildjobs/d0s8pbatmb7ax667/logI can attach it if that would be helpful. Thanks, Greg
Thanks, seeing the "ASYNC BUG" and EACCESS was enough.
I removed the error checking (not important in that code
path) and did some minor cleanups:
Updated by MSP-Greg (Greg L) over 6 years ago
@normalperson (Eric Wong) Eric,
The zip of all the logs is at
All of the test-all failures show something similar to:
[Errno::ENOENT] exception expected, not.
Class: <Errno::EBADF>
The test-spec failures are similar. Test summary below:
13 Total Failures/Errors Build No 1032 Job Id pwyhyvkao2nssxy1
ruby 2.6.0dev (2018-08-07 trunk 64208) [x64-mingw32]
2018-08-07 02:29:51 UTC
test-all 19301 tests, 2250081 assertions, 5 failures, 0 errors, 107 skips, 107 skips shown
test-spec 3690 files, 28734 examples, 210530 expectations, 2 failures, 4 errors, 0 tagged
mspec 3690 files, 28736 examples, 210420 expectations, 2 failures, 4 errors, 0 tagged
test-basic test succeeded
btest PASS all 1392 tests
Updated by normalperson (Eric Wong) over 6 years ago
Greg.mpls@gmail.com wrote:
All of the test-all failures show something similar to:
[Errno::ENOENT] exception expected, not. Class: <Errno::EBADF>
Thanks Greg. The following patch (on top of my previous one) might
fix it, but it's a bit dirty. No rush to try it.
--- a/process.c
+++ b/process.c
@@ -3454,7 +3454,11 @@ rb_execarg_run_options(const struct rb_execarg *eargp, struct rb_execarg *sargp,
rb_execarg_allocate_dup2_tmpbuf(sargp, RARRAY_LEN(ary));
- stdfd_clear_nonblock();
+ {
+ int preserve = errno;
+ stdfd_clear_nonblock();
+ errno = preserve;
+ }
return 0;
13 Total Failures/Errors Build No 1032 Job Id pwyhyvkao2nssxy1
Anyways, it doesn't seem like the problems from moving from
blocking to non-blocking pipes by default are insurmountable
and it's another step towards getting lightweight concurrency
into Ruby.
Updated by usa (Usaku NAKAMURA) over 6 years ago
BTW, Windows does not have nonblocking pipe.
Yes, we may be able to write emulation layer with overlapped I/O functions, but it's very difficult.
Updated by normalperson (Eric Wong) over 6 years ago
usa@garbagecollect.jp wrote:
BTW, Windows does not have nonblocking pipe.
Uh oh, really? I saw rb_w32_set_nonblock() has is_pipe() check
and {Get,Set}NamedPipeHandleState calls, already, so that's
something else?
Yes, we may be able to write emulation layer with overlapped
I/O functions, but it's very difficult.
Maybe it's not a big deal to not have non-blocking pipes.
Does win32 have TOCTTOU race in signal handling? All *nix
has this problem, but maybe it's a *nix-only problem.
I see you don't have ubf_list like thread_pthread.c has.
Updated by usa (Usaku NAKAMURA) over 6 years ago
Uh oh, really? I saw rb_w32_set_nonblock() has is_pipe() check
and {Get,Set}NamedPipeHandleState calls, already, so that's
something else?
- A pipe may be a named pipe, or an anonymous pipe :)
- The code is not tested.
- Microsoft says that "Note that nonblocking mode ... should not be used to achieve asynchronous input and output (I/O) with named pipes."
Does win32 have TOCTTOU race in signal handling?
Maybe. But I should note that Windows does not have real signals :P
Updated by shyouhei (Shyouhei Urabe) over 6 years ago
I guess you are reinventing libuv?
It claims to support Windows.
I don't say we should use it but it might be worth looking at.
Updated by normalperson (Eric Wong) over 6 years ago
shyouhei@ruby-lang.org wrote:
I guess you are reinventing libuv?
It claims to support Windows.
I guess usa can take code from that project (MIT license)
for portability.
I'm not sure if non-blocking pipes makes much of a difference
for Windows since it doesn't have real signals; and most
Ruby API are still synchronous to users.
I don't say we should use it but it might be worth looking at.
Right; event loop design pattern doesn't map to our VM.
Updated by normalperson (Eric Wong) over 6 years ago
Updated patch against r65553 with non-blocking socket support:
Greg: It should be hiding errors for Win32 users, but I can't test.
Parallel MJIT, auto-fiber, UBF in thread_pthread will be much
easier if this change gets accepted.
Basically, auto-fiber/Thread::Light or any similar proposal
would be unusable for real-world apps without this change.
(users would be forced to add "sock.nonblock=true" to everything,
to take advantage of Thread::Light, so it's gross)
Updated by MSP-Greg (Greg L) over 6 years ago
@normalperson (Eric Wong) Eric,
The above patch (v5) passed when added to:
ruby 2.6.0dev (2018-11-06 trunk 65555) [x64-mingw32]
It's not uncommon for a few tests to fail during parallel testing, but normally all pass on retry. It occurs when Appveyor is 'busy'...
The following two tests failed in parallel:
TestIO#test_readpartial_lock = 0.26 s = F
TestJIT#test_inlined_undefined_ivar = 1.54 s = F
Thanks, Greg
Updated by normalperson (Eric Wong) over 6 years ago
Greg.mpls@gmail.com wrote:
The above patch (v5) passed when added to:
ruby 2.6.0dev (2018-11-06 trunk 65555) [x64-mingw32]
It's not uncommon for a few tests to fail during parallel testing, but normally all pass on retry. It occurs when Appveyor is 'busy'...
The following two tests failed in parallel:
TestIO#test_readpartial_lock = 0.26 s = F
Thanks for the info!. Do you have any historical info about
the pass/fail rate of these tests in parallel?
Actually, I'm a little surprised test_readpartial_lock passes
on Linux. I think the test will need to be adjusted for
TestJIT#test_inlined_undefined_ivar = 1.54 s = F
No idea about that one. Thanks again.
Updated by MSP-Greg (Greg L) over 6 years ago
normalperson (Eric Wong) wrote:
Do you have any historical info about the pass/fail rate of these tests in parallel?
Yes. Below is a summary of all builds from r64892 2018-10-01 thru r65558, except TestJIT. I assume TestIO & TestThread are the only tests possibly affected by anything you're working on...
Since the patch, TestIO#test_readpartial_lock
has failed in parallel testing both times (r65555 & r65558).
ruby-loco - Parallel Test Failures - 124 builds
Qty Rev ————————— Test —————————
3 65495 TestGemRemoteFetcher#test_do_not_allow_invalid_client_cert_auth_connection
2 65558 TestIO#test_readpartial_lock
1 65526 TestIO#test_recycled_fd_close
1 65424 TestIOWait#test_ready?
1 65495 TestIOWait#test_wait
2 65097 TestNetHTTPKeepAlive#test_keep_alive_server_close
1 64896_b TestThread#test_priority
3 65317 TestThread#test_thread_interrupt_for_killed_thread
2 65417 TestThreadQueue#test_queue_close_multi_multi
Updated by normalperson (Eric Wong) over 6 years ago
Greg.mpls@gmail.com wrote:
Yes. Below is a summary of all builds from r64892 2018-10-01 thru r65558, except TestJIT. I assume TestIO & TestThread are the only tests possibly affected by anything you're working on...
Since the patch,
has failed in parallel testing both times (r65555 & r65558).
Thanks for that info; I don't know how test_readpartial_lock
would've passed on Windows at all, since it seems like IO#nonblock=
isn't available on Windows...
Here's a new version of the patch which adds a guard around
test_readpartial_lock and includes some test-spec fixes:
It goes on top of r65619 (which is necessary for this patch
under rubyspec).
Updated by MSP-Greg (Greg L) over 6 years ago
@normalperson (Eric Wong) Eric,
Sorry for the delay. The patch passed. I applied it to r65635...
Updated by ko1 (Koichi Sasada) over 6 years ago
Honestly speaking, we are not sure we can introduce it into Ruby 2.6 (incompatibility, stability and so on).
So please commit it and let's try it.
If we find troubles we can't solve, we may revert them.
Updated by normalperson (Eric Wong) over 6 years ago
- Status changed from Open to Closed
Applied in changeset trunk|r65922.
io + socket: make pipes and sockets nonblocking by default
All normal Ruby IO methods (IO#read, IO#gets, IO#write, ...) are
all capable of appearing to be "blocking" when presented with a
file description with the O_NONBLOCK flag set; so there is
little risk of incompatibility within Ruby-using programs.
The biggest compatibility risk is when spawning external
programs. As a result, stdin, stdout, and stderr are now always
made blocking before exec-family calls.
This change will make an event-oriented MJIT usable if it is
waiting on pipes on POSIX_like platforms.
It is ALSO necessary to take advantage of (proposed lightweight
concurrency (aka "auto-Fiber") or any similar proposal for
network concurrency: https://bugs.ruby-lang.org/issues/13618
Named-pipe (FIFO) are NOT yet non-blocking by default since
they are rarely-used and may introduce compatibility problems
and extra syscall overhead for a common path.
Please revert this commit if there are problems and if I am afk
since I am afk a lot, lately.
[ruby-core:89950] [Bug #14968]
Updated by normalperson (Eric Wong) over 6 years ago
ko1@atdot.net wrote:
Honestly speaking, we are not sure we can introduce it into
Ruby 2.6 (incompatibility, stability and so on).
Understood, but all sockets in 1.8 relied on non-blocking I/O, too.
Most scalability problems are focused on sockets, anyways.
Maybe we can limit the non-blocking to only sockets if
nonblocking pipes become a problem for some external process or
libraries. I also haven't touched FIFO, yet...
So please commit it and let's try it.
If we find troubles we can't solve, we may revert them.
OK r65922. Note: I am afk and offline much lately, so feel free
to revert fully or partially (e.g. revert pipe-only).
Updated by k0kubun (Takashi Kokubun) over 6 years ago
r65922 made Travis x86_64-darwin build fail https://travis-ci.org/ruby/ruby/jobs/458319172. Could you take a look at it?
1) Failure:
TestSocket_BasicSocket#test_read_write_nonblock [/Users/travis/build/ruby/ruby/test/socket/test_basicsocket.rb:163]:
Expected #<TCPSocket:fd 13, AF_INET6, ::1, 51219> to be nonblock?.
Finished tests in 292.162445s, 68.6262 tests/s, 7798.3158 assertions/s.
20050 tests, 2278375 assertions, 1 failures, 0 errors, 61 skips
Updated by normalperson (Eric Wong) over 6 years ago
takashikkbn@gmail.com wrote:
r65922 made Travis x86_64-darwin build fail
https://travis-ci.org/ruby/ruby/jobs/458319172. Could you take
a look at it?
I assume below failure is all that is relevant, maybe r65925 fixes it.
Note: I don't use JavaScript regular basis (crap laptop and my
eyesight sucks too much for mainstream GUIs), so that Travis URL
has no info for me. AFAIK there is a way to get raw log from
1) Failure: TestSocket_BasicSocket#test_read_write_nonblock [/Users/travis/build/ruby/ruby/test/socket/test_basicsocket.rb:163]: Expected #<TCPSocket:fd 13, AF_INET6, ::1, 51219> to be nonblock?.
Updated by k0kubun (Takashi Kokubun) over 6 years ago
Thanks, that's fixed now.
Updated by k0kubun (Takashi Kokubun) over 6 years ago
Well, at the same time you seem to have introduced a bug on Windows. As of r65925 on AppVeyor of both mswin and MinGW, MinGW hangs on test-all's test_drbssl, and mswin hangs on some test (it doesn't produce helpful logs).
You can't see AppVeyor that requires JavaScript, but at least you would be able to see https://rubyci.org/logs/mswinci.japaneast.cloudapp.azure.com/vc12-x64/ruby-trunk/log/20181122T114828Z.fail.html.gz. Never mind about JIT's permission denied (known issue), but most of others seem to be related to your change.
Also in a later build (r65928 which looks irrelevant), Travis had another test failure on x86_64-darwin:
S.S....SFLeaked thread: TestIO#test_recycled_fd_close: #<Thread:0x00007f892c9c5c90@/Users/travis/build/ruby/ruby/test/ruby/test_io.rb:3777 run>
#<Thread:0x00007f892c9c5c90@/Users/travis/build/ruby/ruby/test/ruby/test_io.rb:3777 run> terminated with exception (report_on_exception is true):
Traceback (most recent call last):
1: from /Users/travis/build/ruby/ruby/test/ruby/test_io.rb:3778:in `block (2 levels) in test_recycled_fd_close'
/Users/travis/build/ruby/ruby/test/ruby/test_io.rb:3778:in `wait_readable': closed stream (IOError)
Finished thread: TestIO#test_reinitialize: #<Thread:0x00007f892c9c5c90@/Users/travis/build/ruby/ruby/test/ruby/test_io.rb:3777 dead>
#<Thread:0x00007fa31c1f7388@/Users/travis/build/ruby/ruby/test/ruby/test_io.rb:3777 run> terminated with exception (report_on_exception is true):
Traceback (most recent call last):
1: from /Users/travis/build/ruby/ruby/test/ruby/test_io.rb:3778:in `block (2 levels) in test_recycled_fd_close'
/Users/travis/build/ruby/ruby/test/ruby/test_io.rb:3778:in `wait_readable': stream closed in another thread (IOError)
1) Failure:
TestIO#test_recycled_fd_close [/Users/travis/build/ruby/ruby/test/ruby/test_io.rb:3814]:
Expected /stream closed/ to match "closed stream".
Updated by MSP-Greg (Greg L) over 6 years ago
ruby-loco built r65909 green, and failed on r65922 and r65927.
Using the r65927 build locally, test_drb.rb freezes on various tests intermittently:
EDIT: I was mistaken. test_drbssl.rb intermittently fails also. The one test I've seen fail is:
I'm trying to narrow the issue, but no luck yet... Greg
Updated by MSP-Greg (Greg L) over 6 years ago
Further testing (net, openssl, & socket):
1) Error:
Errno::EMSGSIZE: A message sent on a datagram socket was larger than the internal message buffer or some other network limit, or the buffer used to receive a datagram into was smaller than the datagram itself. - recvfrom(2)
C:/Greg/GitHub/ruby/test/socket/test_socket.rb:712:in `recv'
C:/Greg/GitHub/ruby/test/socket/test_socket.rb:712:in `test_udp_recv_truncation'
2) Error:
Errno::EMSGSIZE: A message sent on a datagram socket was larger than the internal message buffer or some other network limit, or the buffer used to receive a datagram into was smaller than the datagram itself. - recvmsg(2)
C:/Greg/Ruby99-x64_bad_27/lib/ruby/2.6.0/socket.rb:427:in `__recvmsg'
C:/Greg/Ruby99-x64_bad_27/lib/ruby/2.6.0/socket.rb:427:in `recvmsg'
C:/Greg/GitHub/ruby/test/socket/test_socket.rb:728:in `test_udp_recvmsg_truncation'
3) Error:
Errno::EMSGSIZE: A message sent on a datagram socket was larger than the internal message buffer or some other network limit, or the buffer used to receive a datagram into was smaller than the datagram itself.
C:/Greg/GitHub/ruby/test/socket/test_socket.rb:698:in `read'
C:/Greg/GitHub/ruby/test/socket/test_socket.rb:698:in `test_udp_read_truncation'
Also, some of the TestNetHTTPS tests timeout.
All the above tests passed on r65909. Thanks, Greg
Updated by normalperson (Eric Wong) over 6 years ago
Thanks for the reports, I'm trying r65929 to disable non-blocking-by-default
on Win32. However, this change may expose existing bugs:
Also, some of the TestNetHTTPS tests timeout.
Maybe there is some deeper problem, because net/http and
net/protocol already relies heavily on nonblocking sockets...
Updated by normalperson (Eric Wong) over 6 years ago
Thanks for the reports, I'm trying r65929 to disable non-blocking-by-default
on Win32. However, this change may expose existing bugs:
Greg: can you try reverting r65929 and applying the following
patch to check RB_WAITFD_PRI?
I guess today is a holiday where you are, so no rush
Updated by MSP-Greg (Greg L) over 6 years ago
holiday where you are
Yes, but I'm more or less not afk now. JFYI, unless I'm 'pinged', I don't receive messages via email even if I 'watch' the thread, which is a change from a few months ago...
I just built from r65930, and it passed, ruby Appveyor CI failed, but it was due to r65926. So r65929 seems ok.
Anyway, re the above msg, I'll check the patch.
Updated by MSP-Greg (Greg L) over 6 years ago
@normalperson (Eric Wong) Eric,
Well, Appveyor testing can be intermittent. After r65931, the following issues in ruby Appveyor CI:
mswqin vc140
1) Failure:
TestIO#test_readpartial_lock [C:/projects/ruby/test/ruby/test_io.rb:1366]:
RuntimeError expected but nothing was raised.
#<Thread:0x0000000005086a38@C:/projects/ruby/test/ruby/test_io.rb:1364 run> terminated with exception (report_on_exception is true):
C:/projects/ruby/test/ruby/test_io.rb:1364:in `readpartial': stream closed in another thread (IOError)
from C:/projects/ruby/test/ruby/test_io.rb:1364:in `block (2 levels) in test_readpartial_lock'
1) Failure:
TestIO#test_readpartial_lock [C:/projects/ruby/test/ruby/test_io.rb:1366]:
RuntimeError expected but nothing was raised.
I've attached the test info from the ruby-loco build based on msg #28.
Thanks, Greg
Updated by MSP-Greg (Greg L) over 6 years ago
@normalperson (Eric Wong) Eric,
After a few more builds, the intermittent test failures seem to be:
These often fail during parallel, occasionally fail during retry.
I've noticed that the bootstraptest suite seems to take about twice as long as before...
Thanks, Greg
Updated by normalperson (Eric Wong) over 6 years ago
Greg.mpls@gmail.com wrote:
@normalperson (Eric Wong) Eric,
After a few more builds, the intermittent test failures seem to be:
r65948 might help with that one (does IO#nonblock= work for you?)
r65939, r65940 seem to have fixed the alerts I was getting on
this from Linux CI machines.
Fwiw, I consider r65931, r65937, r65939, r65940 and r65948 worthwhile
bugfixes and improvements even if r65922 and r65925 to change the
default gets reverted.
These often fail during parallel, occasionally fail during retry.
I've noticed that the bootstraptest suite seems to take about
twice as long as before...
Do you have any more details on the slowdown (e.g. profiling info?)
Maybe r65948 can help since it reduces GVL activity.
Otherwise, I think we can accept win32 and POSIX-like platforms
are too different and deserve different defaults
(Same as r65929 for socket):
Updated by MSP-Greg (Greg L) over 6 years ago
@normalperson (Eric Wong) Eric,
Do you have any more details on the slowdown (e.g. profiling info?)
I pointed it out thinking it might help with the issues. I concentrated more on determining what's failing in test-all.
Otherwise, I think we can accept win32 and POSIX-like platforms are too different and deserve different defaults
(Same as r65929 for socket):
That may be the outcome. You've taken a lot of time with all the code & testing you've done, so thank you.
JFYI, there are currently several tests in test_io.rb & test_readpartial.rb that are freezing. Summary below:
test-all failure, errors, & stops
ruby 2.6.0dev (2018-11-24 trunk 65950) [x64-mingw32]
The following tests froze
test/ruby/test_io.rb TestIO
S test_cross_thread_close_fd
S test_read_buffer_error
S test_read_unlocktmp_ensure
S test_readpartial_buffer_error
S test_readpartial_locktmp
S test_readpartial_unlocktmp_ensure
S test_recycled_fd_close
test/ruby/test_readpartial.rb TestReadPartial
S test_open_pipe
S test_with_stdio
After commenting out the above tests, here are the errors in three test files.
I believe the ruby test-all folder passes otherwise.
1) Failure:
TestThreadQueue#test_thr_kill [ruby/test/ruby2/test_thread_queue.rb:153]:
only 0/250 done in 60 seconds.
2) Error:
Timeout::Error: execution of assert_separately expired timeout (10 sec)
pid 8996 exit 0
ruby/test/ruby2/test_io.rb:3591:in `test_race_closed_stream'
3) Error:
Timeout::Error: execution of assert_separately expired timeout (10 sec)
pid 6044 exit 0
ruby/test/ruby2/test_io.rb:2946:in `test_cross_thread_close_stdio'
4) Error:
Timeout::Error: execution of assert_separately expired timeout (10 sec)
pid 7816 exit 0
ruby/test/ruby2/test_io.rb:3685:in `test_closed_stream_in_rescue'
Updated by MSP-Greg (Greg L) over 6 years ago
@normalperson (Eric Wong) Eric,
Using ruby 2.6.0dev (2018-11-24 trunk 65959) [x64-mingw32]
, applied the patch in msg 32, passed all tests.
bootstraptest suite is back to mid 40's, it had jumped to mid to high 80's.
Thanks, Greg
Updated by normalperson (Eric Wong) over 6 years ago
Greg.mpls@gmail.com wrote:
ruby 2.6.0dev (2018-11-24 trunk 65959) [x64-mingw32]
, applied the patch in msg 32, passed all tests.
Thanks, committed as r65962
bootstraptest suite is back to mid 40's, it had jumped to mid to high 80's.
I guess select() overhead is really high on Windows?
(it's not great on Linux, either, but we can use poll()/ppoll())
Updated by normalperson (Eric Wong) over 6 years ago
ko1@atdot.net wrote:
Honestly speaking, we are not sure we can introduce it into
Ruby 2.6 (incompatibility, stability and so on).
Doesn't look like we can.
So please commit it and let's try it.
If we find troubles we can't solve, we may revert them.
Reverted in r66093 because of [Bug #15356]
However, I kept the bugfixes and some infrastructure
changes in this patch. So maybe in the future we can
enable nonblock on a per-EC basis.
Updated by normalperson (Eric Wong) over 6 years ago
So I'm hoping this can be revisited in the 2.7 timeframe even
if I'm not around.
IMHO it's too late for 2.6, now, but [Bug #15356] was resolved
and it doesn't seem like this had anything to do with it after
Updated by ioquatix (Samuel Williams) over 5 years ago
Eric do you mind explaining where we got to with this and how to move forward?
Updated by normalperson (Eric Wong) over 5 years ago
samuel@oriontransfer.net wrote:
Eric do you mind explaining where we got to with this and how
to move forward?
I don't think this patch is doable given potential incompatibilities
(and I fixed the problem with timer-thread before 2.6 release).
AFAIK there's also a major performance regression on Windows.
I suggest supporting "nonblock: true" keyword:
IO.pipe(nonblock: true)
IO.popen(..., nonblock: true)
I don't have much time to pay attention to Ruby anymore, but
feel free to Cc: me.
Updated by ioquatix (Samuel Williams) over 4 years ago
Eric, we implemented the vast majority of this PR but our current implementation makes all I/O non-blocking by default. You laid the ground work for this and made my job much easier. Given that Windows has limited support/performance issues, most I/O is not non-blocking by default on this platform.