Feature #16794
openRightward operators
While reading #15921 (r-assign) and #16670 (reverse pattern matching order) I felt a certain commonality to these and #15799 (pipeline) and I thought maybe there's currently a narrow window of opportunity to adopt an overarching and harmonious syntax for all of these "rightward" operations, rather than ad-hoc syntax for each.
I am not suggesting that all of the operators below should be adopted, or implemented at once, or exactly as-is; rather the idea is that the proposals linked above surrounding righward-ness could share elements in order to make them easy to distinguish from previous/existing syntax.
So here go the (wild) ideas:
rightward assignment: expr =|> var
is equivalent to var = expr
, also allow rescue =|> err
for consistency.
rightward destructuring assignment / pattern match: expr ~|> pattern
is equivalent to expr in pattern
, just more natural when doing assignment without a pattern match (i.e. no possibiilty of NoMatchingPatternError). And maybe could be allowed as expression/condition?
pipe to first argument of right-side method: expr |> foo(1)
is equivalent to foo(expr,1)
pipe to last argument of right-side method: expr |>> foo(1)
is equivalent to foo(1,expr)
pipe hash to keyword arguments of right-side method: expr **|> foo(1)
is equivalent to foo(1,**expr)
, ok, I know, crazy idea :-)
Updated by shevegen (Robert A. Heiler) almost 5 years ago
It's an interesting idea. I am not sure if I can easily adjust to the syntax,
but this may be best to just ask matz directly (I think he suggested the
pipeline operator, and streem kind of also taps into that whole handling of
data idea too, so I just think it is best to ask matz what he thinks about it).
One slight concern is that there is a lot of syntax though, and some of
the syntax is a bit hard to read/see - in particular that weird **|> - that
is almost like an ASCII game, like the old animated moon-buggy if anyone
remembers that "game". :-)
Syntax expression should be considered too, in my opinion (remember
the old perl-inspired variables, which made it difficult to read some of
the perl code and intent behind it, such as e. g. $& $: $. $- $^ ... ok
I made a few up, but you get the idea).
Updated by Dan0042 (Daniel DeLorme) almost 5 years ago
Actually instead of using |>
as the common element between rightward operators, maybe just the pipe character would be enough.
(because |=
is taken)
Updated by jackmaple (maple jack) almost 5 years ago
So,in fact,only one pipeline operator is needed to call the method in reverse.
puts "hello world"
#Pipeline call
"hello world" |> puts
Updated by nobu (Nobuyoshi Nakada) almost 5 years ago
As for the pipeline operator, it could be more useful in combination with right assignment operators.
foo(...).bar(...) => x
|> zot(...) => y
is same as
y = (x = foo(...).bar(...))
Updated by avit (Andrew Vit) over 4 years ago
For symmetry, we also have <<-
for heredocs "take this input for..."
It might make sense to think of ->>
as "give this output to..."
Updated by matz (Yukihiro Matsumoto) over 4 years ago
- Related to Feature #17353: Functional chaining operator added