Feature #16794
openRightward operators
While reading #15921 (r-assign) and #16670 (reverse pattern matching order) I felt a certain commonality to these and #15799 (pipeline) and I thought maybe there's currently a narrow window of opportunity to adopt an overarching and harmonious syntax for all of these "rightward" operations, rather than ad-hoc syntax for each.
I am not suggesting that all of the operators below should be adopted, or implemented at once, or exactly as-is; rather the idea is that the proposals linked above surrounding righward-ness could share elements in order to make them easy to distinguish from previous/existing syntax.
So here go the (wild) ideas:
rightward assignment: expr =|> var
is equivalent to var = expr
, also allow rescue =|> err
for consistency.
rightward destructuring assignment / pattern match: expr ~|> pattern
is equivalent to expr in pattern
, just more natural when doing assignment without a pattern match (i.e. no possibiilty of NoMatchingPatternError). And maybe could be allowed as expression/condition?
pipe to first argument of right-side method: expr |> foo(1)
is equivalent to foo(expr,1)
pipe to last argument of right-side method: expr |>> foo(1)
is equivalent to foo(1,expr)
pipe hash to keyword arguments of right-side method: expr **|> foo(1)
is equivalent to foo(1,**expr)
, ok, I know, crazy idea :-)
Updated by matz (Yukihiro Matsumoto) over 4 years ago
- Related to Feature #17353: Functional chaining operator added