



Bug #1685


Some windows unicode path issues remain

Added by spatulasnout (B Kelly) almost 16 years ago. Updated almost 11 years ago.

Target version:
ruby -v:
ruby 1.9.2dev (2009-06-24) [i386-mswin32_71]



I see some nice progress has been made in unicode path
handling on windows.

The following tests are not exhaustive, but do reveal some
remaining issues.

Everything below "NOT WORKING" fails in one way or another.



# encoding: UTF-8

# Test unicode path/dir handling on windows

require 'test/unit'

class TestUnicodeFilenamesAndPaths < Test::Unit::TestCase
  def setup
    tmpdir = ENV['TEMP'] || "C:/TEMP"
    Dir.chdir tmpdir
    puts Dir.pwd
    testdir = "ruby_unicode_test"
    Dir.mkdir testdir unless test ?d, testdir
    Dir.chdir testdir
    puts Dir.pwd
  def test_unicode_paths
    fname_resume = "R\xC3\xA9sum\xC3\xA9".force_encoding("UTF-8")
    fname_chinese = "\u52ec\u52ee\u52f1\u52f2.txt"
    dname_chinese = "\u52ec\u52ee\u52f1\u52f2"

    assert_equal( "UTF-8", ), "w") {|io| io.puts "Hello, World"}
    assert_equal( "UTF-8", ), "w") {|io| io.puts "Hello, World"}
    dat =
    assert_equal( "Hello, World\n", dat )
    files = Dir["*"]
    assert( files.include? fname_resume )
    assert( files.include? fname_chinese )

    Dir.rmdir dname_chinese rescue nil
    Dir.mkdir dname_chinese
    test ?d, dname_chinese
    Dir.chdir dname_chinese
    cwd = Dir.pwd
    assert( cwd[(-dname_chinese.length)..-1] == dname_chinese )
    Dir.chdir ".."

    x = File.stat(fname_resume)
    x = File.stat(fname_chinese)
    x = File.stat(dname_chinese)
    assert( File.exist? fname_resume )
    assert( File.exist? fname_chinese )
    assert( test(?f, fname_resume) )
    assert( test(?f, fname_chinese) )

    files = Dir[fname_resume]
    assert_equal( fname_resume, files.first )
    files = Dir[fname_chinese]
    assert_equal( fname_chinese, files.first )
    files = Dir[dname_chinese]
    assert_equal( dname_chinese, files.first )


spatulasnout-unicode-mkdir-diffs.txt (3.56 KB) spatulasnout-unicode-mkdir-diffs.txt Diffs for win32 unicode support for Dir.mkdir spatulasnout (B Kelly), 03/25/2010 10:13 AM
test_io_unicode_paths.rb (925 Bytes) test_io_unicode_paths.rb new file: bootstraptest/test_io_unicode_paths.rb spatulasnout (B Kelly), 03/25/2010 10:13 AM

Related issues 4 (0 open4 closed)

Related to Ruby - Feature #2255: unicode parameters cannot be passed to rubyClosedwindowsActions
Related to Ruby - Bug #2332: Ruby doesn't run properly from unicode folder on windowsClosed11/04/2009Actions
Related to Ruby - Bug #1771: system()/popen()/popen3() & windows & unicode is not workingClosedusa (Usaku NAKAMURA)07/13/2009Actions
Has duplicate Ruby - Bug #2137: Dir.glob does not support unicode on WindowsClosedusa (Usaku NAKAMURA)09/23/2009Actions
Actions #1

Updated by yugui (Yuki Sonoda) over 15 years ago

  • Status changed from Open to Assigned
  • Assignee set to usa (Usaku NAKAMURA)



Actions #2

Updated by usa (Usaku NAKAMURA) over 15 years ago

  • Priority changed from Normal to 5



Actions #3

Updated by vo.x (Vit Ondruch) about 15 years ago

Is there any progress regarding this issue(s)?

Updated by spatulasnout (B Kelly) about 15 years ago


I'll be needing win32 unicode path support for my current project, so I would like to try to tackle the remaining issues.

I started with a relatively easy one, Dir.mkdir

For Dir.mkdir, I took an approach similar to what was already in place for rb_sysopen(), which is that it tries to call w32_conv_to_utf16() on the path, and if it succeeds calls the new rb_w32_wmkdir() with the wide path; otherwise it falls back to calling the old rb_w32_mkdir().

Attached files should include the diffs, and a new file adding a bootstrap test for unicode paths. (The tests currently fail, because they need a working unicode stat and unlink in order to function.)

I'm planning to attempt File.stat next, but I have some questions about it so I'll post separately.




Actions #5

Updated by vo.x (Vit Ondruch) about 15 years ago

Hello Bill,

Are you aware of win32_unicode_branch? Its not up-to-date as far as I know, but there is lot of Unicode functionality covered. There is missing mainly Dir.glob functionality.


Actions #6

Updated by spatulasnout (B Kelly) about 15 years ago

Hi Vit,

Thanks. Wow. Good to know.

win32/win32.c:rb_w32_uchown(const char *path, int owner, int group)
win32/win32.c:rb_w32_ulink(const char *from, const char *to)
win32/win32.c:rb_w32_urename(const char *from, const char *to)
win32/win32.c:rb_w32_ustati64(const char *path, struct stati64 *st)
win32/win32.c:rb_w32_uaccess(const char *path, int mode)
win32/win32.c:rb_w32_uopen(const char *file, int oflag, ...)
win32/win32.c:rb_w32_uutime(const char *path, const struct utimbuf *times)
win32/win32.c:rb_w32_utime(const char *path, const struct utimbuf *times)
win32/win32.c:rb_w32_uchdir(const char *path)
win32/win32.c:rb_w32_umkdir(const char *path, int mode)
win32/win32.c:rb_w32_urmdir(const char *path)
win32/win32.c:rb_w32_uunlink(const char *path)
win32/win32.c:rb_w32_unlink(const char *path)
win32/win32.c:rb_w32_uchmod(const char *path, int mode)

And it looks like a much cleaner implementation than what
is currently in the 1.9.2 trunk. No more 'wchar' in
sysopen_struct, no more #ifdef _WIN32 surrounding
w32_conv_to_utf16 logic, just some defines at the top:

dir.c:#define chdir(p) rb_w32_uchdir(p)
dir.c:#define mkdir(p, m) rb_w32_umkdir(p, m)
dir.c:#define rmdir(p) rb_w32_urmdir(p)
file.c:#define STAT(p, s) rb_w32_ustati64(p, s)
file.c:#define lstat(p, s) rb_w32_ustati64(p, s)
file.c:#define access(p, m) rb_w32_uaccess(p, m)
file.c:#define chmod(p, m) rb_w32_uchmod(p, m)
file.c:#define chown(p, o, g) rb_w32_uchown(p, o, g)
file.c:#define utime(p, t) rb_w32_uutime(p, t)
file.c:#define link(f, t) rb_w32_ulink(f, t)
file.c:#define unlink(p) rb_w32_uunlink(p)
file.c:#define rename(f, t) rb_w32_urename(f, t)
io.c:#define open rb_w32_uopen

I wonder if there is a reason this should not be merged
into trunk ASAP?




Actions #7

Updated by usa (Usaku NAKAMURA) about 15 years ago


In message "[ruby-core:28979] [Bug #1685] Some windows unicode path issues remain"
on Mar.25,2010 19:10:35, wrote:

I wonder if there is a reason this should not be merged
into trunk ASAP?

Because I'm too busy to test this branch well :(

Endoh-san says that the feature freeze is March 31.
Then, it is necessary to complete merging it until then,
if we want to include it in 1.9.2 release...

win32-unicode-branch has not contained the globbing features
yet, as Vit pointed in [ruby-core:28977] (thank you, Vit).
However, because it relates to the command line interpretation,
it might be difficult to implement until March 31.
Should we wait until all functions are covered, or merge the
current one?

(1) need the decision whether merging it or not
(2) need testers :)
(3) need the worker(s) to make the patch to trunk




Actions #8

Updated by vo.x (Vit Ondruch) about 15 years ago

For me, it would be helpful to merge what we have now. I am not aware of any problematic parts with methods which are already implemented. However, I am aware that this can lead in confusion when not everything will work with unicode :(


Actions #9

Updated by spatulasnout (B Kelly) almost 15 years ago


U.Nakamura wrote:


In message "[ruby-core:28979] [Bug #1685] Some windows unicode path issues remain"
on Mar.25,2010 19:10:35, wrote:

I wonder if there is a reason this should not be merged
into trunk ASAP?

Because I'm too busy to test this branch well :(

Endoh-san says that the feature freeze is March 31.
Then, it is necessary to complete merging it until then,
if we want to include it in 1.9.2 release...

win32-unicode-branch has not contained the globbing features
yet, as Vit pointed in [ruby-core:28977] (thank you, Vit).
However, because it relates to the command line interpretation,
it might be difficult to implement until March 31.

I understand how this might be considered a 'feature', but
I think it is also possible to consider it a bug fix.

1.9.1 was supposed to support unicode path on win32, but
this was deferred to 1.9.2.

Nevertheless, I quote matz from November, 2008:

Yukihiro Matsumoto wrote:


In message "Re: [ruby-core:20109] Re: 1.9, encoding & win32 wide char support"
on Wed, 26 Nov 2008 12:26:53 +0900, "Bill Kelly" writes:

|> Does anyone have information as to the current status of
|> adding Unicode-savvy path handling to 1.9 ruby?
|Ugh. Sorry, I mean of course: Unicode-savvy path handling
|on win32 ruby 1.9.

Every path encoding is UTF-8 and converted to UTF-16 internally. If
there's something still use *A functions, it will eventually replaced
by *W functions. In short, if you're using UTF-8 for your program
encoding, you should not see any problem (if you do, it's a bug).


I don't know if matz has changed his mind, but; personally I would
like to consider it a bug that ruby 1.9.x fails for unicode paths
on windows.

Should we wait until all functions are covered, or merge the
current one?

(1) need the decision whether merging it or not
(2) need testers :)
(3) need the worker(s) to make the patch to trunk

(1) Please, yes. Let us merge. 93.75% is better than current 6.25% coverage.
(2) I hope to contribute unicode_path unit-tests. (such as in bootstraptest/)
(3) I would like to contribute to the patch if my efforts can be useful.
(diffs on io.c, file.c, and dir.c look pretty straightforward.)
(diffs on win32/win32.c look more difficult, but I can attempt.)




Actions #10

Updated by usa (Usaku NAKAMURA) almost 15 years ago


In message "[ruby-core:29082] Re: [Bug #1685] Some windows unicode path issues remain"
on Mar.28,2010 16:51:26, wrote:

I understand how this might be considered a 'feature', but
I think it is also possible to consider it a bug fix.

Hmm, it has a point in it.
The branch manager should judge whether this change is a bug fix or
feature change.
How do you think, Yugui-san?

(1) need the decision whether merging it or not
(2) need testers :)
(3) need the worker(s) to make the patch to trunk

(1) Please, yes. Let us merge. 93.75% is better than current 6.25% coverage.
(2) I hope to contribute unicode_path unit-tests. (such as in bootstraptest/)
(3) I would like to contribute to the patch if my efforts can be useful.
(diffs on io.c, file.c, and dir.c look pretty straightforward.)
(diffs on win32/win32.c look more difficult, but I can attempt.)

I'm very glad to hear your offer of cooperation.
Thank you!




Actions #11

Updated by spatulasnout (B Kelly) almost 15 years ago

U.Nakamura wrote:


In message "[ruby-core:29082] Re: [Bug #1685] Some windows unicode path issues remain"
on Mar.28,2010 16:51:26, wrote:

I understand how this might be considered a 'feature', but
I think it is also possible to consider it a bug fix.

Hmm, it has a point in it.
The branch manager should judge whether this change is a bug fix or
feature change.
How do you think, Yugui-san?

Any word?




Actions #12

Updated by yugui (Yuki Sonoda) almost 15 years ago


The branch manager should judge whether this change is a bug fix or
feature change.
How do you think, Yugui-san?

It's a bug fix.

Actions #13

Updated by spatulasnout (B Kelly) almost 15 years ago

Yuki Sonoda wrote:

Issue #1685 has been updated by Yuki Sonoda.

The branch manager should judge whether this change is a bug fix or
feature change.
How do you think, Yugui-san?

It's a bug fix.

Wonderful news!

Thank you,



Actions #14

Updated by spatulasnout (B Kelly) almost 15 years ago


Bill Kelly wrote:

Yuki Sonoda wrote:

Issue #1685 has been updated by Yuki Sonoda.

The branch manager should judge whether this change is a bug fix or
feature change.
How do you think, Yugui-san?

It's a bug fix.

Wonderful news!

In order to avoid duplication of effort, I wanted to inquire
whether anyone else may currently be working on Windows
Unicode related code?

U.Nakamura wrote:

(2) need testers :)
(3) need the worker(s) to make the patch to trunk

If there is no conflict with others' work, I would like to
attempt merging the win32-unicode branch into trunk within
the next week or two.




Actions #15

Updated by usa (Usaku NAKAMURA) almost 15 years ago


In message "[ruby-core:29892] Re: [Bug #1685] Some windows unicode path issues remain"
on Apr.30,2010 08:12:33, wrote:
| In order to avoid duplication of effort, I wanted to inquire
| whether anyone else may currently be working on Windows
| Unicode related code?
| U.Nakamura wrote:
| >
| > (2) need testers :)
| > (3) need the worker(s) to make the patch to trunk
| If there is no conflict with others' work, I would like to
| attempt merging the win32-unicode branch into trunk within
| the next week or two.

Ah, I've merged most parts of win32-unicode-test branch because
the time limit of code freeze (Apr.30) has come.

See r27570

Of course, test cases and bug reports are welcomed.




Actions #16

Updated by spatulasnout (B Kelly) almost 15 years ago

U.Nakamura wrote:


In message "[ruby-core:29892] Re: [Bug #1685] Some windows unicode path issues remain"
on Apr.30,2010 08:12:33, wrote:
| If there is no conflict with others' work, I would like to
| attempt merging the win32-unicode branch into trunk within
| the next week or two.

Ah, I've merged most parts of win32-unicode-test branch because
the time limit of code freeze (Apr.30) has come.

See r27570

Oh! Thank you very much!

(I had thought the code freeze applied to new features, rather
than bug fixes.)

Of course, test cases and bug reports are welcomed.

My initial attempt at a bootstraptest for unicode path
support is failing.

It is incomplete, but I uploaded the current version:

It is failing at:

DNAME_CHINESE = "\u52ec\u52ee\u52f1\u52f2"
test(?d, DNAME_CHINESE) or raise "test ?d fail"

It seems rb_stat in file.c calls stat(), but stat does
not map to the unicode version.


#define stat(path,st) rb_w32_stat(path,st)


static int
rb_stat(VALUE file, struct stat *st)
VALUE tmp;

 tmp = rb_check_convert_type(file, T_FILE, "IO", "to_io");
 if (!NIL_P(tmp)) {
rb_io_t *fptr;

GetOpenFile(tmp, fptr);
return fstat(fptr->fd, st);
 file = rb_str_encode_ospath(file);
 return stat(StringValueCStr(file), st);





Actions #17

Updated by usa (Usaku NAKAMURA) almost 15 years ago


In message "[ruby-core:30012] Re: [Bug #1685] Some windows unicode path issues remain"
on May.05,2010 15:35:11, wrote:
| My initial attempt at a bootstraptest for unicode path
| support is failing.
| It is incomplete, but I uploaded the current version:
| It is failing at:
| DNAME_CHINESE = "\u52ec\u52ee\u52f1\u52f2"
| test(?d, DNAME_CHINESE) or raise "test ?d fail"
| It seems rb_stat in file.c calls stat(), but stat does
| not map to the unicode version.

Oops, thank you!




Actions #18

Updated by spatulasnout (B Kelly) almost 15 years ago

U.Nakamura wrote:

In message "[ruby-core:30012] Re: [Bug #1685] Some windows unicode path issues remain"
on May.05,2010 15:35:11, wrote:
| It seems rb_stat in file.c calls stat(), but stat does
| not map to the unicode version.

Oops, thank you!

Thanks, the test gets much further now.

It now fails at the last line:

cwd = Dir.pwd
( cwd[(-DNAME_CHINESE.length)..-1] == DNAME_CHINESE ) or raise "cwd check fail"

Currently there was only rb_w32_getcwd. I have added a unicode

Index: include/ruby/win32.h
--- include/ruby/win32.h	(revision 27644)
+++ include/ruby/win32.h	(working copy)
@@ -254,6 +254,7 @@
 extern struct servent  *WSAAPI rb_w32_getservbyport(int, const char *);
 extern int    rb_w32_socketpair(int, int, int, int *);
 extern char * rb_w32_getcwd(char *, int);
+extern char * rb_w32_ugetcwd(char *, int);
 extern char * rb_w32_getenv(const char *);
 extern int    rb_w32_rename(const char *, const char *);
 extern int    rb_w32_urename(const char *, const char *);
@@ -611,7 +612,7 @@
 #define get_osfhandle(h)	rb_w32_get_osfhandle(h)

 #undef getcwd
-#define getcwd(b, s)		rb_w32_getcwd(b, s)
+#define getcwd(b, s)		rb_w32_ugetcwd(b, s)

 #undef getenv
 #define getenv(n)		rb_w32_getenv(n)
Index: win32/win32.c
--- win32/win32.c	(revision 27644)
+++ win32/win32.c	(working copy)
@@ -3692,6 +3692,57 @@
     return p;

+char *
+rb_w32_ugetcwd(char *buffer, int size)
+    char *p;
+    WCHAR *wp;
+    long len, wlen;
+    wlen = GetCurrentDirectoryW(0, NULL);  // wlen includes null terminating character
+    if (!wlen) {
+	errno = map_errno(GetLastError());
+	return NULL;
+    }
+    wp = malloc(wlen * sizeof(WCHAR));
+    if (!wp) {
+	errno = ENOMEM;
+	return NULL;
+    }
+    if (!GetCurrentDirectoryW(wlen, wp)) {
+	errno = map_errno(GetLastError());
+	free(wp);
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    p = wstr_to_utf8(wp, &len);
+    free(wp);
+    len += 1;  // len now includes null terminating character
+    if (!p) {
+	errno = ENOMEM;
+	return NULL;
+    }
+    if (buffer) {
+	if (size < len) {
+	    free(p);
+	    errno = ERANGE;
+	    return NULL;
+	}
+	memcpy(buffer, p, len);
+	free(p);
+	p = buffer;
+    }
+    translate_char(p, '\\', '/');
+    return p;
 chown(const char *path, int owner, int group)

This works, in terms of returning a UTF-8 path string; however,
rb_dir_getwd calls rb_enc_associate(cwd, rb_filesystem_encoding())
on the result, associating the WINDOWS-1252 encoding instead of

So, I would like to ask: is there a reason
enc_set_filesystem_encoding() should not return UTF-8 now for

static int
int idx;
idx = rb_enc_to_index(rb_default_external_encoding());
#elif defined _WIN32 || defined CYGWIN
char cp[sizeof(int) * 8 / 3 + 4];
snprintf(cp, sizeof cp, "CP%d", AreFileApisANSI() ? GetACP() : GetOEMCP());
idx = rb_enc_find_index(cp);
if (idx < 0) idx = rb_ascii8bit_encindex();
idx = rb_enc_to_index(rb_default_external_encoding());

 enc_alias_internal("filesystem", idx);
 return idx;


It seems strange that it still selects non-unicode encodings.

Also, my bootstraptest encountered one more problem. The mktmpdir
can't delete the unicode directory entries created by my test:

P:/code/ruby-svn/trunk/lib/fileutils.rb:1307:in unlink': Invalid argument - C:/temp/bootstraptest20100505-1016-1lvss6a.tmpwd/???? (Errno::EINVAL) from P:/code/ruby-svn/trunk/lib/fileutils.rb:1307:in block in remove_file'
from P:/code/ruby-svn/trunk/lib/fileutils.rb:1315:in platform_support' from P:/code/ruby-svn/trunk/lib/fileutils.rb:1306:in remove_file'
from P:/code/ruby-svn/trunk/lib/fileutils.rb:1295:in remove' from P:/code/ruby-svn/trunk/lib/fileutils.rb:761:in block in remove_entry'
from P:/code/ruby-svn/trunk/lib/fileutils.rb:1345:in block (2 levels) in postorder_traverse' from P:/code/ruby-svn/trunk/lib/fileutils.rb:1349:in postorder_traverse'
from P:/code/ruby-svn/trunk/lib/fileutils.rb:1344:in block in postorder_traverse' from P:/code/ruby-svn/trunk/lib/fileutils.rb:1343:in each'
from P:/code/ruby-svn/trunk/lib/fileutils.rb:1343:in postorder_traverse' from P:/code/ruby-svn/trunk/lib/fileutils.rb:759:in remove_entry'
from P:/code/ruby-svn/trunk/lib/fileutils.rb:688:in remove_entry_secure' from P:/code/ruby-svn/trunk/lib/tmpdir.rb:85:in ensure in mktmpdir'
from P:/code/ruby-svn/trunk/lib/tmpdir.rb:85:in mktmpdir' from ./bootstraptest/runner.rb:375:in in_temporary_working_directory'
from ./bootstraptest/runner.rb:126:in main' from ./bootstraptest/runner.rb:398:in '

I don't have a patch for this yet. However, it looks like
in win32.c, routines such as rb_w32_opendir and rb_w32_readdir_with_enc
are already using WCHAR internally!

For example:

rb_w32_opendir(const char *filename)
struct stati64 sbuf;
WCHAR *wpath;

 if (!(wpath = filecp_to_wstr(filename, NULL)))
return NULL;

... so it seems if filesystem encoding were considered UTF-8
instead of WINDOWS-1252, then opendir might just work.

Similarly (somewhat) with rb_w32_readdir_with_enc. (At least,
it does call readdir_internal, which uses WCHAR.)

So I think these are very close to working UTF-8, but, again,
I don't understand why enc_set_filesystem_encoding() uses
WINDOWS-1252 still.





Actions #19

Updated by usa (Usaku NAKAMURA) almost 15 years ago


In message "[ruby-core:30052] Re: [Bug #1685] Some windows unicode path issues remain"
on May.06,2010 19:39:27, wrote:

This works, in terms of returning a UTF-8 path string; however,
rb_dir_getwd calls rb_enc_associate(cwd, rb_filesystem_encoding())
on the result, associating the WINDOWS-1252 encoding instead of

So, I would like to ask: is there a reason
enc_set_filesystem_encoding() should not return UTF-8 now for

For compatibility.

I will not change filesystem encoding in Windows in 1.9 series.
In all methods which returns filenames, the default encoding
of returned value must be filesystem encoding.
So, if someone want to get filename with another encoding, he/she
should specify the encoding by some way.
Of course, it is necessary to decide the "some way" of each

Also, my bootstraptest encountered one more problem. The mktmpdir
can't delete the unicode directory entries created by my test:

Yes, I know it.
This is the problem of globbing.
I've already decided to solve this problem 1.9.3 or later.




Actions #20

Updated by spatulasnout (B Kelly) almost 15 years ago


U.Nakamura wrote:

In message "[ruby-core:30052] Re: [Bug #1685] Some windows unicode path issues remain"
on May.06,2010 19:39:27, wrote:

This works, in terms of returning a UTF-8 path string; however,
rb_dir_getwd calls rb_enc_associate(cwd, rb_filesystem_encoding())
on the result, associating the WINDOWS-1252 encoding instead of

So, I would like to ask: is there a reason
enc_set_filesystem_encoding() should not return UTF-8 now for

For compatibility.

I will not change filesystem encoding in Windows in 1.9 series.
In all methods which returns filenames, the default encoding
of returned value must be filesystem encoding.
So, if someone want to get filename with another encoding, he/she
should specify the encoding by some way.
Of course, it is necessary to decide the "some way" of each


So my rb_w32_ugetcwd patch is not very useful, at present,
since there is no "some way" to specify the encoding via

May I suggest a new command line flag for this purpose:



Well then, this becomes a philosophical question at this point,
but in an effort to better understand, I am wondering:

How does it break compatibility, if we allow filesystem encoding
to become UTF-8 when rb_default_external_encoding is UTF-8?

Do we have evidence that anyone has written scripts that will
break in such a case? (And if so, can we agree to summon the
fleas of a thousand camels to infest their undergarments?)

Also, my bootstraptest encountered one more problem. The mktmpdir
can't delete the unicode directory entries created by my test:

Yes, I know it.
This is the problem of globbing.
I've already decided to solve this problem 1.9.3 or later.


I admit I don't understand why it's considered a globbing problem.
Does the UTF-8 support somehow make the globbing more difficult?
I thought it was just the same situation as above: a filesystem
encoding problem?




Actions #21

Updated by usa (Usaku NAKAMURA) almost 15 years ago


In message "[ruby-core:30054] Re: [Bug #1685] Some windows unicode path issues remain"
on May.06,2010 21:38:19, wrote:

For compatibility.

I will not change filesystem encoding in Windows in 1.9 series.
In all methods which returns filenames, the default encoding
of returned value must be filesystem encoding.
So, if someone want to get filename with another encoding, he/she
should specify the encoding by some way.
Of course, it is necessary to decide the "some way" of each


So my rb_w32_ugetcwd patch is not very useful, at present,
since there is no "some way" to specify the encoding via


Well then, this becomes a philosophical question at this point,
but in an effort to better understand, I am wondering:

How does it break compatibility, if we allow filesystem encoding
to become UTF-8 when rb_default_external_encoding is UTF-8?

You should advocate using default_internal instead of
default_external :)
It's acceptable for me.

I admit I don't understand why it's considered a globbing problem.

FileUtils uses Dir.entries to get filenames to remove.

Does the UTF-8 support somehow make the globbing more difficult?
I thought it was just the same situation as above: a filesystem
encoding problem?

Yes, you are right.




Actions #22

Updated by spatulasnout (B Kelly) almost 15 years ago


U.Nakamura wrote:

How does it break compatibility, if we allow filesystem encoding
to become UTF-8 when rb_default_external_encoding is UTF-8?

You should advocate using default_internal instead of
default_external :)
It's acceptable for me.

Ah, thanks, default_internal does make more sense. :)

Regarding advocacy: apart from yourself, who are the people
who need to comment on this? Is this a question for Matz?
Or... ?




Actions #23

Updated by usa (Usaku NAKAMURA) almost 15 years ago


In message "[ruby-core:30071] Re: [Bug #1685] Some windows unicode path issues remain"
on May.07,2010 06:11:00, wrote:

Regarding advocacy: apart from yourself, who are the people
who need to comment on this? Is this a question for Matz?
Or... ?

I assume,

  1. matz: the grand designer of Ruby
  2. naruse: an authority of Ruby M17N
  3. me: main maintainer of Ruby on Windows
  4. all users of Ruby, of course, especially people using
    non-unicode (multibyte) environment




Actions #24

Updated by spatulasnout (B Kelly) almost 15 years ago


U.Nakamura wrote:

I assume,

  1. matz: the grand designer of Ruby
  2. naruse: an authority of Ruby M17N
  3. me: main maintainer of Ruby on Windows
  4. all users of Ruby, of course, especially people using
    non-unicode (multibyte) environment

For #1 (sorry, I can't resist :)

For #4, wouldn't we expect people using a non-unicode environment
to not set their default_internal encoding to UTF-8 ? So I
would think they would not be affected.

As an aside, from the point of view of writing ruby software to
be installed on arbitrary user's machines, I don't think there's
any such thing as a non-unicode environment anymore.

The minute any of my users (even if they are English speaking)
downloads a file from their web browser called
my application which uses Dir.entries to locate and catalog
media files, is now broken on their system.

(Of course, since I distribute the Ruby interpreter with my
application, I have the luxury of working around the problem,
by installing a non-standard Ruby. But I still believe it's
important for standard Ruby to have full Unicode support on




Actions #25

Updated by spatulasnout (B Kelly) almost 15 years ago


Bill Kelly wrote:

  1. matz: the grand designer of Ruby
  2. naruse: an authority of Ruby M17N
  3. me: main maintainer of Ruby on Windows
  4. all users of Ruby, of course, especially people using
    non-unicode (multibyte) environment

For #4, wouldn't we expect people using a non-unicode environment
to not set their default_internal encoding to UTF-8 ? So I
would think they would not be affected.

Noticed an interesting ChangeLog entry from yesterday on
ruby_1_9_2 branch:

Mon May 17 11:09:58 2010 NAKAMURA Usaku

     merge from trunk (r27856, r27857)

     * lib/fileutils.rb (FileUtils::Entry_#entries): returns pathname in
       UTF-8 on Windows to allow FileUtils accessing all pathnames

Index: lib/fileutils.rb

--- lib/fileutils.rb (revision 27657)
+++ lib/fileutils.rb (working copy)
@@ -1176,7 +1176,9 @@

  def entries
  •  Dir.entries(path())\
  •  opts = {}
  •  opts[:encoding] = "UTF-8" if /mswin|mignw/ =~ RUBY_PLATFORM
  •  Dir.entries(path(), opts)\
         .reject {|n| n == '.' or n == '..' }\
         .map {|n|, join(rel(), n.untaint)) }

Would this approach also be considered for Dir.pwd:

result = Dir.pwd(:encoding => "UTF-8")


If so, I already have the rb_w32_ugetcwd implementation (presented
in [ruby-core:30052] ).

I would be happy to provide a patch for Dir.pwd if this is




Actions #26

Updated by usa (Usaku NAKAMURA) almost 15 years ago


In message "[ruby-core:30296] Re: [Bug #1685] Some windows unicode path issues remain"
on May.18,2010 19:30:53, wrote:

Noticed an interesting ChangeLog entry from yesterday on
ruby_1_9_2 branch:

Mon May 17 11:09:58 2010 NAKAMURA Usaku

    merge from trunk (r27856, r27857)

    * lib/fileutils.rb (FileUtils::Entry_#entries): returns pathname in
      UTF-8 on Windows to allow FileUtils accessing all pathnames

In this case, Dir.entries already has its own "some way".
So I can use it.

Would this approach also be considered for Dir.pwd:

result = Dir.pwd(:encoding => "UTF-8")


This might be a moot point.
For instance, there might be an insistence that Dir.pwd
should accept only the encoding because there is no possiblity
that it takes other arguments.




Actions #27

Updated by spatulasnout (B Kelly) almost 15 years ago


U.Nakamura wrote:

In message "[ruby-core:30296] Re: [Bug #1685] Some windows unicode path issues remain"
on May.18,2010 19:30:53, wrote:

Would this approach also be considered for Dir.pwd:

result = Dir.pwd(:encoding => "UTF-8")


This might be a moot point.
For instance, there might be an insistence that Dir.pwd
should accept only the encoding because there is no possiblity
that it takes other arguments.

Any solution would be fine with me. :)

Thanks to your finding a solution for Dir.entries, it seems
we are approaching nearly 100% unicode path capability for

Do you anticipate it will be difficult to reach a decision

result = Dir.pwd(:encoding => "UTF-8")
result = Dir.pwd("UTF-8")
(some other way)






Actions #28

Updated by usa (Usaku NAKAMURA) almost 15 years ago

  • Category changed from core to M17N
  • Priority changed from 5 to Normal
  • Target version changed from 1.9.2 to 2.0.0



Updated by mame (Yusuke Endoh) over 12 years ago

  • Description updated (diff)

Usa-san, what's the status?

Yusuke Endoh

Updated by mame (Yusuke Endoh) about 12 years ago

  • Target version changed from 2.0.0 to 2.6

Usa-san, what's the status?

Yusuke Endoh

Updated by thomthom (Thomas Thomassen) almost 11 years ago

B Kelly wrote:

Thanks to your finding a solution for Dir.entries, it seems
we are approaching nearly 100% unicode path capability for

In Ruby 2.0 there appear to still be several issues with Ruby and Unicode characters in filenames. Dir.entries fail, load and require fail. FILE has the wrong encoding. I see some things slated for Ruby 2.2, but not everything.

Updated by duerst (Martin Dürst) almost 11 years ago

On 2014/04/03 23:07, wrote:

Issue #1685 has been updated by Thomas Thomassen.

In Ruby 2.0 there appear to still be several issues with Ruby and Unicode characters in filenames. Dir.entries fail, load and require fail. FILE has the wrong encoding. I see some things slated for Ruby 2.2, but not everything.

If you know of anything that's not yet in Ruby 2.2, please tell us, best
by opening a bug for each issue.

Regards, Martin.

Bug #1685: Some windows unicode path issues remain

  • Author: B Kelly
  • Status: Assigned
  • Priority: Normal
  • Assignee: Usaku NAKAMURA
  • Category: M17N
  • Target version: next minor
  • ruby -v: ruby 1.9.2dev (2009-06-24) [i386-mswin32_71]
  • Backport:


I see some nice progress has been made in unicode path
handling on windows.

The following tests are not exhaustive, but do reveal some
remaining issues.

Everything below "NOT WORKING" fails in one way or another.



# encoding: UTF-8

# Test unicode path/dir handling on windows

require 'test/unit'

class TestUnicodeFilenamesAndPaths < Test::Unit::TestCase
  def setup
    tmpdir = ENV['TEMP'] || "C:/TEMP"
    Dir.chdir tmpdir
    puts Dir.pwd
    testdir = "ruby_unicode_test"
    Dir.mkdir testdir unless test ?d, testdir
    Dir.chdir testdir
    puts Dir.pwd

  def test_unicode_paths
    fname_resume = "R\xC3\xA9sum\xC3\xA9".force_encoding("UTF-8")
    fname_chinese = "\u52ec\u52ee\u52f1\u52f2.txt"
    dname_chinese = "\u52ec\u52ee\u52f1\u52f2"

    assert_equal( "UTF-8", ), "w") {|io| io.puts "Hello, World"}

    assert_equal( "UTF-8", ), "w") {|io| io.puts "Hello, World"}

    dat =
    assert_equal( "Hello, World\n", dat )

    files = Dir["*"]
    assert( files.include? fname_resume )
    assert( files.include? fname_chinese )

    Dir.rmdir dname_chinese rescue nil
    Dir.mkdir dname_chinese
    test ?d, dname_chinese
    Dir.chdir dname_chinese
    cwd = Dir.pwd
    assert( cwd[(-dname_chinese.length)..-1] == dname_chinese )
    Dir.chdir ".."

    x = File.stat(fname_resume)
    x = File.stat(fname_chinese)
    x = File.stat(dname_chinese)

    assert( File.exist? fname_resume )
    assert( File.exist? fname_chinese )
    assert( test(?f, fname_resume) )
    assert( test(?f, fname_chinese) )

    files = Dir[fname_resume]
    assert_equal( fname_resume, files.first )
    files = Dir[fname_chinese]
    assert_equal( fname_chinese, files.first )
    files = Dir[dname_chinese]
    assert_equal( dname_chinese, files.first )

spatulasnout-unicode-mkdir-diffs.txt (3.56 KB)
test_io_unicode_paths.rb (925 Bytes)

Updated by thomthom (Thomas Thomassen) almost 11 years ago

Martin Dürst wrote:

If you know of anything that's not yet in Ruby 2.2, please tell us, best
by opening a bug for each issue.

I've been setting up tests and running them through Ruby 2.2 I find some are fixed but there is still several issues related to file handling. We'll be filing issues for what we have uncovered.

Updated by usa (Usaku NAKAMURA) almost 11 years ago

  • Status changed from Assigned to Closed

This ticket is too old and too various problems.
Now Thomas investigates many things and is making some new tickets. (Thank you!)
Please refer to them from now on.


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