CRuby should implement lazy substrings, i.e., "abcdef"[1..3] must not copy bytes.
Currently CRuby only reuse the char* if the substring is until the end of the buffer.
But it should also work wherever the substring starts and ends.
Yes, it means RSTRING_PTR() might need to allocate to \0-terminate, so be it, it's worth it.
There is already code for this (SHARABLE_MIDDLE_SUBSTRING), but it's disabled by default and RSTRING_PTR() needs to be changed to deal with this.
It seems a good idea to introduce a variant of RSTRING_PTR which doesn't guarantee \0-termination, so such callers can then use the existing bytes always without copy.
There are countless workarounds for this missing optimization, all not worth it with lazy substring and all less readable:
The documentation of RSTRING_PTR() doesn't specify it returns a \0-terminated char*, but it seems assumed in various places and it would likely be a security issue if that's not always \0-terminated.
So RSTRING_PTR() needs to realloc and \0-terminate if RSTRING_END(str) is not already \0 (can be multiple zeros for minwidth > 1 encodings, one way to deal with that is always terminate with 4 \0).
@nobu (Nobuyoshi Nakada) maybe you have some insights to share on this topic? Is there a reason you remember why this flag was never enabled by default? I assume compatibility issues with C extensions but there might be more.
It seems a good idea to introduce a variant of RSTRING_PTR which doesn't guarantee \0-termination, so such callers can then use the existing bytes always without copy.
It would be nice to have a way to get the raw parts of a string ([ptr, len]) as part of the official ruby C api. As you mentioned, RSTRING_PTR has some caveats:
It may reallocate
It relies on inline code (not accessibly via dylib)
As a workaround, I’ve seen a lot of hacks in the wild that manually implement this logic, and it gets hairy since you have to consider embedded strings, etc.
So if we are going to add a feature, we should add something like rb_string_raw_parts which can return a tuple of [ptr, len].
Bumping this because it's kinda shocking to me that strings don't already work this way. My mental model of ruby strings has always been that
m = rx.match(very_large_string)
before, match, after = m.pre_match, m[0], m.post_match
is memory-wise a cheap operation because we only allocate 3 objects slots which point to the same string data. I have a lot of code built on this assumption. But it turns out this was false! The before and match strings actually copy the string data as well.
Same thing for"\n") which I assumed allocated one large blob and then had pointers to various parts of that blob for each string of the resulting array. But actually it needs double the memory.
Allocating and copying memory is not free; I expect fixing this will lead to a large performance improvement.
Pat Shaughnessy in his blog describes exactly the same thing as Benoit Daloze above: Ruby shares string data as long as the ends of the strings align.
On first skimming the blog I actually didn't notice that. It's mentioned in one sentence and everything else is about how great Ruby is for avoiding unneeded allocations thanks to copy-on-write.
I realize that RSTRING_PTR is used everywhere, but would it be in the realm of possibility to deprecate it and replace it by something like RSTRING_CSTR and RSTRING_START.
I realize that RSTRING_PTR is used everywhere, but would it be in the realm of possibility to deprecate it and replace it by something like RSTRING_CSTR and RSTRING_START.
I think that would be great (I didn't find a good name myself but these names are perfect IMO).
At the very least we can add both of these macros/functions.
The deprecation would be useful to guide people to use the more efficient RSTRING_START (+ RSTRING_LEN/RSTRING_END) whenever possible, as RSTRING_CSTR & RSTRING_PTR would need to copy the byte for a lazy substring which does not reaches the end of the original string.