Dev meeting IS NOT a decision-making place. All decisions should be done at the bug tracker.
Dev meeting is a place we can ask Matz, nobu, nurse and other developers directly.
Matz is a very busy person. Take this opportunity to ask him. If you can not attend, other attendees can ask instead of you (if attendees can understand your issue).
We will write a record of the discussion in the file or to each ticket in English.
All activities are best-effort (keep in mind that most of us are volunteer developers).
The date, time and place of the meeting are scheduled according to when/where we can reserve Matz's time.
If you have a ticket that you want matz and committers to discuss, please post it into this ticket in the following format:
* [Ticket ref] Ticket title (your name)
* Comment (A summary of the ticket, why you put this ticket here, what point should be discussed, etc.)
* [Feature #14609] `Kernel#p` without args shows the receiver (ko1)
* I feel this feature is very useful and some people say :+1: so let discuss this feature.
It is recommended to add a comment by 2023/11/04. We hold a preparatory meeting to create an agenda a few days before the dev-meeting.
Your comment is mandatory. We cannot read all discussion of the ticket in a limited time. We appreciate it if you could write a short summary and update from a previous discussion.
The method introduced is inconsistent with Array#product being an instance method, and in general is defined unlike any similar Enumerable or Array methods;
It also has a one-letter difference from a useful method Enumerator.produce, that does a very different thing;
It was just introduced in the last version, so I believe the "window of opportunity" to move the method (without breaking much code) is not closed yet.
[Misc #19980] Is the Ruby 3.3 ABI frozen? (flavorjones)
Is the Ruby 3.3 ABI frozen now? If a native gem is built against Ruby 3.3.0_preview2, is there any reason to believe that it wouldn't work with Ruby 3.3 final when it is released?
In the past, precompiled native gems (nokogiri, sqlite3, etc.) released support for a new version of Ruby weeks after Ruby's release, slowing adoption of Ruby in some cases.
I would like to cut a release of rake-compiler-dock as soon as possible to allow gem maintainers to release native gems that support Ruby 3.3 ahead of 3.3.0 final release. When can I do this safely?