



Bug #4352


[patch] Fix eval(s, b) backtrace; make eval(s, b) consistent with eval(s)

Added by quix (James M. Lawrence) over 13 years ago. Updated almost 5 years ago.

Target version:
ruby -v:
ruby 1.9.3dev (2011-02-01 trunk 30751) [i386-darwin9.8.0]


def ex_message
rescue => e
p e.message

ex_message { eval('raise') }
ex_message { eval('raise', binding) }

eval('def f ; end')
p method(:f).source_location
eval('def g ; end', binding)
p method(:g).source_location

Without patch:
"(eval):1:in `block in ': "
["(eval)", 1]
["eval_test.rb", 14]

With patch:
"(eval):1:in block in <main>': " "(eval):1:in block in ': "
["(eval)", 1]
["(eval)", 1]

Knowing the line of an error inside eval is useful. Passing a binding
shouldn't discard that information. Present behavior is even wrong:
there's no line 10 in this file.

eval %{

.. code ...


}, binding

Without patch:
/Users/jlawrence/tmp/raiser.rb:10:in <main>': unhandled exception from /Users/jlawrence/tmp/raiser.rb:7:in eval'
from /Users/jlawrence/tmp/raiser.rb:7:in `'

With patch:
/Users/jlawrence/tmp/raiser.rb:7:in eval': (eval):4:in ': (RuntimeError)
from /Users/jlawrence/tmp/raiser.rb:7:in eval' from /Users/jlawrence/tmp/raiser.rb:7:in '


eval-binding-file-line-4352.patch (11 KB) eval-binding-file-line-4352.patch jeremyevans0 (Jeremy Evans), 07/31/2019 06:39 PM

Related issues 2 (0 open2 closed)

Related to Ruby master - Bug #4487: require_relative fails in an eval'ed fileClosedmatz (Yukihiro Matsumoto)Actions
Related to Ruby master - Bug #4379: [patch] eval(s, b, "(eval)", n) discards locationClosedko1 (Koichi Sasada)Actions
Actions #1

Updated by quix (James M. Lawrence) over 13 years ago

I came across this issue when I noticed that source_location gives non-useful info when a binding is passed to eval. Thus the patch fixes two somewhat different problems: eval backtrace and source_location. If changing the backtrace is inappropriate then a separate bug for source_location should be filed.

Actions #2

Updated by mame (Yusuke Endoh) over 13 years ago


2011/2/1 James M. Lawrence :

Knowing the line of an error inside eval is useful. Passing a binding
shouldn't discard that information.

I understand you, but the behavior is intended.

A binding also has its own information of filename and lineno.
Some people ([ruby-core:28307] [ruby-dev:38767]) think that binding's
lineno information is more important than eval's information, and that
eval shouldn't discard the binding's informantion.

# foo.rb
eval("p [__FILE__, __LINE__]", binding)  #=> expected: ["foo.rb", 2]

In addition, the behavior is compatible to 1.8.

Present behavior is even wrong:
there's no line 10 in this file.

eval %{

  # .. code ...

}, binding

Without patch:

/Users/jlawrence/tmp/raiser.rb:10:in `<main>': unhandled exception
       from /Users/jlawrence/tmp/raiser.rb:7:in `eval'
       from /Users/jlawrence/tmp/raiser.rb:7:in `<main>'

With patch:

/Users/jlawrence/tmp/raiser.rb:7:in `eval': (eval):4:in `<main>': ?(RuntimeError)
       from /Users/jlawrence/tmp/raiser.rb:7:in `eval'
       from /Users/jlawrence/tmp/raiser.rb:7:in `<main>'

It is indeed confusing, but it can be understood as follows:

  1. Here are actual linenos. The binding has its own lineno at which the
    method is called:
1: eval %{
3:   # .. code ...
4:   raise
7: }, binding
  1. binding virtually overwrites linenos so that the eval'ing code starts
    with the binding's own lineno (that is, Line 7):
1: eval %{          # ( 7)
2:                  # ( 8)
3:   # .. code ...  # ( 9)
4:   raise          # (10)
5:                  # (11)
6:                  # (12)
7: }, binding       # (13)
  1. an exception is raised at (virtual) Line 10.

You can exploit this behavior to know the lineno more directly:

 1: # foo.rb
 2: b, s = binding, %{
 5:   # .. code ...
 6:   raise           # <- HERE!!
 9: }, b
10: eval s, b #=> foo.rb:6:in `<main>': unhandled exception

I guess eval should have received binding as the first argument ;-)

eval binding, %{

Yusuke Endoh

Actions #3

Updated by quix (James M. Lawrence) over 13 years ago

Thank you for that detailed explanation. The problem for me is the
connection to source_location, which should be usable by tools.

Shouldn't source_location give the file and line of a method or block
definition? If so then source_location is bugged when the binding
argument is passed.

The seemingly simplest solution is to make the backtrace and
source_location consistent. It only takes a 4-line patch.

I might have thought otherwise if virtual line numbers served some
human purpose, but I just see them as confusing. Tools are even more

Should a new bug for source_location be created?

Actions #4

Updated by mame (Yusuke Endoh) over 13 years ago


2011/2/2 James M. Lawrence :

Thank you for that detailed explanation. The problem for me is the
connection to source_location, which should be usable by tools.

What kind of tools are you talking about?
Even if a binding location is discarded, we can still fake __FILE__
and __LINE__ without using a binding:

eval <<-END, nil, "/etc/passwd", 1
  def foo
p method(:foo).source_location  #=> ["/etc/passwd", 1]

So, source_location user should know and accept the fact that the
information is not trustable.
Why do you think only a binding location as a problem?

Yusuke Endoh

Actions #5

Updated by quix (James M. Lawrence) over 13 years ago

Why do you think only a binding location as a problem?

The initial problem I encountered was

eval %{def g ; end}, nil, "(eval)", 99
p method(:g).source_location #=> ["(eval)", 99]

eval %{def f ; end}, binding, "(eval)", 99
p method(:f).source_location #=> ["prob.rb", 1]

I needed source_location to be ["(eval)", 99] in the latter case,
which is solved by the patch. This could be also be done by making
eval recognize the difference between an empty file argument and an
"(eval)" file argument, however the problem seemed more fundamental.

eval should not implicitly slurp file/line info from the binding.
Creating a "dishonest" backtrace is something that should be done
explicitly by the user, as in

eval(s, b, *b.source_location)

In the last the example in the original post, the existence of
raiser.rb:10 is an outright falsehood. Pointing to a nonexistent line
number should not be the default behavior of eval(s, b).

Since source_location claims to be "the ruby source filename and line
number containing this proc", I was thinking that source_location
could give the "true" location, ignoring the file/line "lies" passed
to eval. But this was wrong--indeed I want the "lies" to be reflected
in source_location. My problem is with eval implicitly grabbing
file/line from the binding, which is just what the patch solves.

As mentioned above, this would be nice too:

class Binding
  def source_location
    eval "[__FILE__, __LINE__]"
diff --git a/proc.c b/proc.c
index 7b1d147..0042caf 100644
--- a/proc.c
+++ b/proc.c
@@ -305,6 +305,24 @@ binding_clone(VALUE self)
     return bindval;
+ * call-seq:
+ *    binding.source_location  -> [String, Fixnum]
+ *
+ * Returns the ruby source filename and line number associated with
+ * this binding.
+ */
+static VALUE
+binding_source_location(VALUE self)
+    rb_binding_t *src;
+    VALUE loc[2];
+    GetBindingPtr(self, src);
+    loc[0] = rb_str_dup_frozen(src->filename);
+    loc[1] = INT2FIX(src->line_no);
+    return rb_ary_new4(2, loc);
@@ -2227,6 +2245,7 @@ Init_Binding(void)
     rb_undef_method(CLASS_OF(rb_cBinding), "new");
     rb_define_method(rb_cBinding, "clone", binding_clone, 0);
     rb_define_method(rb_cBinding, "dup", binding_dup, 0);
+    rb_define_method(rb_cBinding, "source_location", binding_source_location, 0);
     rb_define_method(rb_cBinding, "eval", bind_eval, -1);
     rb_define_global_function("binding", rb_f_binding, 0);
Actions #6

Updated by mame (Yusuke Endoh) over 13 years ago


2011/2/3 Rocky Bernstein :

See also
It is called an "anti-pattern" there which I guess is used in a derogatory

I'd like to positively call it a "best practice" :-)

A place where setting the file and line is used is in template systems like
merb or erb where the file the user works on is not a Ruby file but a
template file that expands to a Ruby file. In that situation, disregarding
the expanded Ruby file is convenient since there can only be one location
attached in the Ruby implementation.
However I don't see why a templating system couldn't also provide an
expanded Ruby file for debugging problems much as one can get the
C-preprocessed output for a C program when one wants.

I'm not sure that I could understand you.
Are you saying that erb users should debug their erb code by looking
the erb-generated Ruby code? I don't think that it is user-friendly.

FYI, erb offers ERB#src which provides a generated Ruby code. However,
I don't want to encourage users to read and debug the generated code.

But shouldn't we try to address the location problem head on in the Ruby
implementation? I suspect it too late to try to change Ruby MRI 1.x, but
perhaps in Ruby 2.x some thought could be given to how to address.?

Yes, it is good to improve the spec in 2.0.
Before that, we must first check the use case.
For creating what kind of tools, what kind of information do you need?

If the fact that source_location is not trustable is a a concern, then
perhaps setting the file and line parameters on eval can be disallowed at
some level greater than 0 and less than 4 which is where eval() is
disallowed totally.?

We should not ignore erb-like use case. Just prohibiting the file and
line parameters is too strict. Unless Ruby provides an alternative
feature, like #line of C-preprocessor.

BTW, is it ok for you that source_location returns ["(eval)", 1]?
It does not allow to distinguish whether it is executed in Kernel#eval
or the source code file is named "(eval)".
"-" (for stdin) and "-e" (for -e option) seem to have the same problem.

Yusuke Endoh

Actions #7

Updated by mame (Yusuke Endoh) over 13 years ago


2011/2/3 James M. Lawrence :

The initial problem I encountered was

eval %{def g ; end}, nil, "(eval)", 99
p method(:g).source_location #=> ["(eval)", 99]

eval %{def f ; end}, binding, "(eval)", 99
p method(:f).source_location #=> ["prob.rb", 1]

Hmm. It is indeed irritating for Kernel#eval to prefer implicit filename
of a binding to explicitly-specified filename.
This is because the current implementation is uncool, like:

def eval(src, binding, filename = "(eval)", lineno = 1)
  filename = binding.filename if filename == "(eval)"

Kernel#eval uses a string "(eval)" when the filename is not specified
explicitly. And then, it replaces it with implicit filename of binding
when the given filename is equal to "(eval)" with string comparison.

Even so, I hesitate to change the behavior in 1.9.x for compatibility

Since source_location claims to be "the ruby source filename and line
number containing this proc", I was thinking that source_location
could give the "true" location, ignoring the file/line "lies" passed
to eval.

Honestly, I understand your expectation. It is of course acceptable to
fix it in 2.0. But it would require a major modification because the
current implementation itself does NOT know the "true" location. The
information is discarded at the parse time.

Yusuke Endoh

Actions #8

Updated by quix (James M. Lawrence) over 13 years ago

Yusuke Endoh:

Since source_location claims to be "the ruby source filename and line
number containing this proc", I was thinking that source_location
could give the "true" location, ignoring the file/line "lies" passed
to eval.

Honestly, I understand your expectation. It is of course acceptable to
fix it in 2.0. But it would require a major modification because the
current implementation itself does NOT know the "true" location. The
information is discarded at the parse time.

Did you misunderstand? It's not my expectation--the next sentence said
it was wrong, and indeed I rely on the current behavior.

My expectation is that overriding file/line for eval can only be done
explicitly, never implicitly through the binding. That's what the
patch does. What did you think of my argument for that?

Actions #9

Updated by mame (Yusuke Endoh) over 13 years ago


2011/2/3 James M. Lawrence :

Yusuke Endoh:

Since source_location claims to be "the ruby source filename and line
number containing this proc", I was thinking that source_location
could give the "true" location, ignoring the file/line "lies" passed
to eval.

Honestly, I understand your expectation. It is of course acceptable to
fix it in 2.0. But it would require a major modification because the
current implementation itself does NOT know the "true" location. The
information is discarded at the parse time.

Did you misunderstand? It's not my expectation--the next sentence said
it was wrong, and indeed I rely on the current behavior.

My expectation is that overriding file/line for eval can only be done
explicitly, never implicitly through the binding.

I see. Sorry for my misunderstanding.
But anyway, it is difficult to meet your expectation in 1.9.
Inheriting file/line from a binding is actually intended, not a
bug, even though it is confusing.
We cannot change any spec in 1.9, unless it is considered a bug.

However, it might be considered a bug for Kernel#eval to ignore
an explicitly specified "(eval)", I think.

Does that answer you?

Yusuke Endoh

Actions #10

Updated by quix (James M. Lawrence) over 13 years ago

Yusuke Endoh:

However, it might be considered a bug for Kernel#eval to ignore
an explicitly specified "(eval)", I think.

Does that answer you?

Yes, thanks. Redmine doesn't have a category for bugs that are fixed
by a feature request :). As Rocky explains there are some deeper
issues involved, but it still amounts to a feature request. I've filed
a new bug for "(eval)" [ruby-core:35139]. Sorry for the confusion.

Updated by naruse (Yui NARUSE) over 13 years ago

  • Status changed from Open to Assigned
  • Assignee set to mame (Yusuke Endoh)

Updated by mame (Yusuke Endoh) over 13 years ago

  • Assignee changed from mame (Yusuke Endoh) to matz (Yukihiro Matsumoto)

Hi, matz

This ticket includes some design concerns.

The source_location seems important information not only for
human users, but also for tools, such as a debugger, lint,
coverage measurement, etc.
James and Rocky seem to be interested in the aspect of tools,
and dislike eval, which fakes the information.

  1. Is the feature that fakes source_location really needed?
    I guess that the feature is designed for erb-like application,
    but C-style "#line" may be better.

  2. What source_location should be used when only binding is

eval("__FILE__", TOPLEVEL_BINDING) #=> "<main>" or "(eval)"?

Some people expect "<main>" [ruby-dev:38767], and others expect
"(eval)". [ruby-core:35027]

  1. Which source_location should be used when binding and
    explicit source_location are both given?
eval("__FILE__", TOPLEVEL_BINDING, "foo") #=> "<main>" or "foo"?

Currently "foo" is returned.

  1. Should 3) be applied even if "(eval)" is given explicitly?
eval("__FILE__", TOPLEVEL_BINDING, "(eval)") #=> "<main>" or "(eval)"?

Currently "<main>" is returned. (7th Dec. 2017: now it returns "(eval)".)

  1. Shouldn't ruby have two-type information, one for human and
    one for tools? The former is used for backtrace. The latter
    is used for tools. eval can fake only the former information.

  2. If 5) is accepted, which information should be used by
    require_relative? See #4487.


Yusuke Endoh

Updated by ko1 (Koichi Sasada) over 11 years ago

  • Target version changed from 2.0.0 to 2.1.0

Time up for 2.0.0.

Matz, could you check this ticket?

Updated by hsbt (Hiroshi SHIBATA) over 10 years ago

  • Target version changed from 2.1.0 to 2.2.0

Updated by matz (Yukihiro Matsumoto) almost 7 years ago

  • Target version changed from 2.2.0 to 2.6

I am sorry I missed this issue for a long time.

I agree with the rationale behind the proposal. I am slightly concerned about incompatibility.
So we need to experiment to measure how big the compatibility issue after changing the behavior.
I expect the impact is small (but my expectation fails often).


Updated by mame (Yusuke Endoh) almost 7 years ago

  • Assignee changed from matz (Yukihiro Matsumoto) to mame (Yusuke Endoh)

Thank you, matz.
I'll try this change after 2.5 is released.

Updated by mame (Yusuke Endoh) almost 7 years ago

  • Assignee changed from mame (Yusuke Endoh) to matz (Yukihiro Matsumoto)

matz (Yukihiro Matsumoto) wrote:

I agree with the rationale behind the proposal. I am slightly concerned about incompatibility.
So we need to experiment to measure how big the compatibility issue after changing the behavior.
I expect the impact is small (but my expectation fails often).

I tried the change, and found some projects actually use the idiom, eval("[__FILE__, __LINE__]", binding), to fetch the source location. See #14230 in detail. What should we do?

Actions #18

Updated by naruse (Yui NARUSE) almost 7 years ago

  • Target version deleted (2.6)

Updated by mame (Yusuke Endoh) almost 7 years ago

  • Target version set to 2.7

We discussed this issue at today's Ruby committer's meeting. We can't change the behavior soon because of compatibility issue, so we need a transition path.

After r61483, a warning is now printed when eval receives only binding and the code includes __FILE__ or __LINE__.

$ ./miniruby -w -e 'eval("[__FILE__, __LINE__]", binding)'
-e:1: warning: __FILE__ in eval may not return location in binding; use Binding#source_location instead
-e:1: warning: __LINE__ in eval may not return location in binding; use Binding#source_location instead

The return value will be changed from binding's source location to eval's default, i.e., "(eval)" and 1. If you need the traditional behavior, please pass the location information explicitly, like: eval("[__FILE__, __LINE__]", binding, *binding.source_location).

Actions #20

Updated by xuhuan587 (环 徐) over 6 years ago

  • File deleted (eval.patch)

Updated by jeremyevans0 (Jeremy Evans) about 5 years ago

Attached is a patch to remove the warning and change the behavior, as well as update the tests and specs so that eval("[__FILE__, __LINE__]", binding) returns ["(eval)", 1].

Actions #22

Updated by mame (Yusuke Endoh) about 5 years ago

  • Status changed from Assigned to Closed

Applied in changeset git|e9e17cbc051e894dfd27eda5feca2939f65552db.

parse.y: make a warning for FILE in eval by default

[Bug #4352]

Updated by mame (Yusuke Endoh) about 5 years ago

  • Status changed from Closed to Open
  • Target version changed from 2.7 to 3.0

@jeremyevans0 (Jeremy Evans) , thank you for reminding this issue.

The warning is printed only on the verbose mode in 2.6. It would be good to enable the warning by default in 2.7.
I tentatively changed at e9e17cbc051e894dfd27eda5feca2939f65552db. How about applying your patch for 3.0?
If you think your patch should be applied soon, I'm not so strongly against it.

Updated by jeremyevans0 (Jeremy Evans) about 5 years ago

mame (Yusuke Endoh) wrote:

@jeremyevans0 (Jeremy Evans) , thank you for reminding this issue.

The warning is printed only on the verbose mode in 2.6. It would be good to enable the warning by default in 2.7.
I tentatively changed at e9e17cbc051e894dfd27eda5feca2939f65552db. How about applying your patch for 3.0?
If you think your patch should be applied soon, I'm not so strongly against it.

@mame (Yusuke Endoh) I think applying my patch for 3.0 is fine. I only suggested it for 2.7 because that is what the issue target was.

Actions #25

Updated by mame (Yusuke Endoh) about 5 years ago

  • Status changed from Open to Closed

Applied in changeset git|c6837638657429034825d5c9e2a29c340898afb8.

Use source_location instead of eval(FILE,binding) in Binding#irb

e9e17cbc051e894dfd27eda5feca2939f65552db (enabling the warning by
default) caused a warning in test-spec:

- creates an IRB session with the binding in scope/data/chkbuild/tmp/build/20190802T213005Z/ruby/spec/ruby/core/binding/fixtures/irb.rb:3: warning: __FILE__ in eval may not return location in binding; use Binding#source_location instead

ref: [Bug #4352]

Actions #26

Updated by jeremyevans0 (Jeremy Evans) about 5 years ago

  • Status changed from Closed to Open
Actions #27

Updated by jeremyevans (Jeremy Evans) almost 5 years ago

  • Status changed from Open to Closed

Applied in changeset git|0eeed5bcc5530edb0af2af2ccff09d067c59e8f9.

Make eval(code, binding) use (eval) as FILE and 1 as LINE

This removes the warning that was added in
3802fb92ff8c83eed3e867db20f72c53932f542d, and switches the behavior
so that the eval does not use the binding's FILE and LINE

Fixes [Bug #4352]


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