Feature #5005
closedProvide convenient access to original methods
Added by lazaridis.com (Lazaridis Ilias) over 13 years ago. Updated about 12 years ago.
The languag allows a class to be "reopened", thus it's behaviour can be redefined:
class String
def any_method
#custom code
the original method can be called, using this construct:
class String
alias_method :original_any_method, :any_method
def any_method(*args)
#custom code
#custom code
In order to make this more convenient, the following construct could be provided:
class String
def any_method(*args)
#custom code
original # call the original String#any_method, passing *args (similar to "super")
#custom code
"original" would behave similar to "super"
The term "original" can be replaced by any term which describes this concept better.
Updated by nobu (Nobuyoshi Nakada) over 13 years ago
- Target version set to 3.0
Updated by antares (Michael Klishin) over 13 years ago
This approach with aliasing seems to be pretty popular because many people do not know that it is possible to define a module with #any_method and include it into a class (in your example, String) and call super in that module method. This feature will open a whole new wave of reinvented OOP wheels. Adding new language features just to work around controversial OOP practices does not sound like a good idea to me personally.
Updated by neleai (Ondrej Bilka) over 13 years ago
Michael Klishin wrote:
This approach with aliasing seems to be pretty popular because many people do not know that it is possible to define a module with #any_method and include it into a class (in your example, String) and call super in that module method. This feature will open a whole new wave of reinvented OOP wheels. Adding new language features just to work around controversial OOP practices does not sound like a good idea to me personally.
Could you elaborate what did you mean?
module B
def foo
class A
def foo
include B
puts A.new.foo
returns a which is not what was wanted
Updated by antares (Michael Klishin) over 13 years ago
When module is included into a class, Ruby adds a new anonymous (in a sense that it will be skipped by Class#superclass calls) class into the inheritance chain: https://gist.github.com/1073599. So it is appending, not prepending. This is useless for core classes like String, however, most cases of blatant monkey-patching that I see look more like this: https://gist.github.com/1073605. In that case, aliased methods is a reinvented wheel.
Updated by matz (Yukihiro Matsumoto) over 13 years ago
The idea to address the issue is the "prepend" feature planned for Ruby 2.0.
class Original
def any_method
module Modifier
def any_method
#custom code
super # call the original any_method, passing *args
#custom code
reopen class¶
class Original
prepend Modifier
The prepend method pushes a module in front of a class so that super calls the original method.
Updated by neleai (Ondrej Bilka) over 13 years ago
One of answers is use AOP like aquarium(But I didn't tried it so I dont
know if it isn't overkill).
Currently best solution is use unbound method which is not much intuitive
From perspective that easiest solution should be too wrong we could
introduce wrap_method. It avoids problems when alias_method break
alias_method of previous guy.
class Module
def wrap_method(foo)
class A
def foo
puts A.new.foo
On Sat, Jul 09, 2011 at 11:27:46PM +0900, Yukihiro Matsumoto wrote:
Issue #5005 has been updated by Yukihiro Matsumoto.
The idea to address the issue is the "prepend" feature planned for Ruby 2.0.
class Original
def any_method
endmodule Modifier
def any_method
#custom code
super # call the original any_method, passing *args
#custom code
endreopen class¶
class Original
prepend Modifier
endThe prepend method pushes a module in front of a class so that super calls the original method.
Feature #5005: Provide convenient access to original methods
http://redmine.ruby-lang.org/issues/5005Author: Lazaridis Ilias
Status: Open
Priority: Normal
Category: core
Target version: 2.0The languag allows a class to be "reopened", thus it's behaviour can be redefined:
class String
def any_method
#custom code
endthe original method can be called, using this construct:
class String
alias_method :original_any_method, :any_method
def any_method(*args)
#custom code
#custom code
endIn order to make this more convenient, the following construct could be provided:
class String
def any_method(*args)
#custom code
original # call the original String#any_method, passing *args (similar to "super")
#custom code
end"original" would behave similar to "super"
The term "original" can be replaced by any term which describes this concept better.
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Updated by lazaridis.com (Lazaridis Ilias) over 13 years ago
I've notice a related issue, #3688, which suggests the introduction of "redef". This, in combination of "original", would be an extension more native to the language - avoiding this way to (ab)use the general construct "super(class-method)", which has a very specific meaning in standard OO.
"redef" would allow to keep track of the redefined method.
Another way would be, that the usual "def" detects that a redefinition happens, thus is keeps automatically a copy of the original method, which "original" accesses then.
This way, "original" would take care about multiple redefinitions, calling always the right one, without any effort for the user.
Updated by lazaridis.com (Lazaridis Ilias) over 13 years ago
Lazaridis Ilias wrote:
The languag allows a class to be "reopened", thus it's behaviour can be redefined:
"original" would behave similar to "super"The term "original" can be replaced by any term which describes this concept better.
Just realized that "previous" would be a more concise term.
- super : the super(class) method, standard OO terminology
- original : the original, the first, the basic version of the method (e.g. C-level one)
- previous : the previous version of this method, the overridden one (either the original one, or an already redefined)
Updated by duerst (Martin Dürst) over 13 years ago
Just some general thoughts on making metaprogramming easier:
Using metaprogramming in Ruby is on average somewhat more lengthy/clumsy than straightforward/plain (i.e. non-meta) programming. I have been thinking about why that may be. It could just be that most of the attention has been on plain programming, and metaprogramming hasn't been polished as much yet as plain programming. But over time, I got the impression that to some extent, leaving metaprogramming to be somewhat more clumsy may have been intentional.
Metaprogramming is a very powerful tool, and therefore programmers should think hard about how to use it well. If it gets too easy and straightforward, then it's going to be overused. I agree that method patching as in this feature request and in #3688 is very frequent. But it is often a quick patch to an underlying problem that might benefit from further thought. If we make it easier with 'redef' or 'original' or some other keyword or syntax, then it will easily become even more over/abused. This may also apply to other cases of metaprogramming.
Updated by naruse (Yui NARUSE) over 13 years ago
- Project changed from Ruby master to 14
- Category deleted (
core) - Target version deleted (
Updated by naruse (Yui NARUSE) over 13 years ago
- Project changed from 14 to Ruby master
Updated by mame (Yusuke Endoh) almost 13 years ago
- Status changed from Open to Assigned
- Assignee set to matz (Yukihiro Matsumoto)
Updated by mame (Yusuke Endoh) over 12 years ago
- Target version set to 2.6
Updated by nobu (Nobuyoshi Nakada) about 12 years ago
- Status changed from Assigned to Rejected
Use Module#prepend and super.