Feature #11049 closed
Enumerable#grep_v (inversed grep)
Added by sorah (Sorah Fukumori) almost 10 years ago.
Updated almost 10 years ago.
sometime I want to do grep -v
like operation:
%w(aaa bbb ccc).reject { |x| /b/ === x } #=> ["aaa", "ccc"]
We already have Enumerable#grep, so I propose to add Enumerable#grep_v.
%w(aaa bbb ccc).grep(/b/) #=> ["bbb"]
%w(aaa bbb ccc).grep_v(/b/) #=> ["aaa", "ccc"]
Naming / Interface¶
This idea is mentioned at DevelopersMeeting20150408Japan by me. Matz has said "I don't disagree for the feature. So this remains naming (interface) problem."
I'm not sure grep_v is the best name for this feature; feedback are welcomed.
(the first patch)
grep(pattern, inverse: true)
How about implementing Regexp#invert
/b/ . invert #=> /[^(?:b)]/
Like this for example:
class Regexp
def invert
self . class . new ( "[^(?: #{ source } )]" )
%w(aaa bbb ccc) . grep ( /b/ ) #=> ["bbb"]
%w(aaa bbb ccc) . grep ( /b/ . invert ) #=> ["aaa", "ccc"]
Recursive Madman wrote:
How about implementing Regexp#invert
Like this for example:
class Regexp
def invert
self . class . new ( "[^(?: #{ source } )]" )
That only works for some regexps, I doubt there is a proper and well defined inverted regexp for any Regexp.
grep(pattern, inverse: true) seems the least surprising to me.
But of course it does not buy much compared to #reject.
Benoit Daloze wrote:
That only works for some regexps, I doubt there is a proper and well defined inverted regexp for any Regexp.
Could you provide an example that doesn't work?
Recursive Madman wrote:
Benoit Daloze wrote:
That only works for some regexps, I doubt there is a proper and well defined inverted regexp for any Regexp.
Could you provide an example that doesn't work?
class Regexp
def invert
%w(aaa bbb ccc).grep(/abc/) #=> []
%w(aaa bbb ccc).grep(/abc/.invert) #=> []
looks same as my proposal, Regexp#!
How is this proposal different from #9602 ? I thought that Matz had already suggested to modify select
, and Sam Rawlins had implemented select
and reject
Assignee set to matz (Yukihiro Matsumoto)
Recursive Madman wrote:
How about implementing Regexp#invert
As grep using the case statement this would be ignoring a lot of cases that would be handy:
array.invert_grep(Array) # Select all elements that are not arrays.
seems OK. Accepted.
Status changed from Open to Closed
Thanks, committed at r50491, r50492.
Related to Feature #8921 : Allow select, reject, etc to accept a regex added
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