



Feature #11741


Migrate Ruby to Git from Subversion

Added by maclover7 (Jon Moss) about 9 years ago. Updated almost 6 years ago.

Target version:


Git to SVN

Converting Ruby wholesale from Subversion to Git (not necessarily Github!) has been a long time coming, and I think it's finally time to make the switch. Ruby already has an official Git repo up on Github, and the main contributing.rdoc file in that repo is meant for Git, not Subversion. Git is definitely the most popular VCS (version control system) in the Ruby ecosystem, and it's time for the language itself to convert. I propose that Ruby use Gitlab to manage its issue tracker, merge/pull request tracker, and the actual Git repository itself. Gitlab is an open source Ruby on Rails that many large corporations have begun to use for Git repository management + related tools. Gitlab also has a CI toolset built right into the core application, so we could also run CI all on the same set of servers. I have contacted and have a sponsor (that's a major Ruby server hosting company) ready to foot the bill for all servers needed to run a cluster of Gitlab servers for Ruby.

Below is a preliminary checklist for how to go about the change:

Actually convert codebase from SVN to Git

Redmine --> Gitlab

  • Contact sponsor [REDACTED] to get GitLab servers spinning, and live (under, maybe?)
  • Get CI running on Gitlab (start off with Ubuntu Linux)
  • Migrate all issues (open and closed, or just open?) from Redmine to Gitlab via Redmine and Gitlab APIs
  • Begin migrating all pull requests from Github to Gitlab

Final Transition

  • Post large notice on Redmine website saying that Redmine + Subversion will be deprecated soon
  • After two months (maybe shorter? longer?) close down old Redmine + Subversion servers

I am happy to make adjustments as necessary to the timeline listed above, and to take the lead on this project. Let me know if we want to continue the conversation with the server sponsor and the Ruby core team. <3

Related issues 2 (0 open2 closed)

Related to Ruby master - Misc #10547: How to move the ruby project to gitRejectedhsbt (Hiroshi SHIBATA)Actions
Related to Ruby master - Feature #14551: What's missing to switch to Git instead of using Subversion?Rejectedhsbt (Hiroshi SHIBATA)Actions

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