



Feature #19528


`JSON.load` defaults are surprising (`create_additions: true`)

Added by byroot (Jean Boussier) almost 2 years ago. Updated 10 months ago.

Third Party's Issue
Target version:


I'm not sure if it was actually intended, but there's some tacit naming convention for serializers in Ruby to use load and dump as methods, likely inspired from Marshal and YAML.

Because of this it's extremely common to see code that uses JSON.load expecting a simple, no surprise, and safe JSON parsing.

However that's JSON.parse.

JSON.load has this very surprising behavior (albeit perfectly documented), of de-serializing more complex types:

>> JSON.load('{ "json_class": "String", "raw": [72, 101, 108, 108, 111] }')
=> "Hello"

It's particularly weird because aside from the String extension that is eagerly defined, for other types you have to require "json/add/core".

Seasoned Ruby developers know about this of course, and it is banned by various linters, but it keeps popping regularly in gems security releases and such.


Assuming entirely removing this feature is not an option, I think json 2.x should warn when this feature is actually being used, and json 3.x should disable it by default and require users to explicitly use JSON.load(str, create_additions: true) to keep the old behavior.

Actions #1

Updated by byroot (Jean Boussier) almost 2 years ago

  • Description updated (diff)

Updated by mame (Yusuke Endoh) almost 2 years ago

We discussed this at the dev meeting.

First of all, json upstream is No one at the dev meeting has its ownership. So the following is just an opinion.

None of the attendees of the dev meeting were against making this safe by default. @naruse (Yui NARUSE) suggested the following migration path.

  • Calling JSON.load without create_additions keyword should be warned as "Use JSON.parse instead of JSON.load"
    • If a user does not need object deserialization feature (we guess this is a major case), JSON.parse is good enough.
    • Otherwise, they should opt-in the feature by adding create_additions: true.
  • After some period, we can change the default to create_additions: false.

@matsuda (Akira Matsuda) said the name create_additions is incomprehensible and he would like another good name. @akr (Akira Tanaka) suggested JSON.unsafe_load.

Updated by duerst (Martin Dürst) almost 2 years ago

I have some very vague recollection that we had a similar issue quite a long time ago. I seem to remember that @tenderlovemaking (Aaron Patterson) was somewhat involved. It may have been YAML, or JSON. It may have been the load method or another method. What I remember of the discussion then was that we devised a plan to gradually move from unsafe being the default to safe being the default. I'm sorry I currently don't have the time to try and find the relevant issue.

Updated by Eregon (Benoit Daloze) almost 2 years ago

@duerst (Martin Dürst) Yes, that's for psych where YAML.load became safe.

@mame (Yusuke Endoh) One issue with the above is it would make usages of JSON.load which don't intend to deserialize objects have to change to JSON.parse, which feels a bit suboptimal.
I would think most usages of JSON.load actually intend no object deserialization, so it'd be great if we don't need to change those and they are not warned.
OTOH I can see changing to JSON.parse would work nicely and safely on older JSON versions, so that makes sense from that POV.
Maybe we could warn only if object deserialization is actually used?

IMO there are so many problems with the json gem, notably this is nonsense:

> JSON.dump(
=> "\"#<Object:0x00007fed9189d6c8>\""
> JSON.load JSON.dump(
=> "#<Object:0x00007fed9177cf28>" # returns a String but an Object was given? WTF? It should have failed earlier, on dump.

And then we had many problems when it comes to releasing json.
And the performance of it is abysmal.
Maybe it's time to redo json from scracth, e.g. for version 2. And have a repository at ruby/json.

Updated by mame (Yusuke Endoh) almost 2 years ago

Eregon (Benoit Daloze) wrote in #note-4:

Maybe we could warn only if object deserialization is actually used?

This idea came up at the dev meeting, but if we change it to safe by default in the future, it will not be a migration path.

In any case, I think this should be discussed at

Actions #6

Updated by hsbt (Hiroshi SHIBATA) 10 months ago

  • Status changed from Open to Third Party's Issue

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