



Feature #21005


Update the source location method to include line start/stop and column start/stop details

Added by bkuhlmann (Brooke Kuhlmann) 3 days ago. Updated about 11 hours ago.

Target version:



πŸ‘‹ Hello. After discussing with Kevin Newton and Benoit Daloze in Feature 20999, I'd like to propose adding line start/stop and column start/stop information to the #source_location method for the following objects:

At the moment, when using #source_location, you only get the following information:

def demo = "A demonstration."

# From disk.
method(:demo).source_location  # ["/Users/bkuhlmann/Engineering/Misc/demo", 15]

# From memory.
method(:demo).source_location  # ["(irb)", 3]

Notice, when asking for the source location, we only get the path/location as the first element and the line number as the second element but I'd like to obtain a much richer set of data which includes line start/stop and column start/stop so I can avoid leaning on the RubyVM for this information. Example:

def demo = "A demonstration."

# From disk.
instructions = RubyVM::InstructionSequence.of method(:demo)
puts [instructions.absolute_path, *instructions.to_a.dig(4, :code_location)]

  "/Users/bkuhlmann/Engineering/Misc/demo",  # Source path.
  15,                                        # Line start.
  0,                                         # Column start.
  15,                                        # Line stop.
  29                                         # Column stop.

# From memory.
instructions = RubyVM::InstructionSequence.of method(:demo)
puts instructions.script_lines

  "def demo = \"A demonstration.\"\n",

By having access to the path (or lack thereof in case of IRB), line start/stop, and column start/stop, this means we could avoid using the RubyVM to obtain raw source code for any of these objects. This would not only enhance debugging situations but also improve Domain Specific Languages that wish to leverage this information for introducing new features and/or new debugging capabilities to the language.


Building upon the examples provided above, I'd like to see Binding, Proc, Method, and UnboundMethod respond to #source_location as follows:

  "/Users/bkuhlmann/Engineering/Misc/demo",  # Source path.
  15,                                        # Line start.
  15,                                        # Line stop.
  0,                                         # Column start.
  29                                         # Column stop.

Notice, for data grouping purposes, I changed the array structure to always start with the path as the first element, followed by line information, and ending with column information. Alternatively, it could might be nice to improve upon the above by answering a hash each time, instead, for a more self-describing data structure. Example:

  path: "/Users/bkuhlmann/Engineering/Misc/demo",
  line_start: 15,
  line_stop: 15,
  column_start: 0,
  column_stop: 29

For in-memory, situations like IRB, it would be nice to answer the equivalent of RubyVM::InstructionSequence#script_lines which would always be an Array with no line or column information since only the source code is necessary. Example:

  "def demo = \"A demonstration.\"\n",

From a pattern matching perspective, this could provide the best of both worlds especially if information is answered as either a Hash or and Array. Example:

def demo = "A demonstration."

case method(:demo).source_location
  in Hash then puts "Source information obtained from disk."
  in Array then puts "Source obtained from memory."
  else fail TypeError, "Unrecognized source location type."

This above is only a simple example but there's a lot we could do with this information if the above pattern match was enhanced to deal with the extraction and formatting of the actual source code!


This feature request is related to the following discussions in case more context is of help:

Related issues 2 (1 open1 closed)

Related to Ruby master - Feature #20999: Add RubyVM object source supportRejectedActions
Related to Ruby master - Feature #6012: Proc#source_location also return the columnAssignednobu (Nobuyoshi Nakada)Actions

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