



Misc #16487


Potential for SIMD usage in ruby-core

Added by byroot (Jean Boussier) about 5 years ago. Updated about 5 years ago.




There are several ruby core methods that could be optimized with the use of SIMD instructions.

I experimented a bit on coderange_scan, and Pavel Rosický experimented on String#strip


The downside of SIMD instructions is that they are not universally available.
So it means maintaining several versions of the same code, and switching them either statically or dynamically.

And since most Ruby users use precompiled binaries from repositories and such, it would need to be dynamic if we want most users to benefit from it.

So it's not exactly "free speed", as it means a complexified codebase.


So the question is to know wether ruby-core is open to patches using SIMD instructions ? And if so under which conditions.

cc @shyouhei (Shyouhei Urabe)

Related issues 1 (1 open0 closed)

Related to Ruby - Feature #14328: SIMD vectorizationOpenActions
Actions #1

Updated by byroot (Jean Boussier) about 5 years ago

  • Subject changed from Potential for SIMD usage un ruby-core to Potential for SIMD usage in ruby-core

Updated by jaruga (Jun Aruga) about 5 years ago

The downside of SIMD instructions is that they are not universally available.
So it means maintaining several versions of the same code, and switching them either statically or dynamically.

There is a library simde: SIMD Everywhere to improve the universal availability.
Right now a person is working for this repository to create the deb package in Debian.

As a example, bowtie2 is using it on aarch64 case where SIMD is not available.

Updated by byroot (Jean Boussier) about 5 years ago

SIMD Everywhere seem very interesting, but from a quick check it seems that all the fallbacks are applied during compilation, which means you'd have to compile ruby yourself to get the benefits.

If we want most users to benefits from the speedups, we need to a test at runtime like PHP does:

Updated by naruse (Yui NARUSE) about 5 years ago

The topic is

  • portability between architectures
  • portability in a architecture
  • maintenanceability

Portability between architectures

Though some compilers provides intrinsics for SIMD instructions, introducing SIMD needs more #ifdefs.
It makes code less maintenanceability.

portability in a architecture

People sometimes build a binary package. If a binary package uses machine dependent instructions the binary will cause SEGV.

For example all x86_64 CPUs implements SSE and SSE2. Therefore they are potable for x86_64 machines.
But earlier CPUs doesn't have SSE4 instructions.
If we introduce SSE4 optimizations, we need some consideration and treatment.


Introducing SIMD will make maintenanceability worse.
It may be acceptable but it needs to show that the benefit of the optimization is larger than the cost of maintenanceability.

Actions #5

Updated by naruse (Yui NARUSE) about 5 years ago

Updated by shyouhei (Shyouhei Urabe) about 5 years ago

I would like to support this. The linked pull request shows 20x speed up for coderange_scan, which is definitely worth the hustle.

Of course decreased portability & maintainability are problems. We have to somehow handle them. Let's discuss that. But every optimization must come with increased complexity and vectorization is just another example of it. If an optimization is effective enough compared to its cost (and I think that is the case here), I believe we should do that.

Updated by shevegen (Robert A. Heiler) about 5 years ago

I wanted to add just a short comment - while byroot is quite possibly correct in regards to most users
using pre-packaged binaries (probably), there are also folks (like me, and others) who compile ruby
from source. These could benefit from significant speed improvement, e. g. via a configure switch
for building (such as --enable-simd and/or --enable-simd-optimizations and/or --optimizations=LIST).

So perhaps the primary issue is about code maintainability/complexity as such. If only we could write
ruby in ... ruby, then ugly #ifdef macros may not have to be used. :)

Updated by mame (Yusuke Endoh) about 5 years ago

Do you have any practical applications whose performance is significantly improved by the SIMD hacks? I'm unsure about coderange_scan, but it is difficult for me to imagine an application that String#strip is a bottleneck.

Updated by ahorek (Pavel Rosický) about 5 years ago

Do you have any practical applications whose performance is significantly improved by the SIMD hacks? I'm unsure about coderange_scan, but it is difficult for me to imagine an application that String#strip is a bottleneck.

I agree, String#strip probably won't be a bottleneck, it was just easy to implement as an example.

there's a real use case for coderange_scan

the steam hardware survey states that any reasonable x86 CPU supports at least SSE4.2.
SSE2 100.00%
SSE3 100.00%
SSSE3 98.47%
SSE4.1 97.70%
SSE4.2 96.99%
AVX 92.79%
AVX2 74.63%
AVX512CD 0.16%

in fact, AVX was introduced in 2011, so this requirement for portability is very low. Some Linux distributions already dropped support for old processors and have more aggressive flags by default.

even mentioned PHP has some functions optimized this way. Of course, it has to be carefully decided what's worth to optimize and what's not, but this is one of many opportunities on how to improve performance.

here's also a very well written example

it would need to be dynamic if we want most users to benefit from it.

SSE2 is a hard requirement for x86_64 CPUs. If you need a portable package, this is the baseline. I don't think dynamic loading is a solution. You can't use for example AVX instructions generated from a regular C code, even if your processor supports it. You have to recompile it for your platform, that's a pain of all C programs.

Introducing SIMD will make maintenanceability worse.

that's definitely true and valid concern. If there's any good library to make things simpler (without sacrificing performance), that would be great.

Updated by sam.saffron (Sam Saffron) about 5 years ago

Could we do something that allows us to install a gem that gives us the speedup by rerouting stuff in MRI?

Then you could install a pre-compiled binary of ruby if you wish and do gem install ruby-simd to get the optimised code paths?

There is a concern around "docker" style distributions, cause generally people package ruby+pre-compiled gems in a single image. I guess a ruby-simd type gem could do a quick runtime check at boot to see if it needs to re-compile stuff if the "compiled" version does not match the current architecture and just pass a bunch of code to gcc/clang?

Updated by byroot (Jean Boussier) about 5 years ago

You can't use for example AVX instructions generated from a regular C code, even if your processor supports it. You have to recompile it for your platform, that's a pain of all C programs.

Could you extend on that ? I'm not sure I understand what you mean here.

Updated by ahorek (Pavel Rosický) about 5 years ago

Could you extend on that ? I'm not sure I understand what you mean here.

for maximum portability, you should use -march=x86-64

in this case, even if your current CPU supports AVX, the compiler can't use AVX instructions for a regular code
loading a few hand-crafted functions dynamically at runtime in order to overcome this limitation seems too hacky...

@sam.saffron - a separate gem would be probably the best choice

Updated by byroot (Jean Boussier) about 5 years ago

for maximum portability, you should use -march=x86-64

Oh I see what you mean now.

Apparently the solution for this is to use __target__ attributes:

Updated by Eregon (Benoit Daloze) about 5 years ago

The code in looks rather arcane to me.
I guess that's often the case for SIMD code in C.
My concern here is who can read, understand and maintain that code?
Such complexity is likely to have bugs or need tweaks over time.

It's unfortunate the C compiler cannot do this on its own.
Maybe there are other ways to express this code that would be more readable?

Updated by byroot (Jean Boussier) about 5 years ago

My concern here is who can read, understand and maintain that code?
Such complexity is likely to have bugs or need tweaks over time.

It's a totally understandable concern. A few responses to that:

  • In that specific case, the UTF8 spec probably won't change before a while, so that limits the amount of maintenance required
  • In a more general case, if for some reason the SIMD version of a function is too hard to maintain, it can simply be removed.

It's unfortunate the C compiler cannot do this on its own.

As @ahorek showed, they can do it to some extent. I doubt they can auto-vectorize coderange_scan, but maybe they can do it to search_nonascii, if so it could yield a decent speedup with very little code to maintain. It's likely worth a try.

Updated by ahorek (Pavel Rosický) about 5 years ago

use target attributes

thanks for the links, very helpful

It's unfortunate the C compiler cannot do this on its own.

yes, sometimes it's possible and it would be great, but
1/ it requires a lot of effort to convince the compiler to do what you want. It's basically about good data structures and alignments
2/ performance is usually worse
3/ if you care about readability than such code is even less readable

I don't think maintenance is a big deal. I'm more worried about code bloat, having many functions (c, sse2, avx2 version etc...) to solve the same problem isn't DRY.

Updated by byroot (Jean Boussier) about 5 years ago

Just to confirm, __attribute__(target("")) is how PHP does it:

In the end there's indeed quite a bit of ceremonial code with a significative amount of extra #ifdef, but IMHO it's tolerable, and could probably be reduced with some macros.

I'm more worried about code bloat, having many functions (c, sse2, avx2 version etc...) to solve the same problem isn't DRY.

It would probably be limited to a few hotpaths though. I might be wrong, but I don't see it used beside a select few string functions.

Updated by naruse (Yui NARUSE) about 5 years ago

Remaining topic is

  • What function should use SIMD. It should be decided based on not micro benchmark, but the impact of real world application. For example a proposal should show the change improves the performance of Rails application. Note that SIMD can improve performance of long strings but usually most string are short. If a change is optimized for longer strings, it sometimes slow for short strings. Such optimization are not acceptable.
  • How to coordinate configure and ifdefs. What is the default behavior? How to specify to use SIMD?

Updated by byroot (Jean Boussier) about 5 years ago

It should be decided based on not micro benchmark

That's understandable. I'll try to produce a proper macro benchmark against I also agree that Rails apps are probably the best thing to benchmark, as they're quite string heavy.

How to coordinate configure and ifdefs. What is the default behavior? How to specify to use SIMD?

I started working on that a bit:

The idea is to have different functions, and to select which implementation to use based on CPUID.

Updated by alanwu (Alan Wu) about 5 years ago

I think we can sidestep some maintainability problems by being liberal about ripping out SIMD code if we need to make changes.
Some methods basically never change and I think we might be able to write once and forget for those.
Having multiple implementations leaves room for bugs, though.

We also need people with enough SIMD chop to review and merge the initial implementation. It seems like there are some footguns
when it comes to SIMD. For examples, a long time ago Linus Torvolds said using SIMD for memcpy might make multi thread programs slower
due to FPU use 1 and using AVX-512 can cause the CPU to throttle2.


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