



Feature #20878


A new C API to create a String by adopting a pointer: `rb_enc_str_adopt(const char *ptr, long len, long capa, rb_encoding *enc)`

Added by byroot (Jean Boussier) 5 months ago. Updated 3 months ago.

Target version:



A common use case when writing C extensions is to generate text or bytes into a buffer, and to return it back
wrapped into a Ruby String. Examples are JSON.generate(obj) -> String, and all other format serializers,
compression libraries such as ZLib.deflate, etc, but also methods such as Time.strftime,

Current Solution

Work in a buffer and copy the result

The most often used solution is to work with a native buffer and to manage a native allocated buffer,
and once the generation is done, call rb_str_new* to copy the result inside memory managed by Ruby.

It works, but isn't very efficient because it cause an extra copy and an extra free().

On ruby/json macro-benchmarks, this represent around 5% of the time spent in JSON.generate.

static void fbuffer_free(FBuffer *fb)
    if (fb->ptr && fb->type == FBUFFER_HEAP_ALLOCATED) {

static VALUE fbuffer_to_s(FBuffer *fb)
    VALUE result = rb_utf8_str_new(FBUFFER_PTR(fb), FBUFFER_LEN(fb));
    return result;

Work inside RString allocated memory

Another way this is currently done, is to allocate an RString using rb_str_buf_new,
and write into it with various functions such as rb_str_catf,
or writing past RString.len through RSTRING_PTR and then resize it with rb_str_set_len.

The downside with this approach is that it contains a lot of inefficiencies, as rb_str_set_len will perform
numerous safety checks, compute coderange, and write the string terminator on every invocation.

Another major inneficiency is that this API make it hard to be in control of the buffer
growth, so it can result in a lot more realloc() calls than manually managing the buffer.

This method is used by Kernel#sprintf, Time#strftime etc, and when I attempted to improve Time#strftime
performance, this problem showed up as the biggest bottleneck:

Proposed API

I think a more effcient way to do this would be to work with a native buffer, and then build a RString
that "adopt" the memory region.

Technically, you can currently do this by reaching directly into RString members, but I don't think it's clean,
and a dedicated API would be preferable:

 * Similar to rb_str_new(), but it adopts the pointer instead of copying.
 * @param[in]  ptr             A memory region of `capa` bytes length. MUST have been allocated with `ruby_xmalloc`
 * @param[in]  len             Length  of the string,  in bytes,  not including  the
 *                             terminating NUL character, not including extra capacity.
 * @param[in]  capa            The usable length of `ptr`, in bytes,  including  the
 *                             terminating NUL character.
 * @param[in]  enc             Encoding of `ptr`.
 * @exception  rb_eArgError    `len` is negative.
 * @return     An instance  of ::rb_cString,  of `len`  bytes length, `capa - 1` bytes capacity,
 *             and of `enc` encoding.
 * @pre        At  least  `capa` bytes  of  continuous  memory region  shall  be
 *             accessible via `ptr`.
 * @pre        `ptr` MUST have been allocated with `ruby_xmalloc`.
 * @pre        `ptr` MUST not be manually freed after `rb_enc_str_adopt` has been called.
 * @note       `enc` can be a  null pointer.  It can also be  seen as a routine
 *             identical to rb_usascii_str_new() then.
rb_enc_str_adopt(const char *ptr, long len, long capa, rb_encoding *enc);

An alternative to the adopt term, could be move.



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