



Feature #6841


Shorthand for Assigning Return Value of Method to Self

Added by wardrop (Tom Wardrop) over 12 years ago. Updated about 4 years ago.

Target version:


Quite often in Ruby, I find myself doing something like: (({my_var[:foo][:bar] = my_var[:foo][:bar].to_i})) or (({ =})). Realising this, I thought of what would be a fairly nice shorthand syntax for this, which could be: (({my_var[:foo][:bar] .= to_i})). How this works should be pretty self-explanatory. The (({.=})) operator works exactly like any other assignment operator of this nature.

Would be nice to see this in Ruby 2.0. Wondering what others think of this?

Related issues 1 (0 open1 closed)

Has duplicate Ruby master - Feature #19027: .= syntaxRejectedActions

Updated by wardrop (Tom Wardrop) over 12 years ago

The formatting obviously didn't work. Try this one:

Quite often in Ruby, I find myself doing something like: (({my_var[:foo][:bar] = my_var[:foo][:bar].to_i})) or (({ =})). Realising this, I thought of what would be a fairly nice shorthand syntax for this, which could be: (({my_var[:foo][:bar] .= to_i})). How this works should be pretty self-explanatory. The (({.=})) operator works exactly like any other assignment operator of this nature.

Would be nice to see this in Ruby 2.0. Wondering what others think of this?

Updated by nobu (Nobuyoshi Nakada) over 12 years ago

  • Description updated (diff)

Updated by trans (Thomas Sawyer) over 12 years ago

Does . effectively become a "call dispatch operator" then? Could one write:

a.send('.', :foo)

I like the idea. But to complete the comparison to other operators, it made me think . would be some sort of method.

Updated by wardrop (Tom Wardrop) over 12 years ago

Yeah, I thought about making "." a method, but I don't think that would be advantageous. If you were to overload ".", perhaps to intercept all method calls (can't think of any other reasons besides as hook method), it wouldn't really work as there are other means to call a method, such as #send and #send, unless they use "." internally? I'd prefer to see a new hook instead, something like #method_called(name) if that was your use case.

Updated by kstephens (Kurt Stephens) over 12 years ago

I like the idea, iff: .= to_i

behaves as:

temp =
temp.baz = temp.baz.to_i

Updated by wardrop (Tom Wardrop) over 12 years ago

Yes, that's exactly how it would behave. To rewrite your example to make sure I understood it correctly: =

becomes .= to_i

Updated by kstephens (Kurt Stephens) over 12 years ago

If we want lexical multiplicity to equal evaluation multiplicity...

Should:[baz.daz] .= to_i

behave as?:

temp1 =
temp2 = baz.daz
temp1[temp2] = temp1[temp2].to_i

... Since the following evaluates "" and "baz.daz" only once:

class Obj
def foo
puts "#{self}#foo"
@foo ||=
class Foo
def bar
puts "#{self}#bar"
@bar ||= { }
class Baz
def daz
puts "#{self}#daz"
obj =
baz =[baz.daz] = 1

... Similarly for below:[baz.daz] ||= 1

Actions #8

Updated by wardrop (Tom Wardrop) over 12 years ago

@kstephens (Kurt Stephens), yes, that would be the expected result I believe. I don't think anyone would expect baz.daz to be called twice in that instance. Principle of least surprise applies here.

Updated by ko1 (Koichi Sasada) about 12 years ago

  • Assignee set to mame (Yusuke Endoh)

mame-san, could you judge this ticket?

Updated by mame (Yusuke Endoh) about 12 years ago

  • Status changed from Open to Assigned
  • Assignee changed from mame (Yusuke Endoh) to matz (Yukihiro Matsumoto)
  • Target version changed from 2.0.0 to 3.0

It requires matz's approval.

My personal comment: I agree, in fact I have thought the same thing
(and as I recall, unak implemented a patch).
But "..= to_i" resembles a variable named `to_i'. I wonder if matz
is interested or not.

Yusuke Endoh

Updated by wardrop (Tom Wardrop) almost 12 years ago

If there are concerns about using an identifier after ".=", then perhaps a symbol could be used instead:

(({ .= :to_i}))

That would be somewhat consistant with the alternate block syntax (not sure what it's called):

(({['a', 'b', 'c'].each &:upcase!}))

Updated by duerst (Martin Dürst) almost 12 years ago

wardrop (Tom Wardrop) wrote:

Quite often in Ruby, I find myself doing something like: (({my_var[:foo][:bar] = my_var[:foo][:bar].to_i})) or (({ =})). Realising this, I thought of what would be a fairly nice shorthand syntax for this, which could be: (({my_var[:foo][:bar] .= to_i})).

What about introducing to_i!. This would look more like Ruby.

Updated by nobu (Nobuyoshi Nakada) almost 12 years ago

to_i! needs Object#become.

Updated by funny_falcon (Yura Sokolov) almost 12 years ago

May be:

(({ = .to_i }))
(({[bar.baz] = .to_s(16) }))

While this not consistent with ||= , it looks readable, imho.

Or combine both variants:

(({ .= .to_i }))
(({[bar.baz] .= .to_s(16) }))

( looks like morse ;) )
27.02.2013 4:07 пользователь "wardrop (Tom Wardrop)"

Issue #6841 has been updated by wardrop (Tom Wardrop).

If there are concerns about using an identifier after ".=", then perhaps a
symbol could be used instead:

(({ .= :to_i}))

That would be somewhat consistant with the alternate block syntax (not
sure what it's called):

(({['a', 'b', 'c'].each &:upcase!}))

Feature #6841: Shorthand for Assigning Return Value of Method to Self

Author: wardrop (Tom Wardrop)
Status: Assigned
Priority: Normal
Assignee: matz (Yukihiro Matsumoto)
Category: core
Target version: Next Major

Quite often in Ruby, I find myself doing something like:
(({my_var[:foo][:bar] = my_var[:foo][:bar].to_i})) or (({ =})). Realising this, I thought of what would be a fairly
nice shorthand syntax for this, which could be: (({my_var[:foo][:bar] .=
to_i})). How this works should be pretty self-explanatory. The (({.=}))
operator works exactly like any other assignment operator of this nature.

Would be nice to see this in Ruby 2.0. Wondering what others think of this?


Updated by nobu (Nobuyoshi Nakada) almost 12 years ago

(13/02/28 6:16), Юрий Соколов wrote:


You can't write in RD mode via e-mail.

May be:

(({ = .to_i }))
(({[bar.baz] = .to_s(16) }))

While this not consistent with ||= , it looks readable, imho.

It's different from ||= etc, so it should not consistent with them.

Rather, += .to_i[bar.baz] *= .to_s(16)

might be useful.

Nobu Nakada

Updated by Student (Nathan Zook) almost 12 years ago

The term that I've heard to describe is "train wreck". Encouraging such seems to me to be problematic.

I am NOT saying that the transformation/normalization is wrong, just that it is being handled a the wrong level. Think about it. To make this call, you have to know about obj (which I'm assuming you should). You have to know foo about obj. You have to know bar about You have to know baz about And you have to know that you want baz to be an integer. If that is not being overly intimate with your arguments, I wouldn't know what is.

If you are doing this a lot, then most likely you are normalizing a data structure. That is, your code looks like: = =

If so, the to_i part is CERTAINLY not the problem! My first question would be "where does obj come from"? Most likely some sort of naive deserializing process. Many deserializers are in fact quite sophisticated, and perhaps a more informed usage would bypass ever creating the object in the undesirable form.

I have a hard time imagining any other way that one would ever get to the point that = would make sense. But perhaps I have missed something.

Updated by wardrop (Tom Wardrop) over 11 years ago

(({Regarding = .to_i})) syntax, with the dot prefix on the ((|to_i|)), another proposal has been made further down the discussion for issue #8191. The idea is that an expression beginning with a dot could be an inferred method call on the result of the last expression.

Just consider that before using the dot prefix syntax for anything else.

Actions #18

Updated by naruse (Yui NARUSE) about 4 years ago

  • Target version deleted (3.0)
Actions #19

Updated by mame (Yusuke Endoh) about 2 years ago


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