



Feature #16253


Shorthand "forward everything" syntax

Added by Dan0042 (Daniel DeLorme) over 5 years ago. Updated over 5 years ago.

Target version:


What about using this:

  def foo(*)*)

to mean this:

  def foo(*a, **o, &b)*a, **o, &b)

I used def foo(*) because that's currently valid ruby code, but I'm fine with any syntax.

It's like the no-parentheses super shorthand, but for any method.

It makes it easier to write correct forwarding code.

If rubyists must be told they have to change their forwarding code in 2.7 (due to keyword arguments), the pill might be easier to swallow if the change is a reduction rather than an increase in verbosity.

And we'd even be future-proof if an eventual FOURTH kind of parameter is introduced!!!!

Related issues 3 (2 open1 closed)

Related to Ruby - Misc #16157: What is the correct and *portable* way to do generic delegation?OpenActions
Related to Ruby - Feature #16296: Alternative behavior for `...` in method body if `...` is not in method definitionOpenActions
Related to Ruby - Feature #16378: Support leading arguments together with ...Closedmatz (Yukihiro Matsumoto)Actions
Actions #1

Updated by Eregon (Benoit Daloze) over 5 years ago

  • Related to Misc #16157: What is the correct and *portable* way to do generic delegation? added

Updated by Eregon (Benoit Daloze) over 5 years ago

... has been proposed a few times as well, I'm not sure if there is a ticket for it:

  def foo(...)

Updated by shevegen (Robert A. Heiler) over 5 years ago

Hmm. I have not decided whether I like the proposal or not; I guess I am mostly
neutral, but with a slight tendency towards not being in favour of it. But leaving
this aside, I think there are perhaps a few points of note.

  1. Part of this proposal reminds me of delegate/delegation, e. g. delegating calls
    from one object to another - a bit like the Forwardable module may do. So a small
    issuer may be for other ruby users to understand the difference(s), towards the
    proposal here, and the forwardable module.

  2. I think the core idea behind the proposal is primarily to save some keys, which
    on the one hand may be nice; on the other hand .... hmmm. To me personally, I do
    not understand why * would or could be used/retrofitted into meaning to "just
    pass all arguments". You also wrote that you are fine with other syntax; I
    believe that it may be better to see whether we could come up with another
    syntax altogether that still is short, could be used here, without adding a new
    meaning to *.

Benoit mentioned that there were other tickets for use of (...); I am not sure
if there are other tickets for this specifically, but I recall having read that
in other tickets, perhaps even proposed by matz (I don't remember, sorry).

I think using (...) would be a bit better than using/retrofitting *, even
though * uses fewer characters. I am not a huge fan of (...) either though,
but I do not dispute that it can be, in principle, useful. (Actually I just
noticed that the link Benoit used pointed to your own suggestion. :D)

Personally I think getting the syntax "right" would be best. I am not sure
how useful it would be, or how often it could be used; that might also have
to be kept in mind. The recent python 3.8.0 release, for example, there
was quite some discussion here and there about how useful or often used
some of these features are. IMO whenever possible, the more people who CAN
use a feature, and who also WILL use a feature, the better - so getting the
syntax "right" here would be important.

I don't have a good proposal myself though.

I'll use a verbose dummy-example:

def foo(*bar)

That's way too verbose, but I guess it may illustrate the goal of
wanting to "yield the arguments onto that method". Actually we may
have that already? Or perhaps not ... we have method ... perhaps
we may need arguments too and then some syntactic sugar for
it. It also reminds me a bit of "yield" and &proc - but anyway,
IMO syntax matters. .foo(...) is a bit better than .foo(*) IMO,
but not perfect. It may be difficult to get "great" results with
very short syntax alone, withouting losing meaning.

And we'd even be future-proof if an eventual FOURTH kind of
parameter is introduced!!!!

I don't think this is a good argument ;) because IF this were a
problem, one could always suggest a proposal to see a change.

You can even find old joke-proposals such as:

def foo
  def bar
    def ble

Or something like that. :P (Although I do have to admit that using several "end"
can be a bit tedious; I just think that was a joke proposal since ... who in his
sane mind wants to just spam the character "d", to mean end-of-scope, as several
"end" would mean. Mandatory indent is also not that great either; I hate that I
can't just copy/paste into the interactive python interpreter. IRB's behaviour is
so much nicer and more convenient here.)

If rubyists must be told they have to change their forwarding code in 2.7
(due to keyword arguments), the pill might be easier to swallow if the change
is a reduction rather than an increase in verbosity.

Well. I think matz said that this may be the only (or perhaps just one of the
very few) changes between 2.x and 3.0, possibly the biggest one. I don't know
the status about frozen Strings, but there are always those who like changes,
and those who don't. Giving people time to prepare to switch is, IMO, always
a good thing; it helps reduce problems in the long run. I don't think people
are THAT opposed to change. But to come back to your comment - I don't think
that the changes in regards to keyword arguments, should be connected to any
syntax proposal in regards to delegation, for several reason. One is that I
think they are not really that much connected; but also because the change in
regards to keywords came, at the least partially, because it was confusing
to many people. Matz even made jokes about it during some presentations.

I personally use oldschool hash options usually, barely any keyword arguments,
so I am not affected really either way. Perhaps it would also be interesting
to see what Jeremy thinks about syntax shortcuts/proposal in this regard,
not solely confined to (*) or (...) but just in general.

Updated by Eregon (Benoit Daloze) over 5 years ago

Things to consider:

  • Is * or ... an expression? What does def m(...); a = ...; p a; end; m(1, a: 2) {} print?
  • Do we want to support required arguments before? It would be useful for method_missing:
def method_missing(name, ...)
  if name.to_s.end_with?('!')
    @target.send(name, ...)

Updated by Dan0042 (Daniel DeLorme) over 5 years ago

  • Is * or ... an expression? What does def m(...); a = ...; p a; end; m(1, a: 2) {} print?

I would tend to say a = ... is a syntax error; my intention was to use this only in the argument list of a method call, with an implementation similar to super without parentheses.

  • Do we want to support required arguments before? It would be useful for method_missing

Then rather than "forward everything" the meaning would be more like "capture all extra arguments". That means we could have foo(a, *) or foo(a, k:, *) or foo(a, k:, *, &b) ... imho this is too complicated and it's better to just use the regular syntax at that point.

But it's true that often we want to operate on the arguments before forwarding, so I think maybe an asymmetric syntax like this would work best?

def method_missing(name, *) #currently valid syntax
  if name.to_s.end_with?('!')
    @target.send(***) #forward everything, including name

Updated by zverok (Victor Shepelev) over 5 years ago

But it's true that often we want to operate on the arguments before forwarding, so I think maybe an asymmetric syntax like this would work best?

BTW, that's very valid point — similar problem was discussed here: There was a request for "all current method arguments list" API, and examples there were related to delegation, too. Quoting from there (my code example and comment)

def get(path:, accept: :json, headers: {}, **options)
  _request(method: :get, __all the rest of what have passed to this method___)

def post(path:, body:, accept: :json, headers: {}, **options)
  _request(method: :post, __all the rest of what have passed to this method___)
# ...and so on

Two of currently available options:

  1. Accept just **arguments, and make checking what was mandatory, what should have default value and so on manually (also making auto-generated docs less expressive)
  2. Accept everything as in my example, and then just do _request(method: :get, path: path, body: body, accept: accept, headers: headers, **options) ...that looks not DRY at all.

The solution proposed there was something like

def get(path:, accept: :json, headers: {}, **options)
  _request(method: :get, **kwargs) # pass ALL arguments

...but following your suggestiong, it could've been

def get(path:, accept: :json, headers: {}, **options)
  _request(method: :get, ***) # pass ALL arguments

...which is kinda nice.

Updated by jeremyevans0 (Jeremy Evans) over 5 years ago

The disadvantage I see to this proposal is increased complexity. Both internal complexity in the implementation, and also more complexity for the user, as this adds more syntax Ruby programmers need to understand. However, I think the increased complexity for the user is probably offset by the fact that the ... syntax is simpler than *a, **kw, &b and probably more understandable for new Ruby programmers.

The main advantage I see to this proposal is potentially better performance (in CRuby). Currently, delegating using:

  def foo(*a, **o, &b)*a, **o, &b)

Causes an array allocation and multiple hash allocations for the delegation itself. Theoretically, delegating using:

  def foo(...)

should not cause any allocations for the delegation itself.

In terms of * vs. ..., I would go with ....*) doesn't imply to me that it would pass keyword arguments or a block, as*a) wouldn't pass keyword arguments or a block.

I think there are some questions that need to be answered, if we decide to do this.

First, do we allow any other arguments in the method definition? If so, do we only allow mandatory positional arguments? Do we support optional positional arguments? I think it wouldn't make sense to support rest, keyword, or block arguments. Supporting mandatory positional arguments makes this more flexible and usable in more places, but also increases complexity.

Second, where we do allow ... when calling? Is this allowed and does is pass arguments from foo to

  def foo(...)
    synchronize do |x|

Does this code pass arguments that synchronize yields to

  def foo(...)
    synchronize do |...|

Is this a SyntaxError?:

  def foo

What about:

  PR = proc do
  def foo(...)

If ... can be implemented such that it improves performance over *a, **kw, &b (in CRuby), I think it may be worth adding. Otherwise, I don't think this is worth adding.

Updated by Dan0042 (Daniel DeLorme) over 5 years ago

Given the very interesting use case that zverok presented, I'm leaning more in favor of a lexically-scoped "operator" that doesn't need to be present in the method signature. So no invocation via block, just like super. Actually, the more it behaves similary to super, the easier it is to explain. So it would allow things like this:

def foo(a, b, c, d=1, e=2, f=3, g:10, h:11, i:12, j:false)
  super(42, ***) or, ***)
  #here, `super(***)` would be equivalent to `super`

(I've become partial to *** because it looks like a splat plus a double splat, which is kind of what this shorthand means... it's a hyper-splat!)

Updated by ioquatix (Samuel Williams) over 5 years ago

Here are some real world examples from my code:

def self.for(*arguments, &block), *arguments)

# Nicer?

def self.for(..., &block), ...)

Module to be prepended:

module Connection
	def initialize(*)
		# Other stuff

# Nicer?

module Connection
	def initialize(...)
		# Other stuff

Many repeated code:

def*arguments, **options)
	append*arguments, **options)

def self.many(*arguments, **options)
	append*arguments, **options)

def self.split(*arguments, **options)
	append*arguments, **options)

# Nicer and more maintainable?

def self.split(...)

There are many more but since this feature is exciting to me, I wanted to give some specific use cases so we can evaluate how they would benefit/change.

Updated by jeremyevans0 (Jeremy Evans) over 5 years ago

ioquatix (Samuel Williams) wrote:

Here are some real world examples from my code:

def self.for(*arguments, &block), *arguments)

# Nicer?

def self.for(..., &block), ...)

From reading the last dev meeting log (under Future work: lead argument handling is postponed), this will not be supported, at least initially.

Module to be prepended:

module Connection
	def initialize(*)
		# Other stuff

# Nicer?

module Connection
	def initialize(...)
		# Other stuff

I think a bare super makes more sense than super(...), and it is backwards compatible. However, in order to avoid keyword argument separation issues, if the super method accepts keyword arguments, you need to do def initialize(*, **) instead of def initialize(*) (def initialize(...) should also work).

Many repeated code:

def self.split(*arguments, **options)
	append*arguments, **options)

# Nicer and more maintainable?

def self.split(...)

Definitely looks nicer, so if you don't care about backwards compatibility, it seems like a good change.

Updated by ioquatix (Samuel Williams) over 5 years ago

The reason to support ... with other args is something like this:

class Controller < Container::Controller
	def initialize(command, *arguments, **options, &block)
		@command = command
		super(*arguments, **options, &block)

# Nicer?

class Controller < Container::Controller
	def initialize(command, ...)
		@command = command

I think ... should be remainder of arguments that aren't explicitly consumed. Semantics might be a little bit more tricky to implement, but it makes a lot of sense to me and there are many places where such a syntax would make things not only clearer, but also faster by eliding allocations for *arguments and **options.

Updated by nobu (Nobuyoshi Nakada) over 5 years ago

The parser itself was easy, but I'm wondering how ripper should treat it.

Updated by nobu (Nobuyoshi Nakada) over 5 years ago

ioquatix (Samuel Williams) wrote:

I think ... should be remainder of arguments that aren't explicitly consumed.

If it is the remainder, then it should be placed after all explicit arguments?

def foo(pre, opt = nil, *rest, kw:, &block, ...)
Actions #14

Updated by nobu (Nobuyoshi Nakada) over 5 years ago

  • Status changed from Open to Closed

Applied in changeset git|62d43828770211470bcacb9e943876f981b5a1b4.

Arguments forwarding [Feature #16253]

Updated by baweaver (Brandon Weaver) over 5 years ago

Going to do a writeup on this later tonight if anyone wants to proof-read it, it'll be interesting to see what the wider community thinks but I really like it.

Also really loving the attention to detail Jeremy's been giving lately, really helps to clear up details.

Actions #16

Updated by Eregon (Benoit Daloze) over 5 years ago

  • Related to Feature #16296: Alternative behavior for `...` in method body if `...` is not in method definition added

Updated by Eregon (Benoit Daloze) over 5 years ago

Note: this feature allows def m(...) but not def m(meth, ...) on current Ruby master.

I found that in some cases, the behavior is rather surprising as ... can also be the beginless endless Range:

$ ruby -e 'def m(...); p(...); end; m(1,2)'  

$ ruby -e 'def m(...); p ...; end; m(1,2)' 

^ nothing

$ ruby -e 'def m(...); p ...; end; p m(1,2)'

$ ruby -e 'def m(...); p(...[0]); end; m(1,2)'         

Can someone explain the second one?

I think we should clarify for this feature that ... isn't an object or an expression, it's only valid as arguments passed to a method.

Updated by mame (Yusuke Endoh) over 5 years ago

Eregon (Benoit Daloze) wrote:

Note: this feature allows def m(...) but not def m(meth, ...) on current Ruby master.

I found that in some cases, the behavior is rather surprising as ... can also be the beginless endless Range:

$ ruby -e 'def m(...); p(...); end; m(1,2)'  

$ ruby -e 'def m(...); p ...; end; m(1,2)' 

^ nothing

$ ruby -e 'def m(...); p ...; end; p m(1,2)'

$ ruby -e 'def m(...); p(...[0]); end; m(1,2)'         

Can someone explain the second one?

It is parsed as an endless range ((p)...).

Updated by Eregon (Benoit Daloze) over 5 years ago

  • Status changed from Closed to Open

Is it intentional that this ticket was closed but def m(meth, ...) is a SyntaxError?

I'm going to reopen this, because I think it is severely limited for delegation otherwise.
For example, it can't be used in

def method_missing(name, ...)
  if name.to_s.end_with?('=')
    update(name, ...)
    # ...

Using a helper method would be one way, but it's quite ugly:

def first_arg(*args)

def method_missing(...)
  name = first_arg(...)
  if name.to_s.end_with?('=')
    # ...

And would quickly become unfeasible if, for instance, the delegated method doesn't take the name argument, or not as first argument.

Updated by jeremyevans0 (Jeremy Evans) over 5 years ago

Eregon (Benoit Daloze) wrote:

Is it intentional that this ticket was closed but def m(meth, ...) is a SyntaxError?

This is expected at present. Lead argument handling will probably happen in the future. From the notes of the last dev meeting:

Future work: lead argument handling is postponed
* lead arguments can be extracted
* lead arguments can be added
  * def f(x, y, ...); g(1, 2, ...); end

It is true that this means the syntax only handles a subset of delegation methods. You can always do things the longer way if you need more control:

ruby2_keywords def method_missing(name, *args)
  if name.to_s.end_with?('=')
    update(name, *args)
    # ...

Updated by Eregon (Benoit Daloze) over 5 years ago

jeremyevans0 (Jeremy Evans) wrote:

It is true that this means the syntax only handles a subset of delegation methods. You can always do things the longer way if you need more control:

Right, except if one wants that code to work on Ruby 2.7+.
I think ... could be part of how to do delegation right in the future, succinctly:

I think leading required arguments are the most most needed in delegation.

Actions #22

Updated by mame (Yusuke Endoh) over 5 years ago

  • Status changed from Open to Closed

Applied in changeset git|d1ae2bc27fd4183e6abb9e83691e192bfe1e5316.

NEWS: Make it clear that delegation syntax (...) requires parentheses

Ref [Feature #16253]

Actions #23

Updated by Eregon (Benoit Daloze) over 5 years ago

  • Related to Feature #16378: Support leading arguments together with ... added

Updated by Eregon (Benoit Daloze) over 5 years ago

I filed #16378 for supporting leading arguments with ....


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