Dev meeting IS NOT a decision-making place. All decisions should be done at the bug tracker.
Dev meeting is a place we can ask Matz, nobu, nurse and other developers directly.
Matz is a very busy person. Take this opportunity to ask him. If you can not attend, other attendees can ask instead of you (if attendees can understand your issue).
We will write a log about the discussion to a file or to each ticket in English.
All activities are best-effort (keep in mind that most of us are volunteer developers).
The date, time and place are scheduled according to when/where we can reserve Matz's time.
If you have a ticket that you want matz and committers to discuss, please post it into this ticket in the following format:
* [Ticket ref] Ticket title (your name)
* Comment (A summary of the ticket, why you put this ticket here, what point should be discussed, etc.)
* [Feature #14609] `Kernel#p` without args shows the receiver (ko1)
* I feel this feature is very useful and some people say :+1: so let discuss this feature.
Comment deadline: 2020/08/19 (one week before the meeting)
Please note that it may not be possible to go though all topics that are raised in this agenda because we will discuss 2.8/3.0 release schedule. (Perhaps, we will prioritize the topics related to 2.8/3.0, such as Ractor.) Thanks.
This keeps the default behavior the same as before, but allows opt-in to supress the warnings.
This allows for high-performance code (uninitialized instance variables) and safe code (redefining methods without removing in multi-thread environments) to work without issuing warnings in verbose mode.
[Feature #17104] Do not freeze interpolated strings when using frozen-string-literal (eregon)
It seems many people agree there is no point to freeze interpolated strings.
Interpolated strings are not "simple literals" (just like 1 + 2 is not a literal) and they involve mutation anyway, it seems of very little value to freeze, and it's inconvenient.
@bughit: The reasons are, it will reduce allocations, be more logical, less surprising and produce simpler code (when a mutable string is needed and you don't want extra allocations)