



Feature #18159


Integrate functionality of syntax_suggest gem into Ruby

Added by duerst (Martin Dürst) over 3 years ago. Updated over 2 years ago.

Target version:


Missing 'end' errors are difficult to fix. We should integrate the functionality of the dead_end gem ( into Ruby similar to how we integrated did_you_mean. It would greatly help programming Ruby, in particular for beginners.

See also Ruby Kaigi Takeout 2021 talk by Richard Schneeman

Related issues 2 (0 open2 closed)

Related to Ruby - Feature #14244: Better error messages for scripts with non-matching end statementsClosedmame (Yusuke Endoh)Actions
Related to Ruby - Feature #18231: `RubyVM.keep_script_lines`Closedko1 (Koichi Sasada)Actions
Actions #1

Updated by mame (Yusuke Endoh) over 3 years ago

  • Related to Feature #14244: Better error messages for scripts with non-matching end statements added

Updated by schneems (Richard Schneeman) over 3 years ago

Thank you for creating the issue, Martin 🙏. For additional context for anyone who could not see the presentation, I uploaded my RubyKaigi talk as unlisted on YouTube You can view it when it is done uploading soon.

Skip ahead for a demo of dead_end parsing source code at 12:51. And then, I do a walk-through of how the algorithm internals works from 15:08 until the end.

The first half of the talk sets up the problem, explains the tools (Ripper with lexing and parsing), gives a high-level intro to "AI", and explains why syntax errors are more challenging than standard errors in Ruby. The final algorithm is conceptually based on Dijkstra's algorithm for uniform cost search, hence the artificial intelligence tie-in.

The critical insight with dead_end was that removing invalid syntax lines from a Ruby document makes it parsable with ripper. We can use this as our goal condition and recursively search the source code using indentation and lexing to determine logical code "blocks".

Updated by duerst (Martin Dürst) over 3 years ago

  • Assignee set to matz (Yukihiro Matsumoto)
  • Target version set to 3.1

schneems (Richard Schneeman) wrote in #note-2:

For additional context for anyone who could not see the presentation, I uploaded my RubyKaigi talk as unlisted on YouTube

This is now also available 'officially' at

Skip ahead for a demo of dead_end parsing source code at 12:51. And then, I do a walk-through of how the algorithm internals works from 15:08 until the end.

I think in this issue, what's more important than the parser or algorithm used is how to integrate it into Ruby. My guess is that the easiest way would be to integrate it in the same way as the 'did_you_mean' and 'error_highlight' gems.

@schneems (Richard Schneeman): Can you look at whether an integration similar to did_you_mean' and 'error_highlight' is easy/possible? I've put this on the agenda of this week's dev meeting (issue #18122, Thursday Japan time), so any additional information we can get before would be great.

Updated by schneems (Richard Schneeman) over 3 years ago

Can you look at whether an integration similar to did_you_mean' and 'error_highlight' is easy/possible?

I've got some time on my calendar for exploration. I didn't previously budget for it so I can't guarantee how far I'll be able to get, but I'll take a look and try to post back Wednesday noon central-ish time.

Actions #5

Updated by jeremyevans0 (Jeremy Evans) over 3 years ago

  • Tracker changed from Bug to Feature
  • Backport deleted (2.6: UNKNOWN, 2.7: UNKNOWN, 3.0: UNKNOWN)

Updated by schneems (Richard Schneeman) over 3 years ago

I've made a draft PR with a working spike of getting this into Ruby. it should be good enough for discussion. I used the same interface you suggested here. It was very easy.

The only limitation of my approach is listed in the PR (dead_end hooks into require so will not fire in every context). But I believe we can work through this limitation.

I invite anyone to try out this branch or to include dead_end in their own gem in their own codebases.

Please let me know how the meeting goes.

Updated by mame (Yusuke Endoh) over 3 years ago

In today's dev meeting, we discussed this. Basically, no one was opposed to the concept. But some concerns were discussed.

@ko1 (Koichi Sasada) and @knu (Akinori MUSHA) were concerned about whether the heuristic algorithm was mature enough. If dead_end prints a misguided summary, it may rather confuse users. They wanted to take an experimental period after dead_end is integrated to the ruby core. There are only three months until Ruby 3.1 release, so they suggested to try the integration towards Ruby 3.2.

@nobu (Nobuyoshi Nakada) and I briefly read the source code, and had some concerns about the implementation details:

  • Currently, there are no good way to allow dead_end to hook a syntax error and extend its message. The redefinition of Kernel#require is never a preferable way. (discussed later)
  • The implementation uses timeout, five seconds by default. The heuristic algorithm may take so long time?
  • The gem includes "exe/dead_end" command. Should it be shipped with the ruby tarball, too?
  • dead_end seems to extend NoMethodError to show a code snippet where the error occurs (if it is not running in production?). Does this conflict with error_highlight?

If dead_end is integrated to the core, we want to avoid the redefinition of Kernel#require and require_relative. It does not work well against an syntax error of an entrypoint file (a file passed the ruby interpreter). But unfortunately, there is no good API for the feature. did_you_mean and error_highlight extend the error message of NameError by defining NameError#message. It would be good if dead_end can do the same (define SyntaxError#message), but unfortunately it does not work because the current parser outputs an error message directly to tty, not via SyntaxError#message. @nobu (Nobuyoshi Nakada) is now trying to sort it out to allow the following API design. @schneems (Richard Schneeman) What do you think?

class SyntaxError
  attr_reader :file_path # the file path that caused this syntax error

  def message
    dead_end_error_message =, ...)

    "#{ super }\n\nDeadEnd: Unmatched `end` detected ..." + dead_end_error_message

Updated by schneems (Richard Schneeman) over 3 years ago

ko1 (Koichi Sasada) and knu (Akinori MUSHA) were concerned about whether the heuristic algorithm was mature enough. If dead_end prints a misguided summary, it may rather confuse users.

I certainly understand and agree. If you (or anyone else) finds a strange case please let me know.

The implementation uses timeout, five seconds by default. The heuristic algorithm may take so long time?

I added the timeout because if the algorithm has a bug that causes a slowdown or infinite loop, I still want the developer to know there is a syntax error without pretty output. In practice, it is speedy. The user should not notice any time between running their program and getting output.

The only performance problem I've had since making the library was creating many combinations of a large array. I fixed it in On further review, I can be lazier with this combination generation which will help.

I do have a performance test just in case of regressions

I could likely reduce the timeout value to 1 second comfortably. It is already configurable via an environment variable for flexibility while debugging.

The gem includes "exe/dead_end" command. Should it be shipped with the ruby tarball, too?

I added this to debug so someone can run the algorithm without having to execute any code or put dead_end in their Gemfile. I don't think it is necessary to ship the executable with Ruby.

dead_end seems to extend NoMethodError to show a code snippet where the error occurs (if it is not running in production?). Does this conflict with error_highlight?

After seeing highlight_error (thank you for your work), I can remove this code from dead_end and encourage developers to add your gem instead.

unfortunately it does not work because the current parser outputs an error message directly to tty, not via SyntaxError#message

I tried to hook into SyntaxError as my first attempt and learned that I could not patch it, but I didn't know why.

Nobu (Nobuyoshi Nakada) is now trying to sort it out to allow the following API design. schneems (Richard Schneeman) What do you think?

I like this API. I wonder if there are other cases we want to support where the source is not on disk. The two cases I can think of are eval and streaming ruby code via STDIN:

$ echo "puts 1+1" | ruby

I think this feature is an enhancement that is not strictly necessary in all cases, but if I had the source contents instead of just the file path, then I think I'd be able to handle these additional edge cases.

There are only three months until Ruby 3.1 release, so they suggested to try the integration towards Ruby 3.2.

Targeting 3.2 seems safer. I can begin making adjustments and preparations. Thank you for the opportunity 🙏

Updated by duerst (Martin Dürst) over 3 years ago

Some additional comments during the meeting:

  • We want to make sure there's no (or very low) overhead for correct programs. So possibly load dead_end code only when the error occurs, because it's not needed otherwise.

  • What happens when indenting is not correct? Dead_end is most valuable to beginners, but beginners often have problems with correct indenting. (Well, if dead_end (indirectly) helps them improving their indents, then that would be good, too.)

  • The best time to introduce the gem would be once the 3.1 release branch is forked from the master branch. That would be in January next year, or possibly somewhat earlier. Then we would have a lot of time for gaining experience.

  • The name dead_end may be somewhat confusing for the release version. But maybe it wouldn't actually appear in the error messages.

  • There are some more details in the minutes of the developers' meeting, but I'm not sure they are public.

Updated by schneems (Richard Schneeman) over 3 years ago

We want to make sure there's no (or very low) overhead for correct programs. So possibly load dead_end code only when the error occurs, because it's not needed otherwise.

Hooking into SyntaxError#message should make it zero overhead when there are no errors.

What happens when indenting is not correct? Dead_end is most valuable to beginners, but beginners often have problems with correct indenting. (Well, if dead_end (indirectly) helps them improving their indents, then that would be good, too.)

The code doesn't require perfect indentation. I'm testing against several bad indentation cases intentionally If indentation is correct it will have a higher chance of providing better output. If it's incorrect it still should produce a decent result (within reason). This is possible because the process is lexically aware.

The best time to introduce the gem would be once the 3.1 release branch is forked from the master branch. That would be in January next year, or possibly somewhat earlier. Then we would have a lot of time for gaining experience.

Sounds good

The name dead_end may be somewhat confusing for the release version. But maybe it wouldn't actually appear in the error messages.

We can keep the name out of the error messages for sure.

Updated by duerst (Martin Dürst) about 3 years ago

duerst (Martin Dürst) wrote in #note-9:

  • The best time to introduce the gem would be once the 3.1 release branch is forked from the master branch. That would be in January next year, or possibly somewhat earlier. Then we would have a lot of time for gaining experience.

@schneems (Richard Schneeman): It's already March. Can you prepare a rebased patch that takes the above comments into account, so that we can actually try how it works?

Updated by schneems (Richard Schneeman) almost 3 years ago

Thanks for the ping. I've had some vacation recently. Looks like I missed the first preview release. I'll be able to start looking at this shortly.

Updated by schneems (Richard Schneeman) almost 3 years ago

I've opened a PR, though there are failing tests since it still monkeypatches require @nobu (Nobuyoshi Nakada) do you have some time to take a look at making SyntaxError monkeypatchable?

Updated by nobu (Nobuyoshi Nakada) almost 3 years ago

Is it useful if SyntaxError (or ScriptError) has an attribute for the failed locations?

SyntaxError often contains multiple failures.
Is it useful an attribute for such list?

Updated by nobu (Nobuyoshi Nakada) almost 3 years ago

The attribute file_path has been written at #note-7 and answered at #note-8 already.

The input from STDIN can be got from SCRIPT_LINES__ hash if it is set.

Updated by schneems (Richard Schneeman) almost 3 years ago

Having SyntaxError#file_path would be hugely helpful, there are some non-trivial edge cases I have to handle when reading the file name from the message: It would be best to not have to guess. Handling escape codes makes it harder

The input from STDIN can be got from SCRIPT_LINES__ hash if it is set.

Interesting, thank you. I did not know about this interface. I see that you must enable it via setting a hash first:

$ cat foo.rb
SCRIPT_LINES__ = {} unless defined?(SCRIPT_LINES__)
$ echo 'puts 1; puts SCRIPT_LINES__' | ruby -r./foo.rb
{"-"=>["puts 1; puts SCRIPT_LINES__\n"]}

Then afterwards you can see all contents.

I am worried about the memory implications for enabling this by default. Is that a valid concern? If we are storing the contents of all files parsed in memory and are loading many files that will cause extra memory use I think.

Perhaps there is a way to mitigate the memory problem, for example if we could detect somehow that code is being streamed to the ruby process we could enable it, and then disable it once the code finishes. However if someone is streaming code to something like a Rails application process it could still incur a large memory overhead.

Another problem is that even if that did work, the monkeypatch to detailed_message does not seem to fire for code that is streamed:

$ ruby -v
ruby 3.2.0preview1 (2022-04-03 master f801386f0c) [x86_64-darwin20]
$ cat monkeypatch.rb
SyntaxError.prepend {
  def detailed_message(highlight: nil, **)
    message = super
    message += "Monkeypatch worked\n"
$ echo "def bad" | ruby -rmonkeypatch -I.
-:1: syntax error, unexpected end-of-input
def bad

Note that there is no "monkeypatch worked" in the output.

This seems similar to the issue I reported in this comment

Overall the known compatibility issues with dead_end and Ruby 3.2 are currently:

  • Does not work with streaming code from STDIN (i.e. echo 'def bad' | ruby )
    • Monkeypatch not working with SyntaxError w/ streaming
    • Possible memory bloat with enabling SCRIPT_LINES__ by default to obtain streaming contents?
  • Does not work when executing a file directly (i.e. ruby bad.rb)
    • Monkeypatch not working with SyntaxError w/ direct file running
    • Cannot get source code
  • Does not work with eval
    • Monkeypatch not working w/ eval
    • Cannot get source code
  • Does not work with ruby -e command.
    • Monekeypatch does not work with -e
    • Cannot get source code

I think that it is not 100% critical to support all of these at the start. I view dead_end as a "progressive enhancement". When it fires it gives helpful context, otherwise it is no worse than prior existing error message. The more cases we can support I think the better it will be, however I don't have the ability to fix these listed issues.

Updated by nobu (Nobuyoshi Nakada) almost 3 years ago

schneems (Richard Schneeman) wrote in #note-16:

I am worried about the memory implications for enabling this by default. Is that a valid concern? If we are storing the contents of all files parsed in memory and are loading many files that will cause extra memory use I think.

Yes, I think it is a reasonable concern.
A problem is that gem_prelude code has no way to know the main script name currently.

Overall the known compatibility issues with dead_end and Ruby 3.2 are currently:

  • Does not work with streaming code from STDIN (i.e. echo 'def bad' | ruby )
    • Monkeypatch not working with SyntaxError w/ streaming
    • Possible memory bloat with enabling SCRIPT_LINES__ by default to obtain streaming contents?
  • Does not work when executing a file directly (i.e. ruby bad.rb)
    • Monkeypatch not working with SyntaxError w/ direct file running
    • Cannot get source code
  • Does not work with eval
    • Monkeypatch not working w/ eval
    • Cannot get source code
  • Does not work with ruby -e command.
    • Monekeypatch does not work with -e
    • Cannot get source code

Monkeypatch not working with main script (including streaming and -e) is an identical issue.
In these cases, the parser outputs error messages directly not using normal exception handling.

The following patch just shows how to keep the source lines and to call detailed_message.

diff --git a/ruby.c b/ruby.c
index 884028daa02..4a748dbe72a 100644
--- a/ruby.c
+++ b/ruby.c
@@ -1997,6 +1997,10 @@ process_options(int argc, char **argv, ruby_cmdline_options_t *opt)
     rb_parser_set_context(parser, 0, TRUE);
+    if (opt->features.set & FEATURE_BIT(dead_end)) {
+	rb_parser_keep_script_lines(parser);
+    }
     if (opt->e_script) {
 	VALUE progname = rb_progname;
 	rb_encoding *eenc;
@@ -2050,6 +2054,13 @@ process_options(int argc, char **argv, ruby_cmdline_options_t *opt)
     if (!ast->body.root) {
+	if (opt->features.set & FEATURE_BIT(dead_end)) {
+	    VALUE exc = rb_errinfo();
+	    VALUE opt = rb_hash_new();
+	    VALUE rb_get_detailed_message(VALUE exc, VALUE opt);
+	    rb_hash_aset(opt, ID2SYM(rb_intern_const("highlight")), RBOOL(rb_stderr_tty_p()));
+	    rb_write_error_str(rb_get_detailed_message(exc, opt));
+	}
 	return Qfalse;

Updated by schneems (Richard Schneeman) almost 3 years ago

Thanks you for the patch. I am not the best to review the C code but I have looked at it. Notably the test seems to indicate that my prior problems of "cannot monkeypatch" have been addressed:

      e = assert_raise(SyntaxError) do
        eval("def", nil, "test_syntax_error.rb")
      assert_equal("test_syntax_error.rb", e.path)

If that's the case my updated requirements (with your patch) would be:

  • Does not work with streaming code from STDIN (i.e. echo 'def bad' | ruby )
    • Possible memory bloat with enabling SCRIPT_LINES__ by default to obtain streaming contents.
  • Does not work when executing a file directly (i.e. ruby bad.rb)
    • Cannot get source code (Possibly addressed by the addition of SyntaxError#path
  • Does not work with eval
    • Cannot get source code
  • Does not work with ruby -e command.
    • Cannot get source code

One idea: In addition to the SyntaxError#path, is it possible to also attach the source code the parser was just looking at maybe an API like SyntaxError#source_contents? That would address accessing code with all scenarios above. Alternatively, if we can get contents via SCRIPT_LINES__ maybe some other interface could be introduced to store the contents of any script with the file name - that is loaded. It would increase memory, but not nearly as much as keeping ALL loaded files. I think it would be acceptable. Maybe use a similar interface. Maybe something like: LAST_ANON_SCRIPT__. Again I have little insight into what's easy or possible in terms of changes.

It's maybe worth asking as well, how confident is Ruby core that this is a feature they want? Basically: I am worried that if I ask you for too many changes or new interfaces and then it is decided that the feature is not desired then it will be wasting your time. Do you know if many have played around with adding the Gemfile to their applications? I am very happy to adapt dead_end to use new interfaces and I am very appreciative of your work here.

On my end, I'll need to fashion a way to pull in Ruby HEAD once your changes are merged on CI as my current tests rely on using the released preview version. Other than that I don't have any tasks on my plate for this Ruby 3.2 integration. Tests are failing currently on my branch, but I believe it's not due to my code I'm occasionally working on an updated re-write of the algorithm as well in a PR, but it is experimental and is not a blocker.

Updated by duerst (Martin Dürst) almost 3 years ago

schneems (Richard Schneeman) wrote in #note-19:

It's maybe worth asking as well, how confident is Ruby core that this is a feature they want? Basically: I am worried that if I ask you for too many changes or new interfaces and then it is decided that the feature is not desired then it will be wasting your time. Do you know if many have played around with adding the Gemfile to their applications? I am very happy to adapt dead_end to use new interfaces and I am very appreciative of your work here.

I think the idea was that dead_end would be included in Ruby itself so that that we would get more feedback on its usability. In my view, it would be good to start this as early as possible. So what I'm suggesting is something like the following:

  • Make dead_end available in master Ruby, even if it doesn't work in all cases.
  • Get feedback.
  • (hopefully) decide that we really want dead_end and work on the remaining details.

I also think that e.g. there's no big problem with dead_end not working with -e. The average script handed to the -e option is too short to make it necessary to find missing ends.

Updated by schneems (Richard Schneeman) almost 3 years ago

I 100% agree. I think we should aim to get it into a preview and ideally get another preview release. If people have a strong reaction against it, then we don't need to invest more time. If people see it being helpful then we can work more to handle the edge cases. That being said if Nobu just wants to do the work, I'm all for it. I just want to get some feedback sooner than later.

Updated by nobu (Nobuyoshi Nakada) almost 3 years ago

schneems (Richard Schneeman) wrote in #note-19:

One idea: In addition to the SyntaxError#path, is it possible to also attach the source code the parser was just looking at maybe an API like SyntaxError#source_contents?

AbstractSyntaxTree already has script_lines for the sake of AST.of method.
I think it's reasonable to make these lines accessible from SyntaxError too.

My draft still fails since I've not updated the tests using SyntaxError yet.

$ ./ruby -r ../../dead_end/monkeypatch.rb ../../dead_end/bad.rb 
../../dead_end/bad.rb:1: syntax error, unexpected end-of-input
def foo
Monkeypatch worked
[["../../dead_end/bad.rb:1: syntax error, unexpected end-of-input", 1, 7, 7, "def foo\n"]]
["def foo\n"]

This monkeypatch.rb is:

SyntaxError.prepend {
  def detailed_message(highlight: nil, **)
    message = super
    message += "Monkeypatch worked\n"
    message << errors.inspect << "\n"
    message << script_lines.inspect << "\n"

Updated by hsbt (Hiroshi SHIBATA) almost 3 years ago

@schneems (Richard Schneeman) If this proposal was accepted, can you transfer dead_end to under the ruby organization? The ruby committer needs to develop the upstream because the change of Ruby interpreter broke the default gems.

It's great to fix it on the ruby/ruby and upstream directly.

Updated by schneems (Richard Schneeman) almost 3 years ago

AbstractSyntaxTree already has script_lines for the sake of AST.of method. I think it's reasonable to make these lines accessible from SyntaxError too.

That is perfect. Not having to read in a file to get contents makes this much easier and with the ability to monkeypatch SyntaxError then I think all of my blockers are gone. Let me know if you need some action from me. I can begin to update my code to use this interface (when available) in a branch.

@schneems (Richard Schneeman) (Richard Schneeman) If this proposal was accepted, can you transfer dead_end to under the ruby organization? The ruby committer needs to develop the upstream because the change of Ruby interpreter broke the default gems.

I'm happy to transfer it. Right now it is under zombocom so anyone who has access to that org can contribute, but so far I'm the main source of changes. Moving orgs will be easy I think. I might need someone with admin permissions to configure circleci or if another CI is preferred possibly assist in migrating. I'll add you as an admin to zombocom/dead_end so you can make the move, please don't forget to give me access after the move though 🙏🏻.

Actions #25

Updated by hsbt (Hiroshi SHIBATA) almost 3 years ago

  • Target version changed from 3.1 to 3.2

Updated by ko1 (Koichi Sasada) almost 3 years ago

How about to move ::DeadEnd to ::SyntaxError::DeadEnd if it is only used for SyntaxError message modification?
(I don't know details so if it is not only for SyntaxError, please ignore this comment)

Updated by duerst (Martin Dürst) almost 3 years ago

We had a discussion today at the monthly committers' meeting, and there was general agreement to move ahead.

One point that was discussed was the name. It's a funny name, but it may not be easy to understand for beginners (compare e.g. do_you_mean), and it may sound depressing to some people (happily programming ... then suddenly a dead_end?) even though it's extremely helpful.

We agreed that if there's a name change, it should happen before/during the integration, not later. Also, the name may not actually turn up, except for users who want to switch the functionality off, and such users would be advanced users. (Not sure what the actual error messages say.)

We didn't discuss actual specific names. Looking at github, it seems that earlier, this gem's name was "syntax_search". A straightforward name may be "detect_end_mismatch" or "end_mismatch_detect". But that's maybe too long. @schneems (Richard Schneeman) please tell us what you think.

Updated by matz (Yukihiro Matsumoto) almost 3 years ago

I accept merging the functionality of dead_end gem to the core like did_you_mean. We have a few remaining issues like renaming it or separating dead_end command from the gem, etc.


Updated by schneems (Richard Schneeman) almost 3 years ago

Thank you everyone for your help so far. This is very exciting!

like renaming

I did some brainstorming. I think having the word "syntax" in the name will help people remember or find it. Originally I scoped this to keywords do and end and def but over time it also proves good at finding other things like missing pairs (), {}, [] so the word "syntax" is more general. Here are some ideas for names that use syntax:

  • did_you_syntax
  • syntax_explain
  • what_syntax
  • syntax_unroll
  • syntax_clippy
  • syntax_suggest
  • syntax_guide
  • syntax_shepherd
  • syntax_fix

I think syntax_suggest maps well because it suggests areas that might be causing problems. In the same way did_you_mean is not called "method finder" etc. it is merely a suggestion. I am curious for your feedback and opinions on the name.

We do still mention the name of the gem in the environment variable when a search times out Search timed out DEAD_END_TIMEOUT=#{timeout}.... Once we decide on a name we can update the internals.

separating dead_end command from the gem, etc.

Previously we talked about not shipping the gem CLI with Ruby. The CLI is used in two places: for the vscode extension and for my debugging. I think both situations are edge cases for now. The extension has a few hundred downloads. I removed any CLI reference from the gem's output already. Is it okay if you don't get the cli with the default gem, but it's available via gem install <name tbd> ?

Updated by hsbt (Hiroshi SHIBATA) almost 3 years ago

I'll add you as an admin to zombocom/dead_end so you can make the move, please don't forget to give me access after the move though 🙏🏻.

@schneems (Richard Schneeman) Thanks! I got it. I'll support to merge dead_end into ruby/ruby and transfer it to ruby org. I think you should become a ruby committer after transferring it.

I'll do them after deciding the new name.

Actions #31

Updated by Eregon (Benoit Daloze) almost 3 years ago

Updated by Eregon (Benoit Daloze) almost 3 years ago

Adding Exception#source_contents or code_location (an object exposing everything needed) or even just source_location would be great.
TruffleRuby can implement it easily, and already has all the necessary information available.

Relying on RubyVM::AbstractSyntaxTree.of is no good, it will only ever work on CRuby:

We've discussed this already, I think it is time to stop hacking new ways to get source lines, and add a clean method to get that, and that internally can use whatever makes sense.

Note that SyntaxError is a bit special because it can point to two regions of code, the one with the incorrect syntax, and the one which called into parsing (e.g., eval("...")).

Updated by schneems (Richard Schneeman) over 2 years ago

I've rebased to change the name of the project from DeadEnd to SyntaxSuggest. All checks are passing except for "Code scanning results / CodeQL" which doesn't appear to be related to my code change.

I've got no other pending changes at this time but previously, we talked about a new API for providing source code strings and location. I agree with Benoit that having a standard way to pull source contents as well as code location would be very helpful. I see Nobu was working on this but I do not know how to move forward.

Updated by hsbt (Hiroshi SHIBATA) over 2 years ago

  • Subject changed from Integrate functionality of dead_end gem into Ruby to Integrate functionality of syntax_suggest gem into Ruby

Can we merge syntax_suggest into ruby/ruby now? Is there any blocker?

Updated by schneems (Richard Schneeman) over 2 years ago

Without any additional patches by Nobu here are the known limitations:

  • Does not work with streaming code from STDIN (i.e. echo 'def bad' | ruby )
  • Does not work when executing a file directly (i.e. ruby bad.rb)
  • Does not work with ruby -e command.
  • Does not work with eval

Even in these cases, it falls back to existing Ruby 3.1 behavior. I think it is safe to merge in for now. We can benefit from people trying the functionality even if it does not work with these cases. There are no blockers to merging.

Updated by matz (Yukihiro Matsumoto) over 2 years ago

The new name syntax_suggest looks good.


Updated by hsbt (Hiroshi SHIBATA) over 2 years ago

  • Status changed from Open to Assigned

Thanks @schneems (Richard Schneeman) and @matz (Yukihiro Matsumoto)

I'll merge this and invite @schneems (Richard Schneeman) to our team as a Ruby committer tomorrow.

Updated by schneems (Richard Schneeman) over 2 years ago

Thank you all for your help, this is exciting!

Updated by hsbt (Hiroshi SHIBATA) over 2 years ago

  • Status changed from Assigned to Closed

I finished promoting @schneems (Richard Schneeman) to Ruby committer.

Updated by hsbt (Hiroshi SHIBATA) over 2 years ago

  • Assignee changed from matz (Yukihiro Matsumoto) to hsbt (Hiroshi SHIBATA)

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