



Misc #20436


DevMeeting at RubyKaigi 2024

Added by ko1 (Koichi Sasada) 12 months ago. Updated 10 months ago.



RubyKaigi 2024 will be at Okinawa, Japan, May 15th - 17th. We would like to try to hold a face-to-face dev meeting at Okinawa. (@matz (Yukihiro Matsumoto) will also participate!)

  • Date: 2023/05/14 (Tue.) 14:00-18:00 (The day before RubyKaigi)
  • Location: SAKURA innobase Okinawa, Haseko Naha Building 1F, 1-2-13 Matsuyama, Naha City, Okinawa


  • 1:45pm door open
  • 2:00pm opening and self introduction
  • 2:30pm discuss topics
  • 5:00pm closing and free time (closing time is depends on topics)
  • 5:50pm door close

There are several RubyKaigi related events after that so let's continue on the party:

How to participate

Open to any RubyKaigi attendees who have a commit bit or who have a topic they particularly want to discuss.
Please write your name on this spreadsheet to count the number of participants.

Call for agenda items

If you have a ticket that you want matz and committers to discuss, please post it into this ticket in the following format:

* [Ticket ref] Ticket title (your name)
  * Comment (A summary of the ticket, why you put this ticket here, what point should be discussed, etc.)


* [Feature #14609] `Kernel#p` without args shows the receiver (ko1)
  * I feel this feature is very useful and some people say :+1: so let discuss this feature.
  • It is recommended to add a comment by 2023/05/10. I'll ask Matz which should be discussed on this meeting and reorder them.
  • The format is strict. We'll use this script to automatically create an markdown-style agenda. We may ignore a comment that does not follow the format.
  • Your comment is mandatory. We cannot read all discussion of the ticket in a limited time. We appreciate it if you could write a short summary and update from a previous discussion.

Related issues 2 (1 open1 closed)

Related to Ruby - Misc #20287: DevMeeting before or after RubyKaigiClosedActions
Related to Ruby - Misc #14770: [META] DevelopersMeetingOpenActions

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