



Misc #20574



Added by mame (Yusuke Endoh) 10 months ago. Updated 9 months ago.



The next dev meeting

Date: 2024/07/11 13:00-17:00 (JST)

  • Dev meeting IS NOT a decision-making place. All decisions should be done at the bug tracker.
  • Dev meeting is a place we can ask Matz, nobu, nurse and other developers directly.
  • Matz is a very busy person. Take this opportunity to ask him. If you can not attend, other attendees can ask instead of you (if attendees can understand your issue).
  • We will write a record of the discussion in the file or to each ticket in English.
  • All activities are best-effort (keep in mind that most of us are volunteer developers).
  • The date, time and place of the meeting are scheduled according to when/where we can reserve Matz's time.
  • DO NOT discuss then on this ticket, please.

Call for agenda items

If you have a ticket that you want matz and committers to discuss, please post it into this ticket in the following format:

* [Ticket ref] Ticket title (your name)
  * Comment (A summary of the ticket, why you put this ticket here, what point should be discussed, etc.)


* [Feature #14609] `Kernel#p` without args shows the receiver (ko1)
  * I feel this feature is very useful and some people say :+1: so let discuss this feature.
  • It is recommended to add a comment by 2024/07/08. We hold a preparatory meeting to create an agenda a few days before the dev-meeting.
  • The format is strict. We'll use this script to automatically create an markdown-style agenda. We may ignore a comment that does not follow the format.
  • Your comment is mandatory. We cannot read all discussion of the ticket in a limited time. We appreciate it if you could write a short summary and update from a previous discussion.

Related issues 1 (1 open0 closed)

Related to Ruby - Misc #14770: [META] DevelopersMeetingOpenActions
Actions #1

Updated by mame (Yusuke Endoh) 10 months ago

  • Related to Misc #14770: [META] DevelopersMeeting added

Updated by tompng (tomoya ishida) 10 months ago

  • [Bug #20433] Hash.inspect for some hash returns syntax invalid representation
    • Change Hash#inspect style to {key: value} or not

Updated by shugo (Shugo Maeda) 9 months ago

  • [Feature #20576] Add MatchData#bytebegin and MatchData#byteend
    • Matz doesn't like the names bytebegin and byteend.
      • Other names: byte_begin/byte_end, begin_in_bytes/end_in_bytes
      • If byte_begin/byte_end are chosen, should we add aliases for existing methods such as byteslice?
      • Since these methods are for advanced users, it may be more important to prioritize consistency with existing methods over readability.

Updated by byroot (Jean Boussier) 9 months ago

  • [Bug #20593] Kernel#format emits a too many arguments for format string warning when called with a single hash and no key is used
    • format emits warnings when too many positional arguments were passed, but doesn't do so if too many hash keys were passed.
    • This makes sense to me because extra named argument are generally not indicative of a bug.
    • However if no key is consumed at all, it does emit a warning: format("test", unused: 2) # warning: too many arguments for format string
    • I think it's a bug and no warning should be emitted.

Updated by ufuk (Ufuk Kayserilioglu) 9 months ago

  • [Feature #19979] Allow methods to declare that they don't accept a block via &nil
    • Based on the discussion in DevMeeting at RubyKaigi 2024, it seems this feature is still considered valuable.
    • I've rebased @nobu (Nobuyoshi Nakada) 's original work and built upon it to create a PR:
    • The PR adds support for the new syntax for both parsers and both compilers (parse.y and prism)
    • Do we still want to go ahead with this feature?

Updated by andrykonchin (Andrew Konchin) 9 months ago

  • [Bug #20606] Thread#thread_variable_get and Thread#thread_variable? don't raise TypeError exception for incorrect argument value when thread-local variable storage is not initialised yet
    • These methods raise is not a symbol nor a string (TypeError) when called with a key that is not a String or a Symbol only when there are some thread local variables already assigned for a thread. And don't raise any exception (and return nil or false correspondingly) if there is no any variable assigned yet.
    • Is it expected behaviour? If not - is it OK to fix this issue (and validate the argument value before checking whether a storage is initialised) in the next Ruby release (3.4)? Or a deprecation warning should be added instead in 3.4 to have the issue fixed later?

Updated by jeremyevans0 (Jeremy Evans) 9 months ago

  • [Bug #20505] Reassigning the block argument in method body keeps old block when calling super with implicit arguments (jeremyevans0)
    • This makes behavior when reassigning block argument inconsistent with reassigning positional/keyword arguments.
    • Do we want to make any changes here?
  • [Bug #19266] URI::Generic should use URI::RFC3986_PARSER instead of URI::DEFAULT_PARSER (jeremyevans0)
    • This allows to accept hostnames with underscores.
    • This will also fix #19756.
    • RFC 3986 is almost 20 years old now.
    • There is an open pull request to uri to implement this change that passes all uri tests.
    • Can the pull request be merged?
  • [Bug #9115] Logger traps all exceptions; breaks Timeout (jeremyevans0)
    • I know logger is moving out of stdlib, but it would be nice to fix this before then.
    • There is an almost 5-year old backwards-compatible pull request that supports not swallowing given exception classes.
    • An alternative, less backwards-compatible approach would be to only rescue IOErrors.
    • No response from the logger maintainer in the last 4 years.
    • Can we make a decision on how to handle this?

Updated by akr (Akira Tanaka) 9 months ago

  • [Feature #20610] Float::INFINITY as timeout argument (akr)
    • Float::INFINITY is useful for timeout computation.

Updated by eightbitraptor (Matt V-H) 9 months ago ยท Edited

  • [Feature #20612] Introduce new Epsilon (no-op) GC
    • Idea taken from this Java implementation
      • Used for testing and experimentation only, with the recently merged modular GC work
    • We'd like to introduce a gc directory, to better facilitate working with modular GC's
  • [Feature #20443] Allow Major GC's to be disabled
    • As discussed, I've introduced a configuration mechanism to GC implementations
    • I'd like a final decision on the name of the method.
    • I prefer config for the reasons outlined here

Updated by byroot (Jean Boussier) 9 months ago

  • [Feature #20594] A new String method to append bytes while preserving encoding (byroot)
    • When working with binary (messagepack, protobuf) or mixed encoding protocols (Redis, Memcached, etc), it's common to assemble string with different encodings.
    • Typical example is to have a BINARY buffer and assemble some UTF-8 strings in it.
    • In such cases Encoding::ASCII_8BIT is very inconvenient as it will do encoding negociation.
    • I propose a String#byteconcat method that appends string content while preserving the left hand side encoding.
    • The logical signature would be to behave like String#concat (take varg args, accept String or Integer, return self)
    • YJIT team is concerned about the performance implication of varargs, and would prefer a single argument.

Updated by byroot (Jean Boussier) 9 months ago

Updated by yui-knk (Kaneko Yuichiro) 9 months ago

  • [Feature #20624] Enhance RubyVM::AbstractSyntaxTree::Node#locations method and RubyVM::AbstractSyntaxTree::Location class (yui-knk)
    • Some types of node need to provide more than one location information
    • Add a new method and a new class under RubyVM::AbstractSyntaxTree
Actions #13

Updated by mame (Yusuke Endoh) 9 months ago

  • Description updated (diff)
  • Status changed from Open to Closed

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