Feature #14781
Added by zverok (Victor Shepelev) almost 7 years ago. Updated over 4 years ago.
This is alternative proposal to Object#enumerate
(#14423), which was considered by many as a good idea, but with unsure naming and too radical (Object
extension). This one is less radical, and, at the same time, more powerful.
Enumerator.generate(initial, &block)
: produces infinite sequence where each next element is calculated by applying block to previous;initial
is first sequence element; -
: the same; first element of sequence is a result of calling the block with no args.
This method allows to produce enumerators replacing a lot of common while
and loop
cycles in the same way #each
replaces for
With initial value
# Infinite sequence
p Enumerator.generate(1, &:succ).take(5)
# => [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
# Easy Fibonacci
p Enumerator.generate([0, 1]) { |f0, f1| [f1, f0 + f1] }.take(10).map(&:first)
#=> [0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34]
require 'date'
# Find next Tuesday
p Enumerator.generate(Date.today, &:succ).detect { |d| d.wday == 2 }
# => #<Date: 2018-05-22 ((2458261j,0s,0n),+0s,2299161j)>
# Tree navigation
# ---------------
require 'nokogiri'
require 'open-uri'
# Find some element on page, then make list of all parents
p Nokogiri::HTML(open('https://www.ruby-lang.org/en/'))
.at('a:contains("Ruby 2.2.10 Released")')
.yield_self { |a| Enumerator.generate(a, &:parent) }
.take_while { |node| node.respond_to?(:parent) }
# => ["a", "h3", "div", "div", "div", "div", "div", "div", "body", "html"]
# Pagination
# ----------
require 'octokit'
# ^ this method returned just an array, but have set `.last_response` to full response, with data
# and pagination. So now we can do this:
p Enumerator.generate(Octokit.last_response) { |response|
response.rels[:next].get # pagination: `get` fetches next Response
.first(3) # take just 3 pages of stargazers
.flat_map(&:data) # `data` is parsed response content (stargazers themselves)
.map { |h| h[:login] }
# => ["wycats", "brynary", "macournoyer", "topfunky", "tomtt", "jamesgolick", ...
Without initial value
# Random search
target = 7
p Enumerator.generate { rand(10) }.take_while { |i| i != target }.to_a
# => [0, 6, 3, 5,....]
# External while condition
require 'strscan'
scanner = StringScanner.new('7+38/6')
p Enumerator.generate { scanner.scan(%r{\d+|[-+*/]}) }.slice_after { scanner.eos? }.first
# => ["7", "+", "38", "/", "6"]
# Potential message loop system:
Enumerator.generate { Message.receive }.take_while { |msg| msg != :exit }
Reference implementation: https://github.com/zverok/enumerator_generate
I want to thank all peers that participated in the discussion here, on Twitter and Reddit.
enumerator_from.rb (3.16 KB) enumerator_from.rb | knu (Akinori MUSHA), 10/18/2018 02:12 PM | ||
enumerator-generate.patch (4.44 KB) enumerator-generate.patch | zverok (Victor Shepelev), 08/11/2019 10:29 AM | ||
0001-Implement-Enumerator.produce-Feature-14781.patch (4.47 KB) 0001-Implement-Enumerator.produce-Feature-14781.patch | knu (Akinori MUSHA), 08/29/2019 11:06 AM |
Updated by shevegen (Robert A. Heiler) almost 7 years ago
I agree with the proposal and name.
I would like to recommend and suggest you to add it to the next ruby
developer meeting for matz' to have a look at and decide. (I think most
people already commented on the other linked suggestion, so I assume
that the issue here will remain fairly small.)
By the way props on the examples given; it's a very clean proposal,
much cleaner than any proposals I ever did myself :D, and it can be
taken almost as-is for the official documentation, IMO. :)
Now of course we have to wait and see what matz and the other core
devs have to say about it.
Here is the link to the latest developer meeting:
Updated by knu (Akinori MUSHA) almost 7 years ago
What about adding support for ending an iteration from a given block itself by raising StopIteration, rather than having to chain it with take_while?
Updated by knu (Akinori MUSHA) almost 7 years ago
In today's developer meeting, we kind of loved the functionality, but haven't reached a conclusion about the name.
Some candidates:
Enumerator.iterate(initial = nil) { |x| ... }
Haskell has a similar function named iterate. -
Enumerator.from(initial) { |x| ... }
This would sound natural when the initial value is mandatory.
Updated by matz (Yukihiro Matsumoto) almost 7 years ago
- Status changed from Open to Feedback
I am not fully satisfied with the name generate
since the word does not always imply sequence generation. If someone has better name proposal, I welcome.
Updated by sawa (Tsuyoshi Sawada) almost 7 years ago
I propose the following:
- Enumerator.sequence
- Enumerator.recur
Updated by zverok (Victor Shepelev) almost 7 years ago
I like #sequence
, too.
Updated by zverok (Victor Shepelev) almost 7 years ago
Though, I should add that Enumerator.generate
(seen this way, not just .generate
alone) seems to clearly state "generate enumerator" :)
Updated by mame (Yusuke Endoh) almost 7 years ago
zverok (Victor Shepelev) wrote:
Though, I should add that
(seen this way, not just.generate
alone) seems to clearly state "generate enumerator" :)
"generate" seems too general. It looks the most typical or primitive way to create an enumerator, but it is not.
Haskell provides "iterate" function for this feature, but it resembles an iterator in Ruby.
Updated by Eregon (Benoit Daloze) almost 7 years ago
I like Enumerator.generate, since it's really to generate a lazy sequence, to generate an Enumerator, from a block.
In the end it is basically as powerful as Enumerator.new, so I see no problem to have a factory/constructor-like name.
Enumerator.sequence sounds like it could be an eager sequence, and doesn't tell me the block is generating the next value, so I don't like it.
Enumerator.iterate sounds like we would iterate something, but we don't, we generate a sequence lazily.
The iteration itself is done by #each, not "Enumerator.iterate".
I think it only works well in Haskell due to their first-class functions, but even then "iterating" (repeated applications of) a function doesn't sound clear to me or map well to Ruby.
Updated by matz (Yukihiro Matsumoto) almost 7 years ago
I don't like recur
. Probably it came from recurrence
but programmers usually think of recursive
because they see recursive
more often. FYI, the word recur
is used in Clojure for the recursive purpose. I don't like iterate
either, as @Eregon (Benoit Daloze) stated.
may work because it generates Enumerator in a fashion different from Enumerator.new
Updated by mame (Yusuke Endoh) almost 7 years ago
Ah, I meant iterate
is not a good name for ruby. Sorry for the confusion.
Updated by knu (Akinori MUSHA) almost 7 years ago
I'm not very fond of generate
because it's not the only way to generate an Enumerator. There could be more to come.
Updated by zverok (Victor Shepelev) over 6 years ago
- Description updated (diff)
Updated by akr (Akira Tanaka) over 6 years ago
How about "recurrence" as method name?
It is noun, though.
Updated by knu (Akinori MUSHA) over 6 years ago
- File enumerator_from.rb enumerator_from.rb added
I've been thinking about this, and I have some ideas I want to share:
- To recursively traverse ancestors of a node is one of the most typical use cases, so that should be made easy to do.
- When and how to end a sequence may vary, so there should be some flexibility in defining an end. For example, nil is not always the dead end. It could mean something; you might even want to end a sequence with an explicit nil as sentinel. Rescuing an exception and treating it as an end might not be a good option because that would make debugging hard, but StopIteration should be a good fit as a signal for an end.
- Sometimes you'd need to look back two or more steps to generate a new value (not to mention Fibonacci series), so the constructor should preferably take multiple seeds.
- Sometimes seeds are not subject of yielding; it would be handy if you could specify how many leading seeds to skip.
In the original proposal, there are some tricks needed to define an end of a sequence or to look back multiple preceding terms, so I've come up with an alternative API that builds them in as keyword options:
Enumerator.from(seeds, drop: 0, allow_nil: false) { |*preceding_terms| next_term }
seeds: Array of objects to be used as seeds (required, but can be an empty array)
drop: How many leading terms to skip
allow_nil: True if nil should not end the enumerator
I wrote an experimental implementation and test cases in the attached file.
I'll be working on it further in this weekends' hackathon, so any input is appreciated!
Updated by zverok (Victor Shepelev) over 6 years ago
@knu (Akinori MUSHA)
The ultimate goal for my proposal is, in fact, promoting Enumerator as a "Ruby way" for doing all-the-things with loops; not just "new useful feature".
That's why I feel really uneasy about your changes to the proposal.
# from: `drop: 2` is part of Enumerator.from API
Enumerator.from([node], drop: 2, &:parent).map(&:name)
# generate: `drop(2)` is part of standard Enumerator API
Enumerator.generate(node, &:parent).take(6).map(&:name).drop(2)
allow_nil (by default false
: nil
stops enumeration)
# from:
# implicit "stop on nil" is part of Enumerator.from convention that code reader should be aware of
Enumerator.from([node], &:parent).map(&:name)
# don't stop on nil is explicit part of the API
Enumerator.from([node], allow_nil: true) { |n|
raise StopIteration if n.nil?
}.map { |n| n&.name }
# generate: "stop on nil" is explicit and obvious
Enumerator.generate(node, &:parent).take_while(&:itself).map(&:name)
# no mentioning of unnecessary "we don't need to stop on nil", no additional thinking
p Enumerator.generate(node) { |n|
raise StopIteration if n.nil?
}.map { |n| n&.name }
start with array (I believe 1 and 0 initial values are the MOST used cases)
# from: we should start from empty array, expression nothing but Enumerator.from API limitation
Enumerator.from([]) { 0 }.take(10)
# generate: no start value
Enumerator.generate { 0 }.take(10)
# from: work with one value requires not forgetting to arrayify it
Enumerator.from([1], &:succ).take(10)
# generate: just use the value
Enumerator.generate(1, &:succ).take(10)
# from: "we pass as much of previous values as initial array had" convention
Enumerator.from([0, 1]) { |i, j| i + j }.take(10)
# generate: regular value enumeration, next block receives exactly what previous returns
Enumerator.generate([0, 1]) { |i, j| [j, i + j] }.take(10).map(&:last)
# ^ yes, it will require additional trick to include 0 in final result, but I believe this is worthy sacrifice
The problem with "API complication" is inconsistency. Like, a newcomer may ask: Why Enumerator.from
has "this handy drop: 2
initial arg", and each
don't? Use cases could exist, too!
Updated by knu (Akinori MUSHA) over 6 years ago
zverok (Victor Shepelev) wrote:
@knu (Akinori MUSHA)
The ultimate goal for my proposal is, in fact, promoting Enumerator as a "Ruby way" for doing all-the-things with loops; not just "new useful feature".That's why I feel really uneasy about your changes to the proposal.
Thanks for your quick feedback, and for bringing up this issue.
# from: `drop: 2` is part of Enumerator.from API Enumerator.from([node], drop: 2, &:parent).map(&:name) # generate: `drop(2)` is part of standard Enumerator API Enumerator.generate(node, &:parent).take(6).map(&:name).drop(2)
I presume .take(6)
is inserted by mistake, but with it or not the following map and drop methods belong to Enumerable, and are Array based operations that create an intermediate array per call. So, I consider them as Array/Enumerable API rather than Enumerator API. Creating intermediate arrays is not only a waste of memory but also against the key concept of Enumerator: to deal with an object as a stream, which may be infinite.
Adding .lazy
before .drop(2)
can be a cure, but then the value you get is a lazy enumerator that is incompatible with an non-lazy enumerator. For instance, Lazy#map, Lazy#select etc. return Lazy objects, so you can't always pass one to methods that expect a normal Enumerable object.
I've always thought that Lazy#eager that turns a lazy enumerator back to a non-lazy enumerator would be nice, but .lazy.map{}.eager
would look messy anyway.
# implicit "stop on nil" is part of Enumerator.from convention that code reader should be aware of
I think it's good and reasonable default behavior to treat nil as an end. Taking your Octokit example, the block could be { |response| response.rels[:next]&.get }
to make it go through all pages and automatically stop if nil were treated as an end. You omitted a .take_while
in the example, but you'd get an error if there were less than 3 pages. You'd almost always need to either explicitly raise StopIteration in the initial block or chain .take_while
if there were no default end, and the choice between them is not obvious.
start with array (I believe 1 and 0 initial values are the MOST used cases)
# from: we should start from empty array, expression nothing but Enumerator.from API limitation Enumerator.from([]) { 0 }.take(10) # generate: no start value Enumerator.generate { 0 }.take(10)
The limitation only came from what the word from
sounds like. I picked the name from
and Enumerator.from {}
just didn't sound right to me, so I made the argument mandatory. You can just default the first argument to []
if it reads and writes better, possibly with a different name than from
which I won't insist on.
# from: work with one value requires not forgetting to arrayify it Enumerator.from([1], &:succ).take(10) # generate: just use the value Enumerator.generate(1, &:succ).take(10)
Yeah, due to our keyword arguments being pseudo ones, you can't use variable length arguments for a list of objects that might end with a hash. We'll hopefully be getting it right by Ruby 3.0.
There's much room for consideration of the name and method signature. Perhaps multiple factory methods could work better.
# from: "we pass as much of previous values as initial array had" convention Enumerator.from([0, 1]) { |i, j| i + j }.take(10) # generate: regular value enumeration, next block receives exactly what previous returns Enumerator.generate([0, 1]) { |i, j| [j, i + j] }.take(10).map(&:last) # ^ yes, it will require additional trick to include 0 in final result, but I believe this is worthy sacrifice
The former directly generates an infinite Fibonacci sequence and that's a major difference. Taking a first few elements with .take
is just for testing (assertion) purposes and not part of the use case. When solving a problem like "Find the least n such that \sum_{k=1}^{n} fib(k) >= 1000", take
wouldn't work optimally.
The problem with "API complication" is inconsistency. Like, a newcomer may ask: Why
has "this handydrop: 2
initial arg", andeach
don't? Use cases could exist, too!
I understand that sentiment, but there's no surprise that a factory/constructor method of a dedicated class often takes many tunables while individual instance methods do not. If people all said they need it as a generic feature, it wouldn't be a bad idea to me to consider adding something like Enumerable#skip(n) that would return an offset enumerator.
Updated by knu (Akinori MUSHA) about 6 years ago
- Subject changed from Enumerator#generate to Enumerator.generate
Updated by zverok (Victor Shepelev) over 5 years ago
Attached is a patch with the implementation I initially described, and with the name Matz seems to be accepting of (Enumerator.generate
I am not 100% sure about the code (as it is my first contribution to core C code), but at least it is short and clean, I am willing to improve it if necessary.
Updated by jwmittag (Jörg W Mittag) over 5 years ago
zverok (Victor Shepelev) wrote:
This is alternative proposal to
(#14423), which was considered by many as a good idea, but with unsure naming and too radical (Object
extension). This one is less radical, and, at the same time, more powerful.Synopsys:
Enumerator.generate(initial, &block)
: produces infinite sequence where each next element is calculated by applying block to previous;initial
is first sequence element;Enumerator.generate(&block)
: the same; first element of sequence is a result of calling the block with no args.
This is typically called unfold
, since it is the category-theoretical dual of a fold
. Ruby doesn't use the name fold
, though, it uses inject
and reduce
, neither of which lend themselves to negating: Enumerator::uninject
, Enumerator::unreduce
? Yikes! That sounds really bad.
However, literally as I am writing this, a thought pops into my mind: how about Enumerator::produce
as the dual to Enumerable#reduce
? Scala also has iterate
which is the restricted variant of unfold
Updated by zverok (Victor Shepelev) over 5 years ago
However, literally as I am writing this, a thought pops into my mind: how about Enumerator::produce as the dual to Enumerable#reduce? Scala also has iterate which is the restricted variant of unfold.
In the first proposal, I've studied some alternative names and their logic, including "like iterate
" (that was my original proposal: Object#enumerate
, but the Enumerator.enumerate
seems a bit overkill to me) and "antonym to fold
)" -- this led me to deduce
, but your produce
idea sounds about right!
Updated by jwmittag (Jörg W Mittag) over 5 years ago
zverok (Victor Shepelev) wrote:
However, literally as I am writing this, a thought pops into my mind: how about Enumerator::produce as the dual to Enumerable#reduce? Scala also has iterate which is the restricted variant of unfold.
In the first proposal, I've studied some alternative names and their logic, including "likeiterate
" (that was my original proposal:Object#enumerate
, but theEnumerator.enumerate
seems a bit overkill to me) and "antonym tofold
)" -- this led me todeduce
, but yourproduce
idea sounds about right!
I just realized that I already commented on your first proposal: #14423-16 but didn't remember it :-D
Updated by matz (Yukihiro Matsumoto) over 5 years ago
I prefer produce
to iterate
, generate
or from
. Accepted (at least for the experiment).
Updated by knu (Akinori MUSHA) over 5 years ago
- File 0001-Implement-Enumerator.produce-Feature-14781.patch 0001-Implement-Enumerator.produce-Feature-14781.patch added
I just wrote a draft implementation of Enumerator.produce. I just didn't notice @zverok (Victor Shepelev) kindly worked on writing a patch, so I'll review and integrate it later!
Updated by Anonymous over 5 years ago
- Status changed from Feedback to Closed
Applied in changeset git|775037613bffe6f90e7af510b7f46a2ac10610be.
Implement Enumerator.produce [Feature #14781]
Updated by chrisseaton (Chris Seaton) over 4 years ago
@zverok (Victor Shepelev) are you making available the code in https://github.com/zverok/enumerator_generate available under the same licence as Ruby? We'd like to just run that proof-of-concept code as-is in TruffleRuby (it still passes all the specs.)
Updated by zverok (Victor Shepelev) over 4 years ago
@chrisseaton I do!
Everything that is good for the community is good by me.
Updated by mame (Yusuke Endoh) 8 months ago
- Related to Feature #20625: Object#chain_of added
Updated by knu (Akinori MUSHA) 8 months ago
- Related to Feature #20664: Add `before` and `until` options to Enumerator.produce added