



Feature #5400


Remove flip-flops in 2.0

Added by judofyr (Magnus Holm) over 13 years ago. Updated about 5 years ago.

Target version:


Nobody knows them. Nobody uses them. Let's just get rid of flip-flops, shall we?

Updated by yimutang (Joey Zhou) over 13 years ago

Magnus Holm wrote:

Nobody knows them. Nobody uses them. Let's just get rid of flip-flops, shall we?

I disagree. The flip-flop syntax is obscure, but very useful, especially in text manipulation.

For example, I want to fetch some chunks of lines :

DATA.each_line do |line|
  print line if (line =~ /begin/)..(line =~ /end/)


this will print:


flip-flop syntax comes from Perl, the Perl idiom looks like "print if /begin/../end/;" or "print if 5..8;" (which means print line5 to line8).

Perl idiom is implicit, not so easy to read, Ruby idiom is a little hard to write.

I'm afraid Rudy didn't take advantage of flip-flops, I try to write in this way: {|line| (line =~ /begin/)..(line =~ /end/) } # error

it seems that ruby treat (line =~ /begin/)..(line =~ /end/) as a range object, that is not what I mean.

Maybe it's difficult for the parser to distinguish the range token ".." and flip-flop token "..", Perl use the same token because it has "context", but Ruby hasn't.

Updated by yimutang (Joey Zhou) over 13 years ago

Magnus Holm wrote:

Nobody knows them. Nobody uses them. Let's just get rid of flip-flops, shall we?

Well, the flip-flop behavior is useful, so it should not be removed.

However, I agree that the syntax is a bit confusing.

Flip-flop in Ruby is not so powerful as in Perl (

It seems like expression leading to true or false, but it cannot be assigned to a variable, and often be treated as a range literal.

So maybe we can get rid of the ".." syntax, instead, introduce a class to do the same thing.

I've implemented a simple class FlipFlop, which simulates the behavior of flip-flop in Perl.

class FlipFlop

  def initialize(test_right_same_time=false)
    @bool = false
    @sequence_num = 0
    @same_time = test_right_same_time
  def rewind
  def test(condition_left,condition_right)
    if @bool == false and condition_left
      @sequence_num = 1
      @bool = true
      if @same_time == true and condition_right
        @sequence_num = 1.0
        @bool = false
      return true
    elsif @bool == true and not condition_right
      @sequence_num += 1
      return true
    elsif @bool == true and condition_right
      @sequence_num += 1.0
      @bool = false
      return true
    else # @bool == false and condition_left == false
      @sequence_num = 0
      return false

  def true?

  def value

  def end?
    @sequence_num.is_a? Float

flipflop =

# take only line3 ~ line5 from a chunk of lines (from /begin/ to /end/)
lines = do |line|
  t = flipflop.test(line =~ /begin/, line =~ /end/)
  t and flipflop.value.between?(3,5)

p lines # ["04end(x)\n", "09(x)\n", "10(x)\n", "11(x)\n", "17(x)\n", "18(x)\n", "19end(x)\n"]


Updated by mame (Yusuke Endoh) over 13 years ago

I'm one of the few users of flip-flop.

W, H = 44, 54
c = 7 + 42 * W
a = [0] * W * H
g = d = 0
f = proc do |n|
  a[c] += 1
  o = {|z| " :#"[z, 1] * 2 }.join.scan(/.{#{W * 2}}/)
  puts "\f" + {|l| l.rstrip }.join("\n")
  sleep 0.005
  d += 1 - 2 * ((g ^= 1 << n) >> n)
  c += [1, W, -1, -W][d %= 4]
1024.times do

Sorry for off-topic :-)

I have no objection to deletion, but I'm just curious.
Why do you want to delete it aggressively?

Yusuke Endoh

Updated by telemachus (Peter Aronoff) over 13 years ago

On Tue Oct 04 2011 @ 4:43, Magnus Holm wrote:

Nobody knows them. Nobody uses them. Let's just get rid of flip-flops,
shall we?

As someone who came to Ruby from Perl, I also use/like the flip-flop

Having said that, maybe a better question than "Who likes the feature?" or
"Who doesn't?" is "What's bad enough about flip-flop that merits removal?"
Does it cause some performance problem or lead to wrongheaded programming?
(Not rhetorical: I genuinely don't see what would make it worth removing.)

Thanks, Peter

[D]igital information lasts forever--or five years, whichever comes first.
"Ensuring the Longevity of Digital Information", Jeff Rothenberg

Updated by agrimm (Andrew Grimm) over 13 years ago

I'll be a little sad if the flip flop operator is removed, but it is a Perlism, and Ruby is gradually getting rid of Perlisms. I suspect it won't be around in 100 years time, and I've heard that flip-flops aren't mentioned in the Ruby specification.

When I mentioned flip-flops (and Rubinius' failure to support them) in my talk at RubyKaigi 2011, the response of some was "What's the flip flop operator?"

If the feature is removed, how will Ruby treat existing code that uses the flip-flop operator?

Will it convert it into a literal range, and raise an ArgumentError? (false)..(true) raises an ArgumentError

Or will it explain that flip-flops are no longer supported?

Updated by matz (Yukihiro Matsumoto) over 13 years ago


Under the current plan, I am not going to remove flip-flop from 2.0,
since we are not going to made incompatible changes anytime soon. We
have to wait until 3.0.


Updated by judofyr (Magnus Holm) over 13 years ago

I have no objection to deletion, but I'm just curious.
Why do you want to delete it aggressively?

Yusuke Endoh

I just want to get rid of complexity in the language.

Currently, flip-flops aren't well known for Rubyists, so I don't feel
comfortable of using them in code. I fear that it won't be readable.
And if you don't know them, it's easy to confuse them for literal
ranges, which makes it even more confusing. If it had a distinct
syntax, you would at least realize that you don't know about them, now
you would go "what? a Range literal is always true, no?".

Actions #8

Updated by naruse (Yui NARUSE) over 13 years ago

  • Project changed from Ruby to 14
  • Target version deleted (3.0)
Actions #9

Updated by naruse (Yui NARUSE) over 13 years ago

  • Project changed from 14 to Ruby

Updated by mame (Yusuke Endoh) about 13 years ago

  • Target version set to 3.0

Updated by Anonymous over 12 years ago

For Endo's sake, please don't remove this jewel, bring it to perfection, somehow :))))

Updated by ko1 (Koichi Sasada) about 12 years ago

  • Category set to core
  • Assignee set to matz (Yukihiro Matsumoto)

Updated by nobu (Nobuyoshi Nakada) almost 7 years ago

judofyr (Magnus Holm) wrote:

Nobody knows them. Nobody uses them. Let's just get rid of flip-flops, shall we?

I know, and use them.

Updated by matz (Yukihiro Matsumoto) almost 7 years ago

Finally, we are going to remove it. 2.6 will warn flip-flop usage of ranges.


Updated by mame (Yusuke Endoh) almost 7 years ago

  • Status changed from Open to Assigned

I've committed r63667..r63669 to deprecate flip-flips. I leave this ticket open to remove the feature in 3.0 (?).

There were some programs that used flip-flops in build scripts. I rewrote them to a code that does not use flip-flops. The work was harder than I expected.

Honestly I'm unsure if deprecation of flip-flops is really a right way...

Updated by normalperson (Eric Wong) over 6 years ago


There were some programs that used flip-flops in build
scripts. I rewrote them to a code that does not use
flip-flops. The work was harder than I expected.

Honestly I'm unsure if deprecation of flip-flops is really a right way...

I don't think it is a good idea to deprecate or remove features
we've supported for so long.

I've been pondering on this issue more while I away...

These warnings in scripting languages annoy USERS. In contrast
with compiled languages: only programmers see the warning when
they compile, most users never see warnings from gcc/clang.
This gives languages like C more freedom than us to deprecate
things (e.g. gets(3)).

Furthermore, with compiled languages, the old build will
continue working forever without annoying the user. I have
small C programs which haven't been rebuilt in a decade or
more, yet still run fine.

Scripting language users don't have that luxury and will
be affected by breakage when their distro upgrades Ruby for

Not every user is a programmer and can fix every warning they
encounter. And often times, the programmer who originally wrote
the script has long moved on and a new user will choose
something written in a different language.

Looking back to a decade ago, I saw many people leave Ruby
because migrating to 1.8 to 1.9 was too painful and the language
was viewed as too volatile. Yet we still keep making the same
mistakes and lose users as a result :<

Updated by Eregon (Benoit Daloze) over 6 years ago

Just a quick opinion, deprecation is part of the migration part, better warn in a release in between than break functionality immediately.
We also warn for continuation FWIW.

I support removing flip-flops, it looks like a legacy strange behavior from Perl that doesn't belong to Ruby for me.
I think there is no need for such magic and confusing syntax to do something like this. makes it clear there is little to no code using it, so I don't think it's an issue to deprecate and remove it.

#14183 is likely much more relevant for a discussion about compatibility ;)

Updated by nobu (Nobuyoshi Nakada) over 6 years ago

I agree with Eric.

It is too annoying to rewrite flip-flop.

A patch for flip-flop I found today is:

diff --git a/tool/enc-unicode.rb b/tool/enc-unicode.rb
index d953014952..c05d02358c 100755
--- a/tool/enc-unicode.rb
+++ b/tool/enc-unicode.rb
@@ -538,6 +538,7 @@
   IO.popen(%W[diff -DUSE_UNICODE_AGE_PROPERTIES #{fds[1].path} #{fds[0].path}], "r") {|age|
     IO.popen(%W[diff -DUSE_UNICODE_PROPERTIES #{fds[2].path} -], "r", in: age) {|f|
       ansi = false
+      in_hash = false
       f.each {|line|
         if /ANSI-C code produced by gperf/ =~ line
           ansi = true
@@ -545,7 +546,7 @@
         line.sub!(/\/\*ANSI\*\//, '1') if ansi
         line.gsub!(/\(int\)\((?:long|size_t)\)&\(\(struct uniname2ctype_pool_t \*\)0\)->uniname2ctype_pool_(str\d+),\s+/,
                    'uniname2ctype_offset(\1), ')
-        if (/^(uniname2ctype_hash) /=~line)..(/^\}/=~line)
+        if !in_hash ? (in_hash = /^(uniname2ctype_hash) /=~line) : (in_hash = /^\}/!~line; true)
           line.sub!(/^( *(?:register\s+)?(.*\S)\s+hval\s*=\s*)(?=len;)/, '\1(\2)')
         puts line

Does this gain readability?

Updated by jnchito (Junichi Ito) over 6 years ago

Could you list this change on NEWS page?

This is because flip-flop is not used so often, but many people know it as one of Ruby's strange features. So this must be an important change.

Please refer my pull request:

Updated by shevegen (Robert A. Heiler) over 6 years ago

I only got to know it after having read the news entry just now. :-)

I think the impact of its removal will be very, very little - not
many need it; and I am sure even less depend on it. Personally after
having seen it, I would not use it because it (to me) seems not
worth getting my brain to try to understand what it is doing. I
like to write extremely simple code that I can very quickly

I think the only question is whether matz is ok with the removal
(possibly if it was changed already), considering his statement about
avoiding backwards-incompatible change until 3.0 - but I think in this
case, it will really just about not affect anyone. I do not recall even
having seen flip flop used in real code in the last ~10 years or
so even including having checked quite a few gems by other people
on Personally I think it is good to remove it - makes
ruby a tiny bit simpler to understand. :D
(Ternary + flip-flop is a bit to the mind like this language that
starts with Brain ...)

By the way, since 7 years ago at the least two wrote that they find
it useful - features are useful, but there are trade offs. I do
not find the flip-flop operator or way extremely useful for example.

Ruby took concepts and ideas from many other languages, including
perl, but ruby always was a LOT more readable than perl and perl
really did not care much at all about readability. So when you
compare ruby and perl, you also should compare the readability -
if you have a language that is "uglier", then a feature may be
less at odds with other parts of a language if the rest of the
language is already quite ugly to begin with (perl), whereas I
think syntax that is not "ideal", is more distracting in a language
that has a better syntax (ruby). Not sure if I managed to explain

Updated by nobu (Nobuyoshi Nakada) almost 6 years ago

I STRONGLY object removal of flip-flop, in "-e" option at least.
It is too tiresome to rewrite with a flag variable in one-liners.

Updated by scub8040 (Saverio M.) almost 6 years ago

judofyr (Magnus Holm) wrote:

Nobody knows them. Nobody uses them. Let's just get rid of flip-flops, shall we?

I'll chip in as a dev who spends a significant amount of time scripting.

First, the description of the issue is false. I do use the flip-flop operator, so statements like "Nobody knows/uses it" are false.

I'm not being pedantic here - I'm pointing out that there is a very strong bias in presenting the issue in these terms, which is not a good starting point for a discussion.

Second - I find underwhelming to conflate the functionality with its syntax, throwing away the former because the latter is arguably poor, without evaluating any alternatives.

Flip-flop logic exists in the major scripting languages - Perl and AWK, and I think sed as well; it's arguably seldom used, but it has a very specific use case, where it fits very well. Devs who frequently process text do use it.

My last issue is somewhat subtle. I see an underlying philosophy of identifying Ruby as the "Rails language" and nothing else; removing the flip-flop feature is a symbolic detachment of Ruby from text processing.

Making Ruby the "Rails language" is a respectable direction, but is it really desirable?

Updated by rovf (Ronald Fischer) almost 6 years ago

judofyr (Magnus Holm) wrote:

Nobody knows them. Nobody uses them. Let's just get rid of flip-flops, shall we?

Do NOT remove this useful feature!!! I used it a lot already in Perl, and now using it in Ruby too. The deprecation warning also causes a lot of headache, see for instance my posting at

Updated by CodeGnome (Todd Jacobs) almost 6 years ago

rovf (Ronald Fischer) wrote:

Do NOT remove this useful feature!!! I used it a lot already in Perl, and now using it in Ruby too. The deprecation warning also causes a lot of headache

Very much this. I find the flip-flop operator extremely useful for text processing, and don't see any value-add to removing such a useful feature. If the problem is that the new explicit-line syntax or other changes have made it harder to use, or that the documentation on this useful feature is lacking, then that's a separate (but potentially useful) issue. The OP's view that they don't use it, so the feature should be removed, is definitely something that would punish me personally. You're not alone in relying on this useful feature.

The deprecation warning is also an anti-feature. It makes a legitimate language feature look like a bug. That helps nobody. I hope the flip-flop operator stays, and that the deprecation warning gets removed.

Updated by matz (Yukihiro Matsumoto) over 5 years ago

  • Status changed from Assigned to Rejected

I hear the negative feedback from the community. OK, I give up.
The warning should be removed.


Updated by normalperson (Eric Wong) over 5 years ago


I hear the negative feedback from the community. OK, I give up.
The warning should be removed.

Thank you! This saves me the trouble of rewriting a bunch of
random scripts I have.

It seems your position regarding keeping backwards compatibility
(backtick, frozen literals) seems stronger nowadays; so maybe
I can consider returning from my sabbatical next year...

(Or maybe Ruby is better off without a Free Software extremist :P)

Updated by graywolf (Gray Wolf) over 5 years ago

Fyi this currently causes ri tab completion to display a warning (

$ ri mktmpd-e:1: warning: flip-flop is deprecated
Nothing known about RSS::Maker::RSS09::Channel
Did you mean?  RSS::Maker::RSS09::Channel
ir ^C

So much for Nobody uses them....

I appreciate very much that this warning was reverted. Hopefully it will be in 2.6.4.

Updated by nagachika (Tomoyuki Chikanaga) over 5 years ago

I backported 4e038a7e into ruby_2_6 at r67792.

Updated by zw963 (Wei Zheng) about 5 years ago

nagachika (Tomoyuki Chikanaga) wrote:

I backported 4e038a7e into ruby_2_6 at r67792.

Really happy this feature is reintroduced into ruby after discuss.


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