



Feature #15554


warn/error passing a block to a method which never use a block

Added by ko1 (Koichi Sasada) about 6 years ago. Updated 5 months ago.

Target version:



Warn or raise an ArgumentError if block is passed to a method which does not use a block.
In other words, detect "block user methods" implicitly and only "block user methods" can accept a block.


Sometimes, we pass a block to a method which ignores the passed block accidentally.

def my_open(name)

# user hopes it works as Kernel#open which invokes a block with opened file.
my_open(name){|f| important_work_with f }
# but simply ignored...

To solve this issue, this feature request propose showing warnings or raising an exception on such case.

Last developer's meeting, matz proposed &nil which declares this method never receive a block. It is explicit, but it is tough to add this &nil parameter declaration to all of methods (do you want to add it to def []=(i, e, &nil)?).
(I agree &nil is valuable on some situations)


Define "use a block" methods

We need to define which method accepts a block and which method does not.

  • (1) method has a block parameter (&b)
  • (2) method body has `yield'
  • (3) method body has super (ZSUPER in internal terminology) or super(...)
  • (4) method body has singleton method (optional)

(1) and (2) is very clear. I need to explain about (3) and (4).

(3). super (ZSUPER) passes all parameters as arguments. So there is no surprise that which can accept block.
However super(...) also passes a block if no explicit block passing (like super(){} or super(&b)) are written.
I'm not sure we need to continue this strange specification, but to keep compatibility depending this spec, I add this rule.

(4). surprisingly, the following code invoke a block:

def foo
  class <<

foo{ p :ok } #=> :ok

I'm also not sure we need to keep this spec, but to allow this spec, I added (4) rule.
Strictly speaking, it is not required, but we don't keep the link from singleton class ISeq to lexical parent iseq now, so I added it.

Exceptional cases

A method called by super doesnt warn warning even if this method doesn't use a block. The rule (3) can pass blocks easily and there are many methods dont use a block.

So my patch ignores callings by super.

corner cases

There are several cases to use block without (1)-(4) rules. without a block

Now it was deprecated in r66772 (9f1fb0a17febc59356d58cef5e98db61a3c03550).
Related discussion: [Bug #15539]


block_given? expects block, but I believe we use it with yield or a block parameter.
If you know the usecase without them, please tell us.

yield in eval

We can't know yield (or (3), (4) rule) in an eval evaluating string at calling time.

def foo

foo{} # at calling time,
      # we can't know the method foo can accept a block or not.

So I added a warning to use yield in eval like that: test.rb:4: warning: use yield in eval will not be supported in Ruby 3.

Workaround is use a block parameter explicitly.

def foo &b

foo{ p :ok }


Strategy is:

  • [compile time] introduce iseq::has_yield field and check it if the iseq (or child iseq) contains yield (or something)
  • [calling time] if block is given, check iseq::has_yield flag and show warning (or raise an exception)

On this patch, now it raises an error to make it easy to detect.
It is easy to switch to show the warning.

Evaluation and discussion

I tried to avoid ruby's tests.

Here is a patch.

There are several patterns to avoid warnings.

tests for block_given?, (and similar) without block

Add a dummy block parameter.
It is test-specific issue.

empty each

Some tests add each methods do not yield, like: def each; end.
Maybe test-specific issue, and adding a dummy block parameter.

Subtyping / duck typing

This parse method doesn't use yield, but other sub-type's parse methods use.

super with new method

This method override Class#new method and introduce a hook with block (yield a block in this hook code).

In this method, call super and it also passing a block. However, called initialize doesn't use a block.

Change robustness

This change reduce robustness for API change.

Delegator requires to support __getobj__ for client classes.
Now __getobj__ should accept block but most of __getobj__ clients do not call given block.

This is because of delegator.rb's API change.

Nobu says calling block is not required (ignoring a block is no problem) so it is not a bug for delegator client classes.

Found issues.

[ 2945/20449] Rinda::TestRingServer#test_do_reply = 0.00 s
  1) Error:
ArgumentError: passing block to the method "with_timeout" (defined at /home/ko1/src/ruby/trunk/test/rinda/test_rinda.rb:787) is never used.
    /home/ko1/src/ruby/trunk/test/rinda/test_rinda.rb:635:in `test_do_reply'

[ 2946/20449] Rinda::TestRingServer#test_do_reply_local = 0.00 s
  2) Error:
ArgumentError: passing block to the method "with_timeout" (defined at /home/ko1/src/ruby/trunk/test/rinda/test_rinda.rb:787) is never used.
    /home/ko1/src/ruby/trunk/test/rinda/test_rinda.rb:657:in `test_do_reply_local'

[10024/20449] TestGemRequestSetGemDependencyAPI#test_platform_mswin = 0.01 s
  3) Error:
ArgumentError: passing block to the method "util_set_arch" (defined at /home/ko1/src/ruby/trunk/lib/rubygems/test_case.rb:1053) is never used.
    /home/ko1/src/ruby/trunk/test/rubygems/test_gem_request_set_gem_dependency_api.rb:655:in `test_platform_mswin'

[10025/20449] TestGemRequestSetGemDependencyAPI#test_platforms = 0.01 s
  4) Error:
ArgumentError: passing block to the method "util_set_arch" (defined at /home/ko1/src/ruby/trunk/lib/rubygems/test_case.rb:1053) is never used.
    /home/ko1/src/ruby/trunk/test/rubygems/test_gem_request_set_gem_dependency_api.rb:711:in `test_platforms'

These 4 detection show the problem. with_timeout method (used in Rinda test) and util_set_arch method (used in Rubygems test) simply ignore the given block.
So these tests are simply ignored.

I reported them. (

raise an error or show a warning?

At least, Ruby 2.7 should show warning for this kind of violation with -w.
How about for Ruby3?

Related issues 1 (1 open0 closed)

Related to Ruby - Feature #19979: Allow methods to declare that they don't accept a block via `&nil`OpenActions

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