



Feature #18980


`it` as a default block parameter

Added by k0kubun (Takashi Kokubun) over 2 years ago. Updated 3 months ago.

Target version:



Numbered parameters (_1, _2, ...) look like unused local variables and I don't feel motivated to use them, even though I need this feature very often and always come up with _1.

[1, 2, 3].each { puts _1 }

I have barely used it in the last 2~3 years because it looks like a compromised syntax. I even hesitate to use it on IRB.

Why I don't use _1

I'm not clever enough to remember the order of parameters. Therefore, when a block has multiple parameters, I'd always want to name those parameters because which is _1 or _2 is not immediately obvious. Thus I would use this feature only when a block takes a single argument, which is actually pretty common.

If I use _1, it feels like there might be a second argument, and you might waste time to think about _2, even if _2 doesn't exist, which is a cognitive overhead. If you use it, it kinda implies there's only a single argument, so you don't need to spend time remembering whether _2 exists or not. It is important for me that there's no number in it.


  • Ruby 3.3: Warn it method calls without a receiver, arguments, or a block.
  • Ruby 3.4: Introduce it as follows.


[1, 2, 3].each { puts it }

its behavior should be as close to _1 as possible. it should treat array arguments in the same way as _1. it doesn't work in a block when an ordinary parameter is defined. it is implemented as a special case of getlocal insn, not a method. it without an argument is considered _1 or a normal local variable if defined. it is considered a method call only when it has any positional/keyword/block arguments.

Full specification
# Ruby 3.4
def foo
  it #=> method call
  _1 #=> method call
  1.times do
    p it #=> 0
    it = "foo"
    p it #=> "foo"

    p _1 #=> 0
    _1 = "foo" # Syntax Error
    p _1 #=> N/A

    p foo #=> method call
    foo = 1
    p foo #=> local var

    it "foo" do # method call (rspec)
  1.times do ||
    p _1 # Syntax Error
    it # method call
  1.times do
    ["Foo"].any? {|| it } # method call
  yield_1_and_2 do # yield 1, 2
    p _1 #=> 1
    p it #=> 1
  yield_ary do # yield [1, 2]
    p _1 #=> [1, 2]
    p it #=> [1, 2]
  1.times do
    p [_1, it] # Syntax Error
    p [_2, it] # Syntax Error

Past discussions


it has not necessarily been rejected by Matz; he just said it's difficult to keep compatibility and it or this could break existing code. It feels like everybody thinks it is the most beautiful option but is not sure if it breaks compatibility. But, in reality, does it?

The following cases have been discussed:

  • it method, most famously in RSpec: You almost always pass a positional and/or block argument to RSpec's it, so the conflict is avoided with my proposal. You virtually never use a completely naked it (comment).
  • it local variable: With the specification in my proposal, the existing code can continue to work if we consider it as a local variable when defined.

With the specification in my proposal, existing code seems to break if and only if you call a method #it without an argument. But it seems pretty rare (reminder: a block given to an RSpec test case is also an argument). It almost feels like people are too afraid of compatibility problems that barely exist or have not really thought about options to address them.

Also, you could always experiment with just showing warnings, which doesn't break any compatibility. Even if it takes 2~3 years of a warning period, I'd be happy to use that in 3 years.


We should separately discuss incompatible cases and "works but confusing" cases. Potential confusion points:

  • RSpec's it "tests something" do ... end vs it inside the do ... end
  • it could be a local variable or _1, depending on the situation

My two cents: You'd rarely need to write it directly under RSpec's it block, and you would just name a block argument for that case. In a nested block under a test case, I don't think you'd feel it is RSpec's. When you use a local variable it = 1, you'd use the local variable in a very small scope or few lines because otherwise, it'd be very hard to figure out what the local variable has anyway. So you'd likely see the assignment it = 1 near the use of the local variable and you could easily notice it is not _1. If not, such code would be confusing and fragile even without this feature. The same applies when it is a method/block argument.

I believe it wouldn't be as confusing as some people think, and you can always choose to not use it in places where it is confusing.

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