



Feature #2348


RBTree Should be Added to the Standard Library

Added by JEG2 (James Gray) over 15 years ago. Updated over 7 years ago.

Target version:


The merits of this library have been discussed on Ruby core, with the strengths best summarized by this post:

RBTree has now been fixed to run on Ruby 1.9:

I think we should now give serious consideration to bringing it into the standard library.

Related issues 1 (0 open1 closed)

Related to Ruby - Feature #9121: [PATCH] Remove rbtree implementation of SortedSet due to performance regressionClosedknu (Akinori MUSHA)Actions
Actions #1

Updated by Skade (Florian Gilcher) over 15 years ago


On Nov 8, 2009, at 6:11 PM, James Gray wrote:

Feature #2348: RBTree Should be Added to the Standard Library

Author: James Gray
Status: Open, Priority: Normal
Category: lib, Target version: 1.9.2

The merits of this library have been discussed on Ruby core, with
the strengths best summarized by this post:

RBTree has now been fixed to run on Ruby 1.9:

I think we should now give serious consideration to bringing it into
the standard library.

To add to that: I also contacted the maintainer of RBTree to
inform him of my patches and to ask for his thoughts. As the
library is of good-quality and fitted with a good test suite,
I would also volunteer to maintain it, but I want to wait
for an answer first.

Florian Gilcher


Actions #2

Updated by nobu (Nobuyoshi Nakada) over 15 years ago


At Mon, 9 Nov 2009 06:41:57 +0900,
James Gray wrote in [ruby-core:26635]:

RBTree has now been fixed to run on Ruby 1.9:

It can't compile with non-gcc, or with gcc and $DEBUG.

diff --git a/extconf.rb b/extconf.rb
index 272790b..02f2e8e 100644
--- a/extconf.rb
+++ b/extconf.rb
@@ -2,5 +2,7 @@ require 'mkmf'
 if $DEBUG
-  $CFLAGS << ' -std=c89 -pedantic -Wall -Wno-long-long'
+  if CONFIG['GCC'] == 'yes'
+    $CFLAGS << ' -std=c89 -pedantic -Wno-long-long'
+  end
   $defs << ' -Dinline=__inline'
@@ -8,4 +10,4 @@ else
+have_func('rb_exec_recursive', 'ruby.h')
diff --git a/rbtree.c b/rbtree.c
index 9f19613..08bde65 100644
--- a/rbtree.c
+++ b/rbtree.c
@@ -12,8 +12,15 @@
 #define RETURN_ENUMERATOR(obj, argc, argv) ((void)0)
+#ifndef RHASH_TBL
+#define RHASH_TBL(h) RHASH(h)->tbl
+#define RHASH_IFNONE(h) RHASH(h)->ifnone
 VALUE MultiRBTree;
@@ -428,5 +435,5 @@ static int
 value_eq(const void* key1, const void* key2)
-    return rb_equal((VALUE)key1, (VALUE)key2);
+    return rb_equal((VALUE)key1, (VALUE)key2) != 0;
@@ -1077,5 +1084,5 @@ rbtree_to_hash(VALUE self)
     hash = rb_hash_new();
     rbtree_for_each(self, to_hash_i, (void*)hash);
-    RHASH(hash)->ifnone = IFNONE(self);
+    RHASH_IFNONE(hash) = IFNONE(self);
         FL_SET(hash, HASH_PROC_DEFAULT);
@@ -1097,7 +1104,6 @@ rbtree_begin_inspect(VALUE self)
     const char* c = rb_class2name(CLASS_OF(self));
-    char str [strlen(c) + 5];
-    sprintf(str, "#<%s: ", c);
-    VALUE rb_str = rb_str_new2(str);
+    VALUE rb_str = rb_str_new(0, strlen(c) + 4);
+    sprintf(RSTRING_PTR(rb_str), "#<%s: ", c);
     return rb_str;
@@ -1109,4 +1115,5 @@ to_s_rbtree(VALUE self, VALUE nil)
 rbtree_to_s_recursive(VALUE self, VALUE arg, int recursive)
@@ -1116,4 +1123,5 @@ rbtree_to_s_recursive(VALUE self, VALUE arg, int recursive)
     return to_s_rbtree(self, Qnil);
@@ -1123,8 +1131,11 @@ VALUE
 rbtree_to_s(VALUE self)
     return rb_exec_recursive(rbtree_to_s_recursive, self, Qnil);
-    //if (rb_inspecting_p(self))
-    //    return rb_str_cat2(rbtree_begin_inspect(self), "...>");
-    //return rb_protect_inspect(to_s_rbtree, self, Qnil);
+    if (rb_inspecting_p(self))
+	return rb_str_cat2(rbtree_begin_inspect(self), "...>");
+    return rb_protect_inspect(to_s_rbtree, self, Qnil);
@@ -1194,8 +1205,12 @@ VALUE
 rbtree_inspect(VALUE self)
-    /*VALUE str = rbtree_begin_inspect(self);
-    if (rb_inspecting_p(self))
-        return rb_str_cat2(str, "...>");*/
     return rb_exec_recursive(rbtree_inspect_recursive, self, Qnil);
+    VALUE str = rbtree_begin_inspect(self);
+    if (rb_inspecting_p(self))
+	return rb_str_cat2(str, "...>");
+    return rb_protect_inspect(inspect_rbtree, self, str);
diff --git a/test.rb b/test.rb
index 8c533b8..32fdd25 100644
--- a/test.rb
+++ b/test.rb
@@ -136,5 +136,5 @@ class RBTreeTest < Test::Unit::TestCase
     assert_raises(ArgumentError) { rbtree.default("e", "f") }
-    rbtree = {|rbtree, key| @rbtree[key || "c"] }
+    rbtree = {|tree, key| @rbtree[key || "c"] }
     assert_equal("C", rbtree.default(nil))
     assert_equal("B", rbtree.default("b"))
@@ -182,5 +182,5 @@ class RBTreeTest < Test::Unit::TestCase
     a =
     b =
-    a.readjust {|a, b| a <=> b }
+    a.readjust {|x, y| x <=> y }
     assert_not_equal(a, b)
@@ -198,5 +198,14 @@ class RBTreeTest < Test::Unit::TestCase
     assert_equal("E", @rbtree.fetch("e", "E"))
     assert_equal("E", @rbtree.fetch("e") { "E" })
+    class << (stderr = "")
+      alias write <<
+    end
+    $stderr, stderr, $VERBOSE, verbose = stderr, $stderr, false, $VERBOSE
+    begin
     assert_equal("E", @rbtree.fetch("e", "F") { "E" })
+    ensure
+      $stderr, stderr, $VERBOSE, verbose = stderr, $stderr, false, $VERBOSE
+    end
+    assert_match(/warning: block supersedes default value argument/, stderr)
     assert_raises(ArgumentError) { @rbtree.fetch }
@@ -535,5 +544,5 @@ class RBTreeTest < Test::Unit::TestCase
     assert_equal(%({"a"=>"A", "b"=>"B", "c"=>"C", "d"=>"D"}), tree)
     assert_equal(%("e"), default)
-    assert_match(/#<Proc:\w+(@test.rb:\d+)?>/, cmp_proc)
+    assert_match(/#<Proc:\w+(@#{__FILE__}:\d+)?>/o, cmp_proc)
     rbtree =

Nobu Nakada

Actions #3

Updated by Skade (Florian Gilcher) over 15 years ago


thanks for the patch, I applied it with a minor addition (also matching on HAVE_RB_EXEC_RECURSIVE in pp functions to use the "old" behaviour instead).

I expect that the compiler problems are only because of the flags in extconf.rb or are there other thing I missed?

Concerning HAVE_RB_EXEC_RECURSIVE: i looked it up and rb_inspecting_p is gone since March 2005. Are there considerable chances of a modern ruby version still in support that does not have rb_exec_recursive? (1.8.6 perhaps?)

Both questions are more out of curiosity, as I said, I'm not that into Ruby internals and/or consider myself a good C developer ;).


Actions #4

Updated by nobu (Nobuyoshi Nakada) over 15 years ago


At Tue, 10 Nov 2009 00:21:45 +0900,
Florian Gilcher wrote in [ruby-core:26654]:

thanks for the patch, I applied it with a minor addition
(also matching on HAVE_RB_EXEC_RECURSIVE in pp functions to
use the "old" behaviour instead).

Indentation seems broken in rbtree_to_s().

I expect that the compiler problems are only because of the
flags in extconf.rb or are there other thing I missed?

And syntax errors in rbtree_begin_inspect():

 char str [strlen(c) + 5];
 sprintf(str, "#<%s: ", c);
 VALUE rb_str = rb_str_new2(str);

Dynamic size array and local variable definition after
executable statements are C99 features but not allowed in C89.

Also C++ style one-line comment in rbtree_to_s():
//if (rb_inspecting_p(self))

Concerning HAVE_RB_EXEC_RECURSIVE: i looked it up and
rb_inspecting_p is gone since March 2005. Are there
considerable chances of a modern ruby version still in
support that does not have rb_exec_recursive? (1.8.6

Since there was the code using rb_inspecting_p(). I don't like
comment-out for such case.

Nobu Nakada


Actions #5

Updated by ujihisa (Tatsuhiro Ujihisa) over 15 years ago

  • Status changed from Open to Assigned
  • Assignee set to matz (Yukihiro Matsumoto)



Actions #6

Updated by JEG2 (James Gray) almost 15 years ago

Is there any chance we could get this incorporated before the 1.9.2 feature freeze?

Actions #7

Updated by naruse (Yui NARUSE) almost 15 years ago

This ticket doesn't have:

  • Who maintain it
  • Sufficient reason to bundle

If someone maintain it, the problem is, Is this worth to bundle?
So you should persuade, like:

Actions #8

Updated by mame (Yusuke Endoh) almost 15 years ago


2010/3/22 James Gray :

Is there any chance we could get this incorporated before the 1.9.2 feature freeze?

This ticket is not simple since this feature seems to be against "Large
Class Principle". We need matz's approval.

My current personal opinion is that it is appropriate for the feature to
be just a part of set.rb as a back-end, instead of a first class library.

Is there case where we want to use RBTree directly, instead of set.rb?

Yusuke ENDOH


Actions #9

Updated by spatulasnout (B Kelly) almost 15 years ago


Yusuke ENDOH wrote:

Is there case where we want to use RBTree directly, instead of set.rb?

I'm sorry if I've misunderstood - but it would not have occurred
to me to use 'set' to access RBTree's functionality.

RBTree and MultiRBTree (both provided by require 'rbtree') are
akin to std::map and std::multimap in C++ STL.

It has long been a mystery to me that a Sorted Pair Associative
Container with O(log N) insert, search, and delete complexity
has not been a part of ruby's stdlib.

RBTree and MultiRBTree provide functionality which, with its
worst-case O(log N) search, insert, and delete complexity for
a sorted pair associative container can't be readily duplicated
with Array, Hash, or Set. (As far as I know.)

RBTree and MultiRBTree are very useful container types when

I do think the "RB" portion of the name is slightly unfortunate,
as we don't generally care that it is implemented as a red-black
tree internally; we just care about O(log N) complexity

Anyway - I apologize if i've merely regurgitated a litany of
obvious points into the conversation. I didn't really
understand why RBTree/MultiRBTree would be considered a
variant of Set?




Actions #10

Updated by mame (Yusuke Endoh) almost 15 years ago


2010/3/22 Bill Kelly :

RBTree and MultiRBTree provide functionality which, with its
worst-case O(log N) search, insert, and delete complexity for
a sorted pair associative container can't be readily duplicated
with Array, Hash, or Set. ?(As far as I know.)

Hash has amortized O(1) search, insert, and delete complexity,
I think. Indeed, it becomes O(N) at worst-case (when rehash
occurs). Does anyone have a concrete problem due to rehash?

I think this feature request is very tough because it can be
substituted by Hash in many cases. So I think you guys should
appeal the difference. It would be good to show some real-world
case where Hash cannot be used and RBTree is really needed.

I do think the "RB" portion of the name is slightly unfortunate,
as we don't generally care that it is implemented as a red-black
tree internally; we just care about O(log N) complexity


Anyway - I apologize if i've merely regurgitated a litany of
obvious points into the conversation. ?I didn't really
understand why RBTree/MultiRBTree would be considered a
variant of Set?

There is no use case presented other than set, as far as I read.

Yusuke ENDOH


Actions #11

Updated by spatulasnout (B Kelly) almost 15 years ago

Yusuke ENDOH wrote:

2010/3/22 Bill Kelly :

RBTree and MultiRBTree provide functionality which, with its
worst-case O(log N) search, insert, and delete complexity for
a sorted pair associative container can't be readily duplicated
with Array, Hash, or Set. ?(As far as I know.)

Hash has amortized O(1) search, insert, and delete complexity,
I think. Indeed, it becomes O(N) at worst-case (when rehash
occurs). Does anyone have a concrete problem due to rehash?

Agreed: for Hash I would expect O(1) search, and amortized O(1)
insert and delete complexity.

To avoid rehash, a Hash#reserve(size) method might be nice, but,
for me, that is all separate from why I am interested in RBTree.

I think this feature request is very tough because it can be
substituted by Hash in many cases. So I think you guys should
appeal the difference. It would be good to show some real-world
case where Hash cannot be used and RBTree is really needed.

Some differences:

Hash is not maintained in key-sorted order.

Hash does not offer upper_bound(key) or lower_bound(key)
or bound(key1, key2) in O(log N) time.

Hash doesn't provide fast search for partial string key.

An example, indexing words in documents, and doing
partial keyword searches.

(Note: MultiRBTree#bound seems to be broken.)

require 'rbtree'

ful_ = %w(

multi_ = %w(

dis_ = %w(

doc1 = [ "foo/doc1.txt", ful_   + multi_ ]
doc2 = [ "bar/doc2.txt", multi_ + dis_   ]
doc3 = [ "baz/doc3.txt", ful_   + dis_   ]

dict =

[doc1, doc2, doc3].each do |docpath, words|
  words.each do |w|, docpath)

puts dict.lower_bound("mult")  # => ["multicolored", "foo/doc1.txt"]
puts dict.upper_bound("mult")  # => ["fulsome", "baz/doc3.txt"]
puts dict.bound("mult")        # <-- broken

Note: The documentation for RBTree#bound reads:

  • call-seq:
  • rbtree.bound(key1, key2 = key1) => array
  • rbtree.bound(key1, key2 = key1) {|key, value| block} => rbtree
  • Returns an array containing key-value pairs between the result of
  • MultiRBTree#lower_bound and MultiRBTree#upper_bound. If a block is
  • given it calls the block once for each pair.

So I expected dict.bound("mult") to return all elements from:

dict.lower_bound("mult") => ["multicolored", "foo/doc1.txt"]


dict.upper_bound("mult") => ["fulsome", "baz/doc3.txt"]

However, #bound just retunrs [] :(

I consider this a bug.

A comment:

Even if MultiRBTree#bound worked as expected, I must concede a
significant liability of MultiRBTree's API compared to C++
std::multimap, is the lack of iterators.

With std::multimap, I can find dict.lower_bound("mult"), and
then iterate over as many or as few subsequent elements in sorted
order as I choose. (When building a typedown menu, for example,
I may only want the first 10 results.)

I suppose rbtree.bound(key1, key2, limit) would be one way to
provide equivalent functionality; or perhaps support for 1.9
Enumerable would be another.

Anyway, issues with MultiRBTree#bound aside, other ways I've
used a Sorted Pair Associative Container include implementing
various kinds of priority queues. (Sorted integer keys.)

I do think that for RBTree and MultiRBTree to be as generally
useful as C++ std::map and std::multimap, there should be
versions of methods like bound, lower_bound, upper_bound, that
return an enumerator.

Also, I think it should be possible to unambiguously delete
a specific element from a MultiRBTree.


t = "foo", "456" "foo", "123"
t.delete "foo" # <-- which is deleted? foo/123 or foo/456 ?

It appears that MultiRBTree#delete deletes the oldest key/value
pair matching the supplied key, so it would be foo/456.

As far as I can tell, there's no way to delete foo/123 from t
without first deleting foo/456. So that is another limitation
when compared to std::multimap.


So it seems that even though RBTree and MultiRBTree are
internally equivalent to C++ std::map and std::multimap, the
interface exposed to the programmer is less flexible than the
C++ versions.

I think RBTree and MultiRBTree would be more useful it were
possible to obtain enumerators from bound and lower_bound,
and to be able to delete arbitrary elements in a MultiRBTree.

Sorry this email is so long. I didn't expect to encounter
these issues.




Actions #12

Updated by mame (Yusuke Endoh) almost 15 years ago


Thank you for your detailed reply!

2010/3/22 Bill Kelly :

Hash is not maintained in key-sorted order.

Hash does not offer upper_bound(key) or lower_bound(key)
or bound(key1, key2) in O(log N) time.

Good. I start to want RBTree too :-)

Hash doesn't provide fast search for partial string key.

You mean prefix search, right?
And, can partial array key be handled?

puts dict.upper_bound("mult") ?# => ["fulsome", "baz/doc3.txt"]

Is this correct? I expect it to return ["multivitamins", "foo/doc1.txt"]
or ["multivitamins", "bar/doc2.txt"].

However, #bound just retunrs [] ?:(

I guess it is because upper_bound is broken.

I do think that for RBTree and MultiRBTree to be as generally
useful as C++ std::map and std::multimap, there should be
versions of methods like bound, lower_bound, upper_bound, that
return an enumerator.

Agreed. I think bound should return an enumerator instead of an
array when block is not given.

You presented dictionary-like application and priority queue as
use cases. I'm convinced at the explanation.
But RBTree seems to have some problems of not only simple bug but
also API design. If so, it is slightly premature, so it may be
better to defer its bundle to 1.9.3 or later.

Yusuke ENDOH


Actions #13

Updated by spatulasnout (B Kelly) almost 15 years ago

Tanaka Akira wrote:

2010/3/22 Bill Kelly :

Hash doesn't provide fast search for partial string key.

RBTree doesn't provide it.
Because RBTree uses <=> for comparing elements.
The result of <=> is not useful to test partial key match.

Ah. I meant via #lower_bound.


  • Look for the node corresponding to the lowest key that is equal to or
  • greater than the given key. If there is no such node, return null.

dnode_t *dict_lower_bound(dict_t *dict, const void *key)

Seems to me this should provide a fast search for a partial
string key. (?)




Actions #14

Updated by spatulasnout (B Kelly) almost 15 years ago

Bill Kelly wrote:

Tanaka Akira wrote:

2010/3/22 Bill Kelly :

Hash doesn't provide fast search for partial string key.
RBTree doesn't provide it.
Because RBTree uses <=> for comparing elements.
The result of <=> is not useful to test partial key match.

Ah. I meant via #lower_bound.


  • Look for the node corresponding to the lowest key that is equal to or
  • greater than the given key. If there is no such node, return null.

dnode_t *dict_lower_bound(dict_t *dict, const void *key)

Seems to me this should provide a fast search for a partial
string key. (?)

Sorry, I was imprecise. By partial I meant prefix, as
Yusuke ENDOH pointed out.




Actions #15

Updated by headius (Charles Nutter) almost 15 years ago

Jumping in with JRuby perspective..

I suppose this would be easiest for us to implement by wrapping the
built-in TreeMap from Java:

I have not looked over RBTree API, but hopefully there's nothing there
we couldn't implement atop TreeMap/TreeSet.

  • Charlie


Actions #16

Updated by spatulasnout (B Kelly) almost 15 years ago

Yusuke ENDOH wrote:

Hash doesn't provide fast search for partial string key.

You mean prefix search, right?
And, can partial array key be handled?

Ah, yes. Thanks, I did mean prefix.

And indeed, based on experiments in irb with array-based keys,
it does appear that lower_bound works with array key prefix

puts dict.upper_bound("mult") ?# => ["fulsome", "baz/doc3.txt"]

Is this correct? I expect it to return ["multivitamins", "foo/doc1.txt"]
or ["multivitamins", "bar/doc2.txt"].

I had assumed it worked like std::map upper_bound
( )
returning "first element in the container whose key compares
greater than x."

However, in rbtree's dict.c, dict_upper_bound() is documented


  • Look for the node corresponding to the greatest key that is equal to or
  • lower than the given key. If there is no such node, return null.

So, its behavior does not seem to match the comment. (I
don't know whether to consider the comment wrong, or the
behavior wrong. :)




Actions #17

Updated by znz (Kazuhiro NISHIYAMA) almost 15 years ago

  • Target version changed from 1.9.2 to 2.0.0



Updated by dgraham (David Graham) over 13 years ago

Is there a chance RBTree can be added to the standard library for Ruby 2.0? I've needed it to implement priority queues and key range scans, but the binary gem doesn't play well with JRuby or Rubinius. It would help if we could count on this data structure being included with Ruby.


Updated by JEG2 (James Gray) over 13 years ago

I still agree. We've literally been asking for NArray and RBTree in the standard library for years. Pretty please? :)

Updated by spatulasnout (B Kelly) over 13 years ago

I wholeheartedly agree about the usefulness of the data structure.

I'm hesitant to type this, because I don't want to impede RBTree's path toward first-class citizenship.

But last time I checked there appeared to be some API deficiencies that significantly limited RBTree's potential usefulness:

Although I suppose it's possible these could be addressed at a later date?



Updated by rkh (Konstantin Haase) over 13 years ago

SortedSet could then depend on it properly instead of the voodoo code that ships with Ruby atm.


On Oct 6, 2011, at 13:22 , B Kelly wrote:

Issue #2348 has been updated by B Kelly.

I wholeheartedly agree about the usefulness of the data structure.

I'm hesitant to type this, because I don't want to impede RBTree's path toward first-class citizenship.

But last time I checked there appeared to be some API deficiencies that significantly limited RBTree's potential usefulness:

Although I suppose it's possible these could be addressed at a later date?



Feature #2348: RBTree Should be Added to the Standard Library

Author: James Gray
Status: Assigned
Priority: Normal
Assignee: Yukihiro Matsumoto
Category: lib
Target version: 1.9.x

The merits of this library have been discussed on Ruby core, with the strengths best summarized by this post:

RBTree has now been fixed to run on Ruby 1.9:

I think we should now give serious consideration to bringing it into the standard library.

Updated by ko1 (Koichi Sasada) over 13 years ago

(2011/10/07 1:50), David Graham wrote:

Is there a chance RBTree can be added to the standard library for Ruby 2.0? I've needed it to implement priority queues and key range scans, but the binary gem doesn't play well with JRuby or Rubinius. It would help if we could count on this data structure being included with Ruby.

Gem is not enough?

// SASADA Koichi at atdot dot net

Updated by Anonymous over 13 years ago

On Thu, Oct 6, 2011 at 6:34 PM, SASADA Koichi wrote:

(2011/10/07 1:50), David Graham wrote:

Is there a chance RBTree can be added to the standard library for Ruby 2.0?  I've needed it to implement priority queues and key range scans, but the binary gem doesn't play well with JRuby or Rubinius.  It would help if we could count on this data structure being included with Ruby.

Gem is not enough?

I guess I just feel I would use RBTree and NArray a lot more than some
things we have in the standard library. It's about the same
usefulness as Set, in my opinion. Maybe even a little more.

James Edward Gray II

Updated by ko1 (Koichi Sasada) over 13 years ago

(2011/10/07 9:46), James Gray wrote:

On Thu, Oct 6, 2011 at 6:34 PM, SASADA Koichi wrote:

(2011/10/07 1:50), David Graham wrote:

Is there a chance RBTree can be added to the standard library for Ruby 2.0? I've needed it to implement priority queues and key range scans, but the binary gem doesn't play well with JRuby or Rubinius. It would help if we could count on this data structure being included with Ruby.

Gem is not enough?

I guess I just feel I would use RBTree and NArray a lot more than some
things we have in the standard library. It's about the same
usefulness as Set, in my opinion. Maybe even a little more.

Some people think most of standard libraries should be in gem. I think
you need to persuade them.

// SASADA Koichi at atdot dot net

Updated by Anonymous over 13 years ago

On Thu, Oct 6, 2011 at 8:07 PM, SASADA Koichi wrote:

Some people think most of standard libraries should be in gem.  I think
you need to persuade them.

I sympathize, but we are still adding new libraries as of Ruby 1.9.3
and people have literally been wanting these two for years. I'm not
clear on why some libraries make it but these don't.

James Edward Gray II

Updated by Anonymous over 13 years ago

On Oct 6, 2011, at 9:07 PM, SASADA Koichi wrote:

Some people think most of standard libraries should be in gem. I think
you need to persuade them.

I think the intent is for RBTree to be included with the Ruby distribution via the standard library or via 'standard gems'. That is to say, the inclusion of RBTree into the standard Ruby 'distribution' is orthogonal to whether the standard distribution packages the standard library as gems or not.

Gary Wright

Updated by mrkn (Kenta Murata) over 13 years ago

(2011.10.07 01:50 ), David Graham wrote:

Is there a chance RBTree can be added to the standard library for Ruby 2.0?

I agree with you if the library name is changed.
The name of RBTree is too specific to its internal algorithm.
If we adopt RBTree, we must change the name of the library after
more better algorithms would be discovered.

Kenta Murata
1D69 ADDE 081C 9CC2 2E54 98C1 CEFE 8AFB 6081 B062

Updated by cjheath (Clifford Heath) over 13 years ago

On 07/10/2011, at 1:16 PM, Kenta Murata wrote:

(2011.10.07 01:50 ), David Graham wrote:

Is there a chance RBTree can be added to the standard library for Ruby 2.0?
I agree with you if the library name is changed.
The name of RBTree is too specific to its internal algorithm.
If we adopt RBTree, we must change the name of the library after
more better algorithms would be discovered.

I agree. Hash is not named after the hashing algorithm that's being used,
and Array is not named after its structure either.

For sorted structures, I've previously used the name Sequence. I think
this name would be suitable.

I also wish that Ruby had this container type available as a standard.

Clifford Heath.

Updated by Anonymous over 13 years ago

On Fri, Oct 7, 2011 at 1:20 AM, Clifford Heath wrote:

On 07/10/2011, at 1:16 PM, Kenta Murata wrote:

(2011.10.07 01:50 ), David Graham wrote:

Is there a chance RBTree can be added to the standard library for Ruby 2.0?
I agree with you if the library name is changed.
The name of RBTree is too specific to its internal algorithm.
If we adopt RBTree, we must change the name of the library after
more better algorithms would be discovered.

I agree. Hash is not named after the hashing algorithm that's being used,
and Array is not named after its structure either.

For sorted structures, I've previously used the name Sequence. I think
this name would be suitable.

I also wish that Ruby had this container type available as a standard.

I think Tree would be a fine name and closer to Hash.

James Edward Gray II

Updated by cjheath (Clifford Heath) over 13 years ago

On 08/10/2011, at 1:10 AM, James Gray wrote:

On Fri, Oct 7, 2011 at 1:20 AM, Clifford Heath wrote:

On 07/10/2011, at 1:16 PM, Kenta Murata wrote:

(2011.10.07 01:50 ), David Graham wrote:

Is there a chance RBTree can be added to the standard library for Ruby 2.0?
I agree with you if the library name is changed.
The name of RBTree is too specific to its internal algorithm.
If we adopt RBTree, we must change the name of the library after
more better algorithms would be discovered.

I agree. Hash is not named after the hashing algorithm that's being used,
and Array is not named after its structure either.

For sorted structures, I've previously used the name Sequence. I think
this name would be suitable.

I also wish that Ruby had this container type available as a standard.

I think Tree would be a fine name and closer to Hash.

Is there any part of the API which allows a user to know it's a Tree?
If so, why?

If it's not externally visible in the API, it should not appear in the name.

My 2c.

Clifford Heath.

Updated by jvoorhis (Jeremy Voorhis) almost 13 years ago

I think that Ruby developers would definitely benefit from having a range of well-implemented data structures within reach. I don't understand why the implementation-revealing name is an issue when our most common options are already named Array [contiguous chunk of memory] and Hash[-table]. Renaming this library's classes to something SortedMap and SortedMultiMap seems incongruous.

Updated by ko1 (Koichi Sasada) over 12 years ago

ping. status?

Updated by matz (Yukihiro Matsumoto) over 12 years ago

  • Target version changed from 2.0.0 to 2.6

I am not positive about adding a new library to the distribution while we are discussion moving toward gems.
I am not refusuig, however, so I label this "next minor".


Updated by zzak (zzak _) about 11 years ago

Theres a discussion going on about possibly removing dependency on RBTree, or SortedSet all together.

Please see #9121

Updated by hsbt (Hiroshi SHIBATA) over 10 years ago

  • Related to Feature #9121: [PATCH] Remove rbtree implementation of SortedSet due to performance regression added

Updated by mame (Yusuke Endoh) over 7 years ago

Three points:

  • If RBTree gem is bundled, we will do so by using the (recently-established) framework of bundled gems.
  • The current framework of bundled gems does not support extension library (maybe). We need to improve the framework first.
  • After that, we must decide if RBTree gem should be bundled or not.

Updated by knu (Akinori MUSHA) over 7 years ago

Honestly, I have no idea if this library is or can become popular.

SortedSet was originally meant to be an example implementation to show what it is like to implement a subclass of Set with an alternative data structure or an additional algorithm, because I designed Set with consideration so that it is easily extensible unlike stock container classes like Hash and Array. Actually I wrote two examples: SortedSet and RestrictedSet, and the latter was kept in the document as I was unsure if it was practically useful.

So, it was not my point to promote rbtree as standard library, but just to show Hash is not the only possible backend for Set.

Updated by matz (Yukihiro Matsumoto) over 7 years ago

  • Status changed from Assigned to Rejected

Unlike the past, it's not smart to add the standard library. Use gem.



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