Feature #14145
closedProposal: Better Method#inspect
The idea: When investigating (in example scripts, debugger or console) the library you are unfamiliar with, Ruby's reflection is very useful mechanism to understand "what it can": classes, modules, their constants, methods and so on.
I propose to expose a bit more information Ruby has internally in Method#inspect
# before:
some_interesting_object.method(:foo) # => #<Method Klass#foo>
# after:
some_interesting_object.method(:foo) # => #<Method Klass#foo(first_arg, *other_args, keyword_arg:)>
Dead-naive implementation:
class Method
def signature
recv = case receiver
when Module
parameters.map.with_index { |(type, name), i|
case type
when :req then "#{name || "param#{i+1}"}"
when :opt then "#{name || "param#{i+1}"} = <default>"
when :keyreq then "#{name || "kw#{i+1}"}:"
when :key then "#{name || "kwparam#{i+1}"}: <default>"
when :rest then "*#{name || "rest"}"
when :keyrest then "**#{name || "kwrest"}"
}.join(', ').prepend("#{recv}#{name}(") << ")"
def inspect
"#<#{self.class.name} #{signature}>"
This works "sub-optimal" for methods implemented in C, yet pretty decently for Ruby-implemented methods:
# C method, default param names
# => #<Method Array#at(param1)>
# Ruby method, proper param names
# => #<Method CGI.escape(string)>
# => #<Method Addressable::URI.parse(uri)>
=> #<Method Addressable::URI.join(*uris)>
# We can't extract default values, but at least we can say they are there
# => #<Method Addressable::URI.heuristic_parse(uri, hints = <default>)>
If the proposal is accepted, I am ready to implement it properly in C (for all callable objects: Method
, UnboundMethod
, Proc
Updated by shevegen (Robert A. Heiler) over 7 years ago
I have nothing at all against better diagnostics, introspection etc...
However had, in that particular case that you showed above, I would
personally not want it, even though I normally am always in favour
of introspection. But to each their own - I have no problem if others
can use it. I should also note that my contra this is only mild, so
I ultimately would not have any real big objection to it either.
My proposal would be to allow this to be customized or customizable,
so that ruby hackers can decide on their own what they prefer.
(e. g. to use your new variant, or to default to the old variant;
It's perfectly fine if we can use what we prefer to have IMO.)
One could use symbols to toggle the behaviour such as via:
Where the latter may refer to the display that you described
and :simple may be the default. Although I assume that your
proposal would mean to also change the default to your
variant, rather than retain the old behaviour. :)
But I guess in most ways, it really depends on the personal
preferences of the ruby hacker. A good example how to solve
this is one of my favourite gems of all times, the
did-you-mean gem. The toggle situation is to ... either use
the gem - or to uninstall it. :)
That way people can decide which variant they prefer.
Anyway, I don't want to make your suggestion too complex,
since it really is simple - you propose a different default
display purpose, which is an ok suggestion to make. In
general it would be nice if ruby could allow for more
customization and fine tuning of its internal behaviour
or parts; see also Martin's proposal to have unicode-related
stuff be easier debuggable; see also other suggestions to
make threads more easily debuggable (by default) and so on
and so forth. So I guess we can say that many people would
like to have more control, better messages, different
messages etc... - I guess the ruby core team has some things
to ponder about towards the path of ruby 3.x with all of
that. :)
PS: Perhaps for testing purposes, the above could be enabled
via a configure switch for post ruby 2.5.x, so that people
could test it, and give early feedback, and then also provide
more feedback here. The reason I mention this is because
ruby 2.5.x changed a few things in regards to exceptions
and messages, such as underlining the error, changing the
stack trace display, etc... compared to ruby 2.4.x and I
think people may need some days or a few weeks to adjust
to it. Even adjusting to the did-you-mean gem took me a
while. :)
Updated by Hanmac (Hans Mackowiak) over 7 years ago
@zverok (Victor Shepelev) some changes for your code:
use Method#owner to get the class/module where the method is defined
that can make a difference for Singleton methods on a non-module object
also use with_index(1)
instead of the i+1
in your code
i think this change would be okay, but i am indifferent about the C-level funtions
for my bindings i do overload the methods depending on the type and amount of parameters
no need to show more of the code but this is the documenation block
* call-seq:
* contains?(x, y) -> bool
* contains?(point) -> bool
* contains?(rect) -> bool
* return true if the point or the rect is (not strictly) inside this rect
* ===Arguments
* * x and y are Integer
* * pos is a WX::Point
* * rect is a WX::Rect
* ===Return value
* bool
as you guys can see there are different cases,
because how ruby defines methods and use rb_scan_args,
my function returns parameters also just [:rest]
for most Ruby C-Api functions, there might be a way to make parameters return something useful,
but that's probably not the case for all functions
Updated by zverok (Victor Shepelev) over 7 years ago
However had, in that particular case that you showed above, I would personally not want it.
Just curious: why? I mean, I'd understood "Don't think I need it", but to disgust it so much to propose having options for it -- why?.. Is it too verbose and therefore somehow painfully to read or what?.. If it would be introduced, how your life'll become worse?
Updated by ko1 (Koichi Sasada) over 7 years ago
I don't have strong opinions on your proposal, but source location information seems also helpful. Which is important or both?
Updated by Hanmac (Hans Mackowiak) over 7 years ago
ko1 (Koichi Sasada) wrote:
I don't have strong opinions on your proposal, but source location information seems also helpful. Which is important or both?
i didn't looked at the ruby source code for now, but might it be possible to implement source location for C-Api functions?
i don't care much about the line, but the so file would be cool
Updated by zverok (Victor Shepelev) over 7 years ago
ko1 (Koichi Sasada) wrote:
I don't have strong opinions on your proposal, but source location information seems also helpful. Which is important or both?
I believe that source location is less necesary. I mean, what I had in mind was like "I am trying something in IRB/Debugger, and want to quickly experiment". This flow seems somehow natural to me:
obj = SomeNewLib.call_how_readme_shows
obj.class # => SomeClass
obj.methods # => [:foo, :bar]
obj.method(:bar) # => <Method #bar(limit, **options)>
# Oh!
That's simple, same-context flow, which allows quick "pokin around".
Source location is NOT "same context" (you ask it to switch to the editor or fetch source some way), so for me it doesn't need to be "on the fingertips" (read: in #inspect
Updated by guilhermereiscampos (Guilherme Reis Campos) over 6 years ago
zverok (Victor Shepelev) wrote:
# We can't extract default values, but at least we can say they are there Addressable::URI.method(:heuristic_parse) # => #<Method Addressable::URI.heuristic_parse(uri, hints = <default>)>
I wonder why is not possible to extract the default values?
Updated by Eregon (Benoit Daloze) over 6 years ago
ko1 (Koichi Sasada) wrote:
I don't have strong opinions on your proposal, but source location information seems also helpful. Which is important or both?
I find source location (FILE:LINE) very valuable for debugging, e.g. to know if a method was overriden and to quickly check the source in my editor.
FWIW, TruffleRuby already shows the source location in Method#inspect.
$ truffleruby -e 'p 1.method :times'
#<Method: Integer(Integer)#times .../truffleruby/src/main/ruby/core/integer.rb:89>
Updated by jwmittag (Jörg W Mittag) over 6 years ago
guilhermereiscampos (Guilherme Reis Campos) wrote:
zverok (Victor Shepelev) wrote:
# We can't extract default values, but at least we can say they are there Addressable::URI.method(:heuristic_parse) # => #<Method Addressable::URI.heuristic_parse(uri, hints = <default>)>
I wonder why is not possible to extract the default values?
Because they can be arbitrary Ruby code and Ruby is a Turing-complete language, which means that figuring out statically what the default value is, is equivalent to solving the Halting Problem. Additionally, Ruby is also capable of I/O and other side-effects, which means that the value can depend on external entities not visible to the documentation generator.
What would Method#inspect
show for these:
def foo(a = while true do; end) end
def bar(a = Time.now) end
def baz(a = if rand < 0.5 then 23 else 'fourty-two' end) end
def qux(a = File.read('somefile.txt')) end
And what about this:
def crazy(a = FileUtils.rm_rf('/')) end
Would you expect Method#inspect
to evaluate the default argument in order to be able to display its value?
Also, Method#inspect
returns a String
, but that loses all information about the type and structure of the default value:
class Foo
def inspect; '42' end
def foo(a = Foo.new) end
def bar(a = 42) end
#=> #<Method: Object#foo(a = 42)>
#=> #<Method: Object#bar(a = 42)>
We could copy the source text used to define the default argument into the output of Method#inspect
, but that would require the source code to be available at runtime, which is a massive memory overhead (one String
for every optional parameter in the entire system, and there is no upper bound on the size of that String
, since a default argument can be any arbitrarily large Ruby program). Plus, there is the additional complication that not all methods in a Ruby system even have (Ruby) source code.
Updated by shyouhei (Shyouhei Urabe) over 6 years ago
- Related to Feature #14111: ArgumentErrorが発生した時メソッドのプロトタイプをメッセージに含む added
Updated by baweaver (Brandon Weaver) over 6 years ago
It may be possible to procify the arguments to self-contain them without really disturbing their integrity. method(:name)
already returns a proc, so would it be wholly unexpected that the arguments may do the same?
Thinking out loud about potential implementations as per your idea:
def foo(a = while true do; end) end
def bar(a = Time.now) end
def baz(a = if rand < 0.5 then 23 else 'fourty-two' end) end
def qux(a = File.read('somefile.txt')) end
=> { a: -> { while true do; end } }
=> { a: -> { Time.now } }
=> { a: -> { File.read('somefile.txt') } }
=> { a: -> { if rand < 0.5 then 23 else 'fourty-two' end } }
This works well because of non-overlapping argument names (as in you can't have argument a
and keyword a
Amusingly this could almost be used as a setter as well, as is the way with Hashes default values:
hash = {}
# value-based, same issue as with stated above, like the common `[]` issue
hash.default = 0
hash.default_proc = -> h, k { h[k] = [] }
So this is not unusual behavior as per Ruby standard implementation.
Consider a potential method implementation:
=> -> { while true do; end }
method(:foo).default_values[:a] = -> { while false do; end }
This could also be named default_proc
but would not be as clear. I think this could yield some very interesting code down the road.
Updated by nobu (Nobuyoshi Nakada) over 6 years ago
Ruby's default argument is not so simple as you think.
Where foo
is defined as
def foo(a, b = a.bar) end
from where should method(:foo).default_values[:b]
refer a
Updated by baweaver (Brandon Weaver) over 6 years ago
Good point. I can't think of a good solution to that that would not involve substantial work.
nobu (Nobuyoshi Nakada) wrote:
Ruby's default argument is not so simple as you think.
is defined asdef foo(a, b = a.bar) end
from where should
Updated by matz (Yukihiro Matsumoto) about 6 years ago
I agree with the concept of showing more information by Method#inspect
. Patch welcome.
Updated by ko1 (Koichi Sasada) about 6 years ago
Eregon (Benoit Daloze) wrote:
ko1 (Koichi Sasada) wrote:
I don't have strong opinions on your proposal, but source location information seems also helpful. Which is important or both?
I find source location (FILE:LINE) very valuable for debugging, e.g. to know if a method was overriden and to quickly check the source in my editor.
+1. I'm using #source_location
like p method(:foo).source_location
sometimes to know the definition. If "Method#inspect" shows this information, it will help me.
Also, Proc#inspect
shows source location. p proc{} #=> #<Proc:0x00000298afcdb258@t.rb:1>
class C
def m
p C.new.method(:m) #=> #<Method: C#m@/home/ko1/src/ruby/trunk/test.rb:3 >
Index: proc.c
--- proc.c (リビジョン 66764)
+++ proc.c (作業コピー)
@@ -2681,6 +2681,16 @@
if (data->me->def->type == VM_METHOD_TYPE_NOTIMPLEMENTED) {
rb_str_buf_cat2(str, " (not-implemented)");
+ {
+ VALUE loc = rb_method_location(method);
+ if (!NIL_P(loc)) {
+ VALUE loc_str = rb_sprintf("@%"PRIsVALUE":%"PRIsVALUE" ",
+ RARRAY_AREF(loc, 0), RARRAY_AREF(loc, 1));
+ rb_str_buf_append(str, loc_str);
+ }
+ }
rb_str_buf_cat2(str, ">");
return str;
Updated by ko1 (Koichi Sasada) about 6 years ago
Discussion at dev-meeting https://bugs.ruby-lang.org/issues/15614:
- eregon and ko1 want to show
.- with parameters? or without parameters?
- ko1: I think parameters are too long to show with
- matz:
is longer than parameters. - several people are positive to show both.
- znz:
, so I want to know it on Method, too.
other discussion:
- how about to show rdoc entry?
- github url?
- show source code?
- extend by clicking is cool, like on Jupyter environment.
- extensible with gem?
- really useful to know parameters?
Updated by zverok (Victor Shepelev) about 6 years ago
I'd like to address this line from the dev log:
ko1: I’m against to show the name of parameters. we only need line no. doesn’t it?
matz: ask the original author.
I believe that I've already provided a use-case of my point of view, let me just repeat it:
I mean, what I had in mind was like "I am trying something in IRB/Debugger, and want to quickly experiment". This flow seems somehow natural to me:
obj = SomeNewLib.call_how_readme_shows
obj.class # => SomeClass
obj.methods # => [:foo, :bar]
obj.method(:bar) # => <Method #bar(limit, **options)>
# Oh!
That's simple, same-context flow, which allows quick "pokin around".
The source location is NOT "same context" (you ask it to switch to the editor or fetch source some way), so for me, it doesn't need to be "on the fingertips" (read: in #inspect
@ko1 (Koichi Sasada) doesn't it sound reasonable to you?
Generally speaking I believe that #inspect
's design goal is to provide enough, but not too much, information to understand "what is this object and how it can be used in the current context". I believe that <Method #bar(limit, **options)>
follows this design goal -- "I know what I can do next with this object".
Next, I don't think "Method
should have source location, because Proc
has": for proc, it is typically the only way to tell one proc from another -- "it is a proc from that file", that's why "always visible" source location is important. For method, we have other means of identification and telling one from another (name, owner, receiver), and adding source location to it will make #inspect
's output just less readable.
Updated by Eregon (Benoit Daloze) about 6 years ago
My understanding is #inspect
shows useful information for debugging, so then the source location is very useful, and gives me more than the parameters (e.g., I can find the code, documentation, etc from a file and line).
I'm not against showing parameters too, and it's encouraging it can easily be done from the information already existing for Method#parameters (as shown in the issue description).
So I think having both is nice.
Updated by duerst (Martin Dürst) about 6 years ago
Eregon (Benoit Daloze) wrote:
My understanding is
shows useful information for debugging, so then the source location is very useful, and gives me more than the parameters (e.g., I can find the code, documentation, etc from a file and line).
Yes indeed. A flexible console can even be set so that it can automatically parse the source location information and open the relevant file at the relevant position. Very convenient.
I'm not against showing parameters too, and it's encouraging it can easily be done from the information already existing for Method#parameters (as shown in the issue description).
So I think having both is nice.
Updated by nobu (Nobuyoshi Nakada) almost 6 years ago
ko1 (Koichi Sasada) wrote:
+ VALUE loc_str = rb_sprintf("@%"PRIsVALUE":%"PRIsVALUE" ", + RARRAY_AREF(loc, 0), RARRAY_AREF(loc, 1)); + rb_str_buf_append(str, loc_str);
You can use rb_str_catf
Updated by ko1 (Koichi Sasada) over 5 years ago
- Status changed from Open to Closed
Applied in changeset git|47b04557b01dc109ccafc33db8e80148f07457a9.
Method#inspect with source location.
Method#inspect shows with source location.
[Feature #14145]
Updated by ko1 (Koichi Sasada) over 5 years ago
- Status changed from Closed to Open
Now, I added source location information.
Adding parameter information is still open.
Updated by znz (Kazuhiro NISHIYAMA) over 5 years ago
separated by
(a space) and Proc#inspect
separated by @
I think it is better to be unified, but I have no opinion on which is better.
% ruby -ve 'def m;end; p [method(:m), proc{}]'
ruby 2.7.0dev (2019-07-14T12:48:45Z trunk d8cc41c43b) [x86_64-darwin18]
[#<Method: main.m -e:1>, #<Proc:0x00007f850b8f9458@-e:1>]
Updated by Eregon (Benoit Daloze) over 5 years ago
znz (Kazuhiro NISHIYAMA) wrote:
separated by(a space) and
separated by@
I think it is better to be unified, but I have no opinion on which is better.
I think
(a space) is better, and it's what we use for Method#inspect in TruffleRuby.
My motivation is that selection by double-clicking in the terminal just works with a space,
but fails with @
and results in 0x00007f850b8f9458@-e
when double-clicking on the filename (-e
I find it also easier to read.
Anyone against changing @
(a space) in Proc#inspect?
Updated by ko1 (Koichi Sasada) over 5 years ago
My motivation is that selection by double-clicking in the terminal just works with a space,
Good motivation!
Updated by ko1 (Koichi Sasada) over 5 years ago
- Related to Feature #16101: Proc#to_s returns "... file:line" instead of "...@file:line" added
Updated by schneems (Richard Schneeman) over 5 years ago
Thanks a ton for the proposal and feature. I love the idea of getting source location info by default!
Updated by zverok (Victor Shepelev) over 5 years ago
This PR provides method parameters inspect: https://github.com/ruby/ruby/pull/2618
Implementation is most probably not optimal (to say the least), I am ready to fix it by comments. At least the tests and implementation should handle all possible cases.
def m(a, b=nil, *c, d:, e: nil, **rest, &block)
p method(:m)
#=> #<Method: m(a, b=<default>, *c, d:, e: <default>, **rest, &block) ...>
# Internal classes with param names not known:
p Array.instance_method(:slice)
#=> #<UnboundMethod: Array#slice(*)>
p Array.instance_method(:grep)
#=> #<UnboundMethod: Array(Enumerable)#grep(arg1)>
Updated by ko1 (Koichi Sasada) over 5 years ago
Great patch!
I think <default>
is too long. How about ...
def foo9 a, b, o1=nil, *args, p1, k1:nil, rk1:, **kw, &bl
p method(:foo9)
#<Method: main.foo9(a, b, o1=..., *args, p1, rk1:, k1:..., **kw, &bl) /home/ko1/src/ruby/trunk/test.rb:20>
Another comment is arg%d
can have meaning. How about _
? I want to propose _%d
, but it is used by numbered parameter...
(I understand _
is not convenient because we need to count...).
Updated by zverok (Victor Shepelev) over 5 years ago
@ko1 (Koichi Sasada) I happened to sit next to Matz on speakers' lunch at RubyConf and asked him (just in case). He agreed to both of your proposals, so I'll change it in a day or two in my patch :)
Thank you!
Updated by zverok (Victor Shepelev) over 5 years ago
@ko1 (Koichi Sasada) I've updated the PR to use ...
and _
, and rebased it from recent master
Updated by ko1 (Koichi Sasada) over 5 years ago
merged. Thank you!
Updated by znz (Kazuhiro NISHIYAMA) over 5 years ago
- Related to Feature #16356: Method#inspect of argument forwarding added
Updated by zverok (Victor Shepelev) about 5 years ago
This can be closed now, I believe.
Updated by marcandre (Marc-Andre Lafortune) about 5 years ago
- Status changed from Open to Closed